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Detecting Cartoon Characters’s Emotions Using Transfer Learning

Feifei Wang, Yutong Zhang


Emotion Classification of Cartoon Characters of different style (anime vs. 3D cartoon)


  • Transfer learning and fine-tuning
  • Compare the accuracy of different pretrained models & baseline CNNs


  • Few studies explored this subject before => improve image search result quality
  • Understand how neural networks differentiate emotions of fictional figures, whose characteristics vary dramatically between artists


  • Animated faces have different characteristics from real human faces
  • The cartoon facial emotion datasets are limited, with small sizes that is susceptible to overfitting

Data Sets

  1. Facial Expression Research Group 2D Database (FERG-DB)

55767 annotated face images of 6 characters

{'angry': 0,
  'crying': 1,
  'embarrassed': 2,
  'happy': 3,
  'pleased': 4,
  'sad': 5,
  'shock': 6 }
  1. Manga Facial Expressions Data Set (462 images)
{'anger': 0,
 'disgust': 1,
 'fear': 2,
 'joy': 3,
 'neutral': 4,
 'sadness': 5,
 'surprise': 6 }

Code Structure

all in .ipynb, separated by models and datasets

  • trained-from-scratch CNN (作为baseline model,其他的accuracy可以和它compare)
  • GoogleNet
  • ResNet50



  • Use ’val_categorical_accuracy’ to evaluate accuracy
  • Overall top 3 performance:
    • L2 Regularization
    • baseline + Batch Norm + 2 Dense 64 Layer
    • baseline
  • When the dataset is small
    • Changing the structure of the model is able to increase the accuracy and control overfitting, with mild effect on runtime
  • When the dataset is large:
    • GoogleNet is faster the baseline

ResNet50 and Vanilla CNNs


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