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Setting up your Raspberry Pi GPIO's to be controlled with Amazon Alexa using the WeMo Emulation Server

1- Install the alexa-raspberry (WeMo Emulation Server for Alexa)

  • 1.1- Install npm at the Pi

$ sudo apt-get install npm
  • 1.2- Install the alexa-raspberry npm

$ sudo npm install alexa-raspberry -g

2 - Clone this repository

$ git clone

3- Example on how to install:

After a couple of open issues, here is all the steps to run at your pi Alt text

4 - Set your LED's

Here are the schematics that I used to set my one.

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The GPIO's that I'm using is:

  • 17 Yellow LED

  • 18 Blue LED

  • 22 Red LED

  • 23 Green LED

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5 - Customizing

  • 5.1- Script

The script can have such input:

$ ./ [-h] [-v] [-s SET_LED] [-g GPIO_NUM] [-c COLOR_NAME]

With optional arguments:

  • -h, --help
    • show help message and exit
  • -v, --verbose
    • increase output verbosity
  • -s SET, --set SET
    • Set the GPIO ('on', 'off'), default: off
  • -g GPIO_NUM, --gpio-num GPIO_NUM
    • Number for the GPIO input, default: 18
  • -c COLOR_NAME, --color-name COLOR_NAME
    • Color name: 'blue', 'green', 'red' and 'yellow'

The default GPIO is set to be use the 18, you can change this at the script over the global variable DEFAULT_GPIO

  • 5.1.1- Examples

For example to turn on the 17 GPIO you should run:

$ ./ -s on -g 17

And to turn off the 23 GPIO you should run:

$ ./ -s off -g 23
  • 5.2- wemo-devices.json File

Feel free to use different GPIO's, just don't forget to update the devices.json file and change from: You can change the file to use your own command:

      "oncommand": "./ -s on -g <YOUR_GPIO_NUMBER> -v"
      "offcommand": "./ -s off -g <YOUR_GPIO_NUMBER> -v"

For example, to use the command as Test LED using the 22 GPIO you should use as:

    "Test LED":{
      "oncommand": "./ -s on -g 22 -v"
      "offcommand": "./ -s off -g 22 -v"

6 - Start the Server

  • 6.1- Starting the Server manually

To start the alexa-raspberry server, please run it at the same directory that you have your .json configuration file. For example, using the wemo-devices.json from this repository:

$ cd rpi-WeMo

$ ls -la
  drwxr-xr-x  4 pi pi  4096 May  5 14:41 .
  drwxr-xr-x 18 pi pi  4096 May  5 14:45 ..
  drwxr-xr-x  8 pi pi  4096 May  5 14:41 .git
  -rw-r--r--  1 pi pi 35141 May  5 14:41
  -rw-r--r--  1 pi pi  4263 May  5 14:41
  -rwxr-xr-x  1 pi pi  2577 May  5 14:41
  drwxr-xr-x  2 pi pi  4096 May  5 14:41 pics
  -rwxr-xr-x  1 pi pi   516 May  5 14:41 wemo-devices.json

$ alexa-raspberry wemo-devices.json
  • 6.2- Start at Boot

You could also add it to the startup of the system creating a systemd file.

  • 6.2.1- Create a systemd file

    Create the file

    $ sudo nano /lib/systemd/system/alexawemo.service
- #### 6.2.2- Add content to the file
  Please don't forget to check that your **WorkingDirectory** is the address from where you have your configuration file, for example:

  Description=Alexa Wemo emulation server for RaspberryPi

  ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/alexa-raspberry wemo-devices.json

  [Install] system start
  WantedBy =
  • 6.2.3- Enable the service

    In order to use every single restart, it is needed to enable the service

    $ sudo systemctl enable alexawemo.service
  • 6.2.4- Start the service

    For running the service you can use the regular systemd command from now on, for example:

    $ sudo systemctl start alexawemo.service

6 - Add devices to Alexa

Just ask Alexa it to look for new devices, like:

Alexa, search for devices

7 - Use it

Set the command to Alexa:

Alexa, turn on Blue LED

8 - Video using it

Sorry for my german :P

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Using WeMo Emulation server over the Raspberry Pi







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