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Master thesis code. When importing code to Eclipse, keep in mind you should also add ALL jar files inside sparkFolder/lib folder to eclipse library (should be provided inside Spark's folder). Also HDFS files should be provided (under hadoopFolder/share/hadoop/hdfs/).


Code works with:

  • Spark 2.0.0
  • Scala 2.11.8
  • Hadoop 2.7.3
  • Java 1.8.0_91

Also possible to use versions:

  • Spark 1.6.2
  • Scala 2.10.8
  • Hadoop 2.6
  • Java 1.7.0_95

Just need to import the desired version of libraries.


  1. download Scala IDE
  2. clone project into your workspace
  3. create new scala project, with source files from cloned repo
  4. set correct java and spark versions
  5. import spark and hadoop jars

Running from Eclipse

To run it, add the following arguments Benchmark.scala

--masterIp local --input input/realDataSample.txt --writeAll false --nExecs 1 --output output/ --benchmarkOutput benchmark/test.txt --count true --threshold 0.3 --k 10 --n 0 --groupduplicates false --bruteforce true --elementsplit false --invidx false  --invidxpre false --invidxfetch false --invidxprefetch false

Spark Submit

Configure spark (preferably to run with Yarn) and xport jar file from project. Under spark/bin run the following line with the desired parameters:

./spark-submit --num-executors 8 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 11G --driver-memory 2G --master yarn --deploy-mode cluster --class benchmark.Benchmark /PATH\_TO\_JAR.jar --input hdfs:/FILE/PATH --nExecs 1 --output hdfs:/FOLDER/PATH/ --benchmarkOutput /PATH/TO/FOLDER --groupduplicates false --k 10 --n 1000 --threshold 0.1 --threshold_c 0.05 --count true --debug false --partitions 32 --invidxprefetch true

When storing into HDFS, don't forget to set hdfsUri so that the code properly have access to it.

--hdfsUri hdfs://server.uri:port/

"" under scripts folder can be used as example.

Generating Synthetic Data Set

It is possible to generate synthetic data either with Eclipse or submitting to Spark, as the following example:

./spark-submit --class benchmark.Benchmark /PATH\_TO\_JAR.jar --n 100000 --k 10 --nElements 50000 --benchmark false --datasetOutput /PATH\_TO\_OUTPUT.txt --createData true --nPools 10 --selectivity 0.05 --threshold 0.1

"" under scripts folder can be used as example.


The following parameters can be tunned to execute the code. They can be seen by running any of the classes with no arguments (help is then printed).

usage: class [options] ...

general options:
--k N : ranking size
--n N : number of rankings
--threshold N.M : normalized similarity threshold
--threshold_c N.M : similarity threshold for near duplicates
--groupduplicates BOOL : group duplicates before checking for similars
--duplicatesInput PATH : folder with part-xxxxx files with similar rankings
--input PATH : input dataset path
--output PATH : result output path
--storeresults BOOL : store final results
--count BOOL : count number of result pairs
--debug BOOL : debug mode
--partitions N : number of partitions for repartitioning
--executors N : number of executors on local machine
--cores N : number of cores per executor
--dynamicAlloc BOOL : dynamically allocate executors
--masterIp IP : master node IP
--hdfsUri URI : URI of hdfs file system

benchmark specific:
--nExecs N : number of executions of each algorithm
--benchmarkOutput PATH : benchmarking results output path
--writeAll BOOL : write execution time for each execution
--createData BOOL : create synthetic dataset
--init BOOL : run Spark context initialization
--bruteforce BOOL : run brute force
--elementsplit BOOL : run elementsplit
--elementsplit_c BOOL : run elementsplit with near duplicates
--invidx BOOL : run inverted index
--invidxpre BOOL : run inverted index prefix filtering
--invidxfetch BOOL : run inverted index fetching IDs
--invidxprefetch BOOL : run inverted index prefix filtering fetch ID
--invidxprefetch_c BOOL : prefix filtering fetch ID with near duplicates
--metricspace BOOL : run search using metric space
--benchmark BOOL : run benchmarking (false dont run any approach)

synthetic dataset specific:
--createData BOOL : create synthetic dataset (overwrite existing)
--datasetOutput PATH : dataset output path (for synthetic data creation)
--selectivity N.M : selectivity percentage
--poolIntersection N.M : intersection percentage
--nPools N : number of pools for intersecting rankings
--nElements N : number of distinct elements

metric space (not finished):
--medoidsmultiplier INT : how many medoids per partition

deprecated or limited support flags:
--config PATH : path to XML configuration file (LIMITED)
--profiling BOOL : profiling mode (DEPRECATED)


Possible errors:

WARN NettyRpcEndpointRef: Error sending message [message = Heartbeat(driver,[Lscala.Tuple2;@26a290f,BlockManagerId(driver, localhost, 33036))] in 1 attempts org.apache.spark.rpc.RpcTimeoutException: Futures timed out after [10 seconds]. This timeout is controlled by spark.executor.heartbeatInterval

This can be solved by increasing spark.executor.heartbeatInterval value (e.g, 20s). []

The reason for such error is that the executors spend too much time with gargabe collection, so a better solution is either to run in a machine with more memory or reduce the input data.


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