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Implementation of MIPS Monocycle 32 bits in VHDL for a CS Class

T2 Organizacao e Arquitetura de Computadores I University: Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil Year 2017/1 Members: Felipe Rubin, Yuri Bittencourt, Vinicius Cerutti

#Accepted instructions:

LA (Pseudo-Instruction which is actually LUI then ORI), LW, SW, ADDU, ADDIU, SLT, SLTIU, BEQ, BNE, ANDI, LUI, ORI, XORI, SLL, SRL

#You can see in Architecture.png what we "modified".

#In the file called "tp2_20171-5.pdf" you can, in Brazillian Portuguese, what the our job was.

#For simulation, please change the path of the files containing the RAM and instructions as explained in ram.vhd, InstructionMemory.vhd

#If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


This project is fully compatible with GHDL and GTKWAVE.

We used them while creating the project and the presentation for class was done in Xilinx ISE.

GHDL + GTKWAVE Tutorial:

  1. Compile it in this order (mostly because cpu then testbench should be at the end)

ghdl -a adder.vhd alu.vhd alucontrol.vhd control.vhd InstructionMemory.vhd mux.vhd pc.vhd ram.vhd registerBlock.vhd shiftleft2.vhd signExtend.vhd zeroExtend.vhd cpu.vhd testbench.vhd;

  1. Execute Testbench

ghdl -e tb

  1. Run it

ghdl -r tb --stop-time=200ns --wave=wave.ghw;

Note that --stop-time=number ns is important

the output can be either

--wave=file.ghw : Runs a bit buggy in GTWAVE, but shows everything you need


--vcd=wave.vcd : Runs nice in GTKWAVE, but doesn't show arrays of RAM, InstructionMemory and registerblock


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