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LevelUP! Videogame Trivia

Responsivity Mockup

Visit the live webpage

Developed by: Carlos Felipe Capobianco Sandoli

Table of content

Project Overview

Project Goals

The objective of the website is to provide a trivia quiz where the user can test their knowledge and learn more about videogames. Through a open trivia database, questions are random and different everytime the user plays the game.

User Stories

  • As a user, I want instructions on how to play the game.
  • As a user, I want to play the game and test my knowledge.
  • As a user, I want the game to display the correct answer when I get it wrong so I can improve my knowledge in the topic.
  • As a user, I want to know how I performed in the quiz through a score system.
  • As a user, I want to be able to send a feedback message to the site owner.
  • As a user, I want to create a username to get a personalized message before starting the game.

Site Owner Stories

  • As the site owner, I want to provide a fun game that is intuitive for the user.
  • As the site owner, I want to provide a way for the user to get in touch.
  • As the site owner, I want to allow the user to find my github and linkedin pages easily.
  • As the site owner, I want the website to be fully responsive so the user can play it across multiple devices.



The color palette was created using the color wheel palette generator from Adobe Color.

color palette


The font Inconsolata, taken from Google Fonts was used for the body of the website.


The website was developed with a mobile first approach following the bellow wireframes. Media queries were used to resize the elements for bigger screens.

Mobile wireframes


This project was developed using the following languages:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

The following tools were also used during development:

  • Balsamiq
  • Font Awesome
  • Git
  • Github
  • Google Fonts
  • Chrome Dev Tools
  • Favicon


Header, Logo and Instructions Modal

The header consists of a clickable logo that takes the user back to the home page and a how to play button that opens a modal where the instructions are displayed. The user can restart the game by clicking on the logo and also see the instructions from any point in the game.


Instructions Modal

Game Stage

When the page first loads, the user is presented a welcome window where they can enter their username.

Welcome Window

After entering their chosen username and clicking on the play button, second window with a greeting message will be displayed.

Greeting Window

The user can then click on the START button to start the game. At this stage, the window will stay blank while the questions are loaded from the API. This is intentional as a visual representation of the loading time. After the questions are loaded, the first question will be displayed. The user can then chose one of the answers by clicking on it. If they get it right, the score is incremented and the answer button turns green, if they choose the wrong answer, the button turns red and the correct answer is also displayed. The next button is displayed after the question is answered.

First Question Correct Answer Incorrect Answer

After answering the 10 questions. A final window is displayed, here the user will get a customized message depending on how well they went on the challenge, and they will also get their final score (how many questions they got right). The user can also start the game again with new questions by clicking on the PLAY AGAIN button.

Congratulations Better Luck Next Time


The footer contains the credits to the site developer, links to the developer linkedin and github pages as well as a link to the contact us form. The footer layout was inspired by this github repository.


Contact Us Form

The user can click on the message icon in the footer to access the contact form. They can fill this form to send a feedback, or give a suggestion for the site owner. Currently the form is sent to the From Dump by Code Institute.

Contact Form

Future Improvements

Future improvements to the site includes:

  • A loading modal to be displayed while the questions are being loaded. At the moment the window stays blank.
  • A timer to increase the challenge.
  • Different difficulty levels which the user can choose (easy, medium, hard).
  • Leaderboard


One bug can be found in the deployed website. In mobiles, when the onscreen keyboard is shown to type in the username, the footer is shown in front of the game stage due to the reduced size of the screen.

During development, the buttons that changed background color for giving a feedback for correct and incorrect answer maintained their background color as red or green when displaying the next question, the answers didn't return to the original background color. This was fixed by creating two new classes (correct and incorrect classes) that would be added to the answer buttons when the user clicked on an answer, and removed when the next question would be displayed.



HTML Validation

The page was validated using the W3C Markup Validator. The first validation indicated a wrong heading structure and also indicated that the href url for the google fonts was broken down into two separate lines. When reestructuring the headings, the closing tags were left unchanged, this resulted in further errors. After fixing these, the page passed validation.

HTML Validation

CSS Validation

WC3 Jigsaw Validator was used for validating CSS. No errors were found.

CSS Validation

Accessibility Validation

Wave Accessibility Validator was used for ensuring all accessibility standards were followed. The first test showed a missing label for the username input and low contrast between the button background and text. Validation passed after fixing these.

Wave Validation


The lighthouse performance validator from Google Dev Tools was used to check the website performancs. An overall score of 99 was achieved.


JavScript Validation

JSHint was used to validate the code in script.js. No major issues were found.

JSHint validation

Manual testing

Testing User Stories

User Story Testing
As a user, I want instructions on how to play the game. Clicking on the HOW TO PLAY button in the header opens a modal with the game instructions.
As a user, I want to play the game and test my knowledge. By following the steps in the game instructions or simply following the instructions in the game window, the user will receive 10 random themed questions with 4 possible answers for each question, being only one correct. The game progresses as the user answers the questions.
As a user, I want the game to display the correct answer when I get it wrong so I can improve my knowledge in the topic. When the user chooses the incorrect answer, the answer chosen is displayed with a red background and the correct answer is displayed with a green background. In this way the user can see that they got the wrong answer and which one is teh correct.
As a user, I want to know how I performed in the quizz through a score system. After answering all 10 questions, the user is presented with a final window where they can see how many questions they got right.
As a user, I want to be able to send a feedback message to the site owner. Clicking in the mail icon in the footer will take the user to the contact us page where they can send a message to the site owner.
As a user, I want to create a username to get a personalized message before starting the game. In the first window, displayed when the page loads, the user must enter a username before starting the game. All messages shown will be personalized to include their username. The user can play as many times as they want with the same username, or if they would like to change it, they can click on the logo in the header to return to the home page where the initial window will be displayed again.
As the site owner, I want to provide a fun game that is intuitive for the user. In all game windows, an message is displayed so the user can know what they have to do next. Game instructions are available in any stage of the quizz. New random questions are loaded everytime the user starts the game, so they always have different questions when playing the game.
As the site owner, I want to provide a way for the user to get in touch. A contact us page can be accessed through a mail icon in the footer.
As the site owner, I want to allow the user to find my github and linkedin pages easily. These can also be found in the footer.
As the site owner, I want the website to be fully responsive so the user can play it accross multiple devices. The deplyed website was tested in multiple devices, including iOS (iPhone SE, iPhone 13, iPhone 11 PRO, iPad Air), Android (Google Pixel 5), and on a windows desktop using Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge.


This project was deployed through GitHub Pages. The following steps were followed for this:

  • Navigate to the repository in GitHub
  • Select the settings tab
  • On the left navigation menu, under Code and Automation, select Pages
  • Select Deploy from a branch under source
  • Select the main branch
  • After the pages reload, the link to the deplyed page will show up at the top.



The modal containing the game instructions was created following a tutorial that can be found on w3schools


The questions displayed in the game were taken from the OPEN TRIVIA DATABASE API. A tutorial from MDN was followed to write the code for getting the data from Open Trivia Database. The tutorial can be found on the following link: MDN-fetch.

HTML Data Attributes

Data attributes elements were used for storing values to elements to be retrieved later in other functions. The Love Maths walkthrough project was used as inspiration for this.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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