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This repository is intended to simplify and streamline the process of setting up Python projects.


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Python Template

Excepteur ea eiusmod adipisicing dolor do qui mollit tempor.

Excepteur ea eiusmod adipisicing dolor do qui mollit tempor. Tempor sit cillum ipsum aliquip excepteur eiusmod ut laboris consectetur veniam. Ipsum ad ad officia voluptate amet. Tempor anim Lorem excepteur sit est magna ad ex in labore consequat est. Aute aliqua nisi labore elit eiusmod aute excepteur cillum. Consectetur do fugiat reprehenderit irure commodo anim eu et non id enim excepteur irure. Occaecat aliquip eiusmod sit officia do et quis ut duis duis cillum eiusmod.

🤝 Requirements

  1. Install Poetry
    • Poetry is a dependency manager for Python used in this project
  2. Run poetry install to install all dependencies
    • Afterwards, run poetry shell to activate the virtual environment
  3. Install the pre-commit hooks with poetry run pre-commit install

🗃️ TODOs

  • Click Use this template and Create new repository
  • Clone your new repository
  • Rename the source folder python_template to your project name
  • Change all appearances of python-template or python_template to your repository name

📝 License

This project is licensed under MIT.