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Fengtan 冯坦 edited this page Feb 1, 2017 · 7 revisions

Below are instructions to set up a development environment with Eclipse Neon.

Install M2Eclipse

You will need the M2Eclipse plugin to run Maven in Eclipse. Installation instructions can be found on the web, for instance here.

Import project in Eclipse

First checkout the code on your workstation:

git checkout

Then import the code in Eclipse by selecting File > Import... > Existing Maven Projects:

You will have to adjust the Java build path by selecting Project > Properties > Java Build Path (tab Source). Just make sure that the only source folder included in the build path is sophie/src/main/java and does not include sophie/src:

Configure code formatter

The repo includes a formatter profile with common code style rules: .formatter.xml. You may import this profile by selecting Project > Properties > Java Code Style > Formatter, checking Enable projet specific settings and then importing the .formatter.xml file:


The code can be compiled on the command line like a regular Maven project:

mvn clean install

Note that the project accepts three profiles "linux", "macosx" and "win32", since SWT artifacts are OS-dependent:

mvn clean install -P linux  # This will generate a JAR runnable on Linux (default if the -P option is not set)
mvn clean install -P win32  # This will generate a JAR runnable on Windows
mvn clean install -P macosx # This will generate a JAR runnable on Mac OS

You may also compile within Eclipse by right-clicking on the project and selecting Run As > Maven Install.

Compiling the project will generate the JAR and .deb files that you can find on the releases page. The files are generated in the target directory.


Once the application has been compiled, you may run it by launching the startup script:


Alternatively you can run the JAR file directly:

java -jar target/sophie-*-with-dependencies.jar