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Welcome to my beta project for SpeakOut.

Update as of May 14, 2019

This version does not fully work at the moment due to a server configuration bug 🐛. I will be restructuring the code soon and hope to release a fully working version over the summer.

Web app for SpeakOut

What It Is

SpeakOut is a tool for broadcasting speeches at protests using mobile devices. It runs in the browser using WebRTC, requiring no native app download.

How It Works

This is built for a tight use case with Transportation Alternatives.

  • One person speaks into their phone.
  • Other people's phones amplify that audio over a wider space, without the need for a sound system.

Note Before Using This Code

This is a beta version. Check the Issues above to see what needs to be fixed before deploying in other demonstration contexts, and what features I'm thinking of adding.


I’m interested in collaborating! This can look like working together on the design and back-end of SpeakOut and similar projects. I’m also open to testing SpeakOut in new demonstrations contexts. You can find my contact information on my website.


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