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JPaths API Design


Create the JPath object with the jpaths() method


How to create a JPath object:

// create an empty path
var path = jpaths();

// create a path with init path string
var path = jpaths('M0,0h3v3z');



Append standard commands (according to SVG Path Commands)

var path = jpaths();

// append command and param directly
path.append('M', 0, 0);

// append command string

// array-style path segment(s)
path.append(['M', 0, 0])
path.append([['M', 0, 0], ['L', 0, 0]])

* You can checkout the appendix table for commands jpaths supports


You can extend your shape by jpaths.define() easily

// define the `rect` shape
jpaths.define('rect', function(params) {

    if (params.length != 2) throw new Error('The rect command should have 2 parameters');

    var dx = params.shift();
    var dy = params.shift();

    return ['h', dx, 'v', dy, 'h', -dx, 'v', -dy, 'z'];

// append the `rect` shape
var path = jpaths();
path.append('M', 100, 100);
path.append('rect', 40, 30); // path.toString() will be 'M100,100h40v30h-40v-30z'


The JPath object can convert to different representations


Convert the JPath object to a standard SVG path string. Any drawing define will be converted.

var path = jpaths(['M', 0, 0, 'R', 10, 0, 0, 10, 10]);

// ziped
console.log(path.toString()); // 'M0,0A10,10,0,0,0,10,10'

// formated
console.log(path.toString('%s')); // 'M 0,0 A 10 10 0 0 0 10,10' only coordinate use comma to split
console.log(path.toString('%n')); // 'M 0,0\nA 10 10 0 0 0 10,10' commands are split with line-break

.toArray() / .valueOf()

Converts JPath object to a 2-dimension array, see example below.

var path = jpaths('M0,0h3v4L5,6');

console.log(path.toArray()); // [['M', 0, 0], ['h', 3], ['v', 4], ['L', 5, 6]]
console.log(path.valueOf()); // the same way to `toArray()`


Converts JPath object to another, which commands use absolute coordinates.

var path = jpaths('M0,0h3v4l1,1');

console.log(path.toAbsolute().toString()); // 'M0,0H3V4L4,5'


Converts JPath object to a normalized path. A normalized path string contains only 4 command types: M, L, C, z. All command coordinates are absolute.

var path = jpaths('...');

path = path.normalize(); // returns a new jpath object contains only 4 normalize command types.


Converts JPath object to another which contains only M, C and z commands.

var path = jpaths('M0,0H10');
path = path.toCurve(); // path.toString() is 'M0,0C0,0,10,0,10,0'



Calculate the path length (length-along-path)

var path = jpaths('...');
var length = path.length();


Calculate the point coordinate, tangent vector and tangent angle at the specific position along the path. Returns an object like this:

var path = jpaths('M0,0L10,10');
var vertex =; // returns {
                         //     point: [1.414, 1.414] // sqrt(2)
                         //     tangent: [0.717, 0.717] // vector length will be 1
                         //     rotate: 0.7854 // PI/4
                         // }

Notice: If the position is not in range of the path length, an error will throw


Cut the JPath object into 2 JPath objects from the position along the path

var path = jpaths('M0,0H100');
var cutted = path.cut(50);
console.log(cutted[0].toString()); // 'M0,0H50'
console.log(cutted[1].toString()); // 'M50,0H100'

.sub(position, length)

Calculate the sub path from specified position and length. If length is not specified, return sub path from position to end.

var path = jpaths('M0,0H100');
var subpath = path.sub(20, 30); // 'M20,0H50'


Transform the path using the specified matrix. The matrix should be a 6-length array.

var path = jpaths('M0,0H100');
var transformed = path.transform([1, 0, 0, 1, 10, 10]); // transformed.toString() will be 'M10,10L110,10'

.tween(dest, t)

Calculate the tween from the current JPath object to the destination JPath object along t. t ranges in [0, 1].

var path = jpaths('M0,0H100');
var dest = jpaths('M0,0H50');
var tween = path.tween(dest, 0.5); // tween.toString() will be 'M0,0L75,0'


The JPath object can be rendered to a canvas 2d context or a svg path element.

var path = jpath('M0,0L100,0,0,100');

// render to canvas
var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'red';

// render to svg path element
var pathElement = document.querySelector('svg #triangle');
path.render(pathElement); // in fact, this equals to pathElement.setAttribute('d', path);

The JPath Object

The jpath() method returns the JPath object, which is instanceof jpath.JPath. You can construct a JPath instance with new operator.

var path = new jpath.JPath(); 
// same with `var path = jpath();`

The detail usage of the JPath object is described above. Here's the list:

  • constructor jpath()
  • constructor jpath(pathString)
  • .append(commandName, params...)
  • .append(pathString)
  • .append(pathArray)
  • .toString()
  • .toArray()
  • .toAbsolute()
  • .toNormalized()
  • .toCurve()
  • .length()
  • .at(position)
  • .cut(position)
  • .sub(position, length)
  • .transform(matrix)
  • .tween(dest, t)
  • .render(CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx)
  • .render(SVGPathElement element)

Appendix.I. Supported Command Table

Command Grammar Description
M/m M|m (x, y)+ Move to command
L/l L|l (x, y)+ Line to command
H/h H|h (x)+ Horizon line to command
V/v V|v (y)+ Vertical line to command
A/a A|a (rx, ry, xr, laf, sf, x, y)+ Arc to command
C/c C|c (x1, y1, x2, y2, x, y)+ Cubic bezier to command
Q/q Q|q (x1, y1, x, y)+ Quard bezier to command
S/s S|s (x2, y2, x, y)+ Smooth(or short-hand) cubic bezier to command
T/t T|t (x, y)+ Smooth(or short-hand) quard bezier to command
Z/z Z|z Close path command
R/r * R|r (r, laf, sf, x, y)+ Circle arc to command

* Non-standard


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