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Lars Kanis edited this page Jul 11, 2020 · 25 revisions

Let’s assume we have a C API that allows for callbacks by taking a function pointer argument:

typedef void completion_function(char *buffer, long count, unsigned char code);
int do_work(char *buffer, completion_function *);

FFI supports the mapping of Ruby closures (Proc, lambda) to C function pointers, and it also supports passing in a function pointer that points directly to another C function.

Proc callback

The simplest way to define a callback is by using a Proc to create an anonymous function. In the example given below, the callback is assigned to a constant Callback so that we never need worry about the garbage collector removing it.

module LibWrap
  extend FFI::Library
  ffi_lib ""
  callback :completion_function, [:pointer, :long, :uint8], :void
  attach_function :do_work, [:completion_function], :int

  Callback = do |buf_ptr, count, code|
    # finish up


Upon execution of the callback by the C API, the FFI library unwraps the Proc to see if an FFI::Function has been allocated for it. If it finds one, it invokes the FFI::Function immediately. If no FFI::Function is found, it allocates an FFI::Function and invokes it.


You can save a little work and gain a little flexibility by defining your callback as an FFI::Function directly. Check the rdoc page for a complete description.

module LibWrap
  extend FFI::Library
  ffi_lib ""
  attach_function :do_work, [:pointer], :int

  Callback =, [:pointer, :long, :uint8]) do |buf_ptr, count, code|
    # finish up


C callback

There may be situations where the callback function is another C function in the library. There are two ways to get a Ruby object representing the C function so that it can be passed as a function pointer argument:

  • You can save the return value of attach_function, which is an FFI::VariadicInvoker or FFI::Function.
  • You can call FFI::Library#ffi_libraries to get an array of FFI::DynamicLibrary objects representing native libraries, choose the correct one, and then call FFI::DynamicLibrary#find_function to get a FFI::Symbol representing the function. This is more complicated but might be appropriate if you are using an FFI wrapper written by someone else and it is not easy to modify it.
module LibWrap
  extend FFI::Library
  ffi_lib ""
  attach_function :do_work, [:pointer], :int

  Completer = attach_function :completer, [:pointer, :long, :uint8], :void




By default all calls to C functions block other Ruby threads to be executed.
This is no problem, if the function is fast and doesn’t wait for external resources.
However if the function waits for IO or does some extensive computation, it’s desirable that other Ruby threads continue to run.

Releasing the GIL will allow the Ruby runtime to (potentially) schedule another thread to run and complete more work while the C function is still running.
Luckily, FFI::Function allows us to optionally release the GIL by marking the callback as blocking: true.
This setting only affects Ruby-to-native calls; it has no effect for native-to-Ruby calls.

module LibWrap
  extend FFI::Library
  ffi_lib ""

  attach_function :long_running_function, [], :int, blocking: true

Looking at the code path for both kinds of setup can shed some light on what’s happening under the covers.

FFI::Function, blocking: false, Ruby to native method call

Ruby ->
  FFI stub for parameter conversion ->  
  call native function ->
  FFI stub for result conversion ->

FFI::Function, blocking: true, Ruby to native method call

Ruby -> FFI stub for parameter conversion -> 
  release GIL ->
  call native function -> 
  reacquire GIL ->
  FFI stub for result conversion ->

Callback Proc

Callback Procs always follow this code path.

Ruby -> FFI callback stub ->
  if thread.has_gil?
    convert parameters to Ruby
    call Ruby
    convert results to native

  elsif thread.is_ruby_thread?
    acquire GIL
    convert parameters to Ruby
    call Ruby
    convert results to native
    release GIL

  else # not a Ruby-owned thread
    start a new ruby thread
    bundle up FFI data and pass it to the new thread
    convert parameters to Ruby
    call Ruby on this dedicated thread
    convert results to native
    bundle up Ruby result and pass it to the origin thread
    terminate the ruby thread

-> native code
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