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fgeorgatos edited this page Mar 4, 2013 · 6 revisions

Here is a list of features that are desired to have in next versions of EasyBuild: (importance of them varies according to who you ask ;-)

USER-oriented features:

  • Consider category-oriented module sets (eg. module load bioinformatics-tools); Expand categories

  • may be done outside of EB logic, IFF the meaning is to mangle MODULEPATH? "moduleclass" can help

  • ANSWER: either as said OR, produce an easyconfig with multiple dependencies; TBD

  • Ref:

  • Add possibility to save the logfile somewhere even when failures happen (/tmp is no good for queue submitted jobs)

  • interim solution is to use -ld; OK. "works-for-us"

  • ANSWER: "/tmp" is hardcoded now, open issue if change required; See closed issue #84 and/or commit 0c15839

  • Allow for custom-definition of easyblock paths (instead of enforcing any "a-z/" dir structure

  • ANSWER: it seems to be OK w. PYTHON_PATH? nope, the a-z dirs need to have "reverse" mapping (ref. ".."); TBD; refer to open issue:; Addressed, see:

  • Consider support of "formal" language to describe package info & dependencies, eg. CUDF syntax


  • "MPM: a modular package manager"

  • "Aligning component upgrades"

  • ANSWER: may consider; TBD/postponed.

  • How to organize a collection of .eb files coming from different sources? (eg. distinct git repos)

  • Seen at : "When updating a git repository, pull from two different upstreams and merge the two together."

  • ie. can EasyBuild --robot dependency resolution support multiple paths?

  • ANSWER: will support multiple directories; so do prefer to use many dirs indeed

  • Consider integrated support for relocatable .rpms (with --prefix), .srpms & RPM's .spec files

  • in effect, let's create a handler for non "*.eb" suffixes to be managed externally; that would allow to create from eg. a .spec file (for RPMs) the equivalent .eb, then parse that from "stdio"

  • ANSWER: it was supported, in previous versions; to be cleaned up

  • extreme thought: yes, this is an extreme thought: consider module search/install extensions!

  • ANSWER: or try that with "module load" instead ;-)

  • FG: has a toy setup that actually does this playing around $CFGS and it works nicely

  • promote easybuild within bioinformatics community, esp. for "clinical or translational workflows", as described below:

  • ANSWER: makes sense to approach communities; TBD

  • support cmake-like builds (see example below)

  • ANSWER: for the default case an easyblock is upcoming; TBD; Update: DONE!

  • how to override certain steps ("/bin/true" is considered a hack as of now)

  • ANSWER: TBD; Update: DONE! (via skip_steps)

  • define function names (eb steps) in accordance with common community conventions

  • ANSWER: to be discussed; let's first create a wiki page with all the Build ports naming conventions #99

  • Update: DONE! as of v1.0.0

  • Consider the bigger picture as seen at

  • ANSWER: discussed; interesting organizational method for Flamish supercomputing activities

  • BENELUX collab?

  • ANSWER: discussed; TBD

SYSADMIN-oriented features:

  • Define the namespace "by a standard"; eg. like []
  • Overall, standard EasyBuild namespace is pretty solid; some tweaking is needed for the next versions
  • Give freedom to define the namespace format (eg. original Package names OR the lower case version)
  • allow to export namespace in both UpperCase and LowerCase conventions # a post-install hook? TBD
  • this is tracked here:
  • Support more configurable formats of version strings (check below, how other HPC sites do it)
  • nested levels (ie. split version string in sub sections)
  • provide hooks for gnu/gcc/intel/pgi etc strings
  • IDEA: For now, supply a "custom_namespace_function" variable, to define eg. modulename.lower();
  • Provide some smart way to handle osdependencies like "tcsh" which may have no meaning on Debian # a particularly important case are the boost-devel vs boost-dev differences (rpm vs deb conventions)
  • and for now allow escaping with --ignore-osdependencies ; See #102; FG update: this now is handled with --strict=ignore


This is just the cmake-style of building gromacs (latest), alternatives do exist.

# GROMACS-GPU uses a cmake build-generator and makefiles on unix.
# To avoid confusion build in separate folder

export OPENMM_ROOT_DIR=path_to_custom_openmm_installation
mkdir build_gromacs_gpu
cd build_gromacs_gpu
make mdrun
make install-mdrun

modules namespace from various HPC sites

  ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Example name                                               WHO                   Reference URL & Comments
  ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  netcdf/3.6.2                                               TACC                  [[][]] \\ Lmod: automatic reloading of an entire module hierarchy when a single module anywhere in the hierarchy is changed.
  hpc/netcdf-3.6.3_intel-11.0.083                           HARVARD               [[][]] \\ very long and complete list
  misc-libs/netcdf/3.6.3_intel                              CLUMEQ                [[][]] \\ nested layout
  netcdf/intel/64/4.0                                        SARA                  [[][]] \\ [[][]] \\  [[][]] \\  [[][]]
[[][]] \\ nested layout
  netcdf/gnu/64/4.0                                          SARA                  [[][]] \\ [[][]] \\  [[][]] \\  [[][]]
  netcdf/4.0.1                                               UIBK                  [[][]] \\ PREFERRED_MC
  netcdf/X.Y.Z/gnu-4.1.2                                     UIBK, too             [[][]]
  netcdf/X.Y.Z-gnu                                           CSC                   [[][]]
  ofed/qlogic/gcc/64/1.2.7                                   UCL                   [[][]]
  netcdf/3.6.2                                               MIT                   [[][]]
  netcdf/X.Y.Z                                               MIT, too              [[][]]
  netcdf/3.6.2                                               CAM                   [[][]]
  netcdf/4.0.1_nc3                                          UTORONTO              [[][]]
  blas/?                                                     VLSCI@AU              [[][]]
  fluent/?                                                   EPFL                  [[][]]
  netcdf/                                       CSCS                  [[][]]
  netcdf/4.1.1/pgi/10.3/64                                   TAMU                  [[][]]
  sles10.1_gnu4.1.2_shared                                 UTENNESSEE            [[][]]
  netcdf/4.0-pgi, /4.0-gcc , /4.1.1                          UMICH                 [[][]]
  netcdf-4.0.1                                               ARSC                  [[][]]
  NetCDF/4.1.3-gnu                                           Griffith University   [[][]]
  HMMER                                                      iCER/HPCC             [[][]]
  HMMER                                                      UPPNEX                [[][]]
  uberftp-client-2.6                                         NCSA                  [[][]]
  netcdf                                                     LRZ                   [[][]] \\ Ref. on DEISA setup: [[][]]
  globus                                                     PRACE sites           [[][]]
  globus/5.0.4 & GLOBUS-5.0                                  TACC                  [[][]] See Teragrid below
  netcdf/4.1.2-gnu, /4.1.2-intel, /3.6.3-gnu, /3.6.3-intel   cyi/euclid@ls2        [[]]
  netcdf/3.6.3-gcc, netcdf-4/4.0.1-gcclf                     cyi/planck   [[]]         
  netcdf/3.6.2-intel, /3.6.2-gnu                             ba@ls2           [[]]     
  netcdf/4.1.3-gcc(default)                                  cytera@ls2       [[]]     
  netcdf/1.4.3-mpich2-intel-64bit                                  FZK       [[]]     
  ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

CUDF Examples

package: m4
version: 3
depends: libc6 >= 8

package: openssl
version: 11
depends: libc6 >= 18, libssl0.9.8 >= 8, zlib1g >= 1
conflicts: ssleay < 1

package: gcc
version: 4.4.4
provides: compiler
conflicts: compiler

package: icc
version: 10.2
provides: compiler
conflicts: compiler