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CESE, FI-UBA projects templates for EDU-CIAA-NXP


Available libraries:

  • LPCOpen v3.01
  • sAPI r0.5.0.
  • FreeRTOS Kernel V10.0.1


This environment is under construction!!

Always use the released versions because in these all examples are tested and the API documentation is consistent. The master branch may contain inconsistencies because this environment is currently under development.

Supported boards

  • CIAA-NXP (LPC4337).
  • EDU-CIAA-NXP (LPC4337).

Supported toolchains

  • gcc-arm-none-eabi


  • Make sure you have an arm-none-eabi-* toolchain configured in your PATH. If you don't have it, download GCC ARM Embedded.
  • git clone && cd workspace
  • Define PROJECT_NAME and PROJECT_PATH variables in according to the project you want to compile (PROJECT_PATH is relative to this folder, leave void if the project is in this folder).
  • Compile with make.
  • Clean with make clean. Clean for all targets with make clean_all.
  • Download to target via OpenOCD with make download.

Create a new project

Each project consist in a folder (with a non-spaces name) that includes inside 2 folders, one named src (here go, .c, .cpp or .s source code files), and another one named inc (here go, .h or .hpp source header files) and one file named, where you may configure which libraries you include and compiler options.

Add a new library

The libs folder allow you to include 2 types of libraries:

  • Simplie library. Consist in a folder (with a non-spaces name) that includes inside 2 folders, one named src (here go .c, .cpp or .s source code files), and another one named inc (here go .h or .hpp header files). This kind of library compiles automaticaly by the Makefile.
  • Advanced library. Consist in a library whit a complex folder and files strcuture, i.e. LibUSB. This case reuire make your own makefile. You can inspire from sAPI makefile to do that.


Included examples are:

Bare-metal with sAPI library examples

  • GPIO:
    • gpio_01_switches_leds: each switch drives the upper led.
    • gpio_02_blinky: the simply led blinky with a blocking delay.
    • gpio_03_blinky_switch: led blinky with a with a non-blocking delay, to allow you to respond to a switch at the same time.
    • gpio_04_led_sequences: led sequences by using a non-blocking delay.
    • keypad_7segment_01: Drives a keypad and 7 segment display.
    • lcd_01: Drives an LCD display.
  • UART:
    • uart_01_echo: UART echo, it respond the same that you send from PC.
    • uart_02_receive_string_blocking: Waits until receive a certain pattern String in a UART or timeout expire (blocking code).
    • uart_03_receive_string: Waits until receive a certain pattern String in a UART or timeout expire (non-blocking code).
  • Printf
    • stdio_01_printf_sprintf: printf() and other similar standard C libray functions.
  • ADC, DAC:
    • adc_dac_01: ADC and DAC example.
    • cycles_counter_01: clock cycles counter functions, only work in debug mode. Allows execution time trazability.
    • tick_01_tickHook: Periodic tick function (interrupt-based) with periodic callback.
    • rtc_01: RTC peripheral to have date and time clock.
    • pwm_01: PWM applied to LEDs.
    • pwm_02_rgb_controller_uart: RGB LED example.
    • servo_01: Servomotor PWM control example.
  • External peripherals:
    • I2C Magnetometers. In Chinese GY-273 module you can have one of this magnetometers, that have the same pinout but different register map. To difference them see the chip, ignore the board serigraphy:
      • i2c_01_hmc5883l: HMC5883L magnetometer.
      • i2c_02_qmc5883l: QMC5883L magnetometer.
    • dht11_01: Humidity an Temperature sensor.
    • ultrasonicSensor_HCSR04_01: HC-SR04 utrasonic distance sensor.
    • spi_01_sdCard_fatFileSystem: ADC logging in a SD/MicroSD Card (SPI connected) by using a FAT File System (ChanFS).
    • WiFi ESP01 (ESP8266) module:
      • 01_uart_bridge: Use this to send AT commands directly to ESP01 module.
      • 02_http_server: Embedded web Server to see sensor values.
      • 03_thingspeak: Send data to thingspeak dashboards.

Embedded Operating Systems with sAPI library examples

  • Cooperative O.S. (see M.J. Pont's book at )
    • scheduler_01_seos: Cooperative O.S. introduction.
    • scheduler_02_seos_background_foreground: Cooperative O.S., foreground-background.
    • seos_Pont2014_01: SEOS Cooperative O.S. from M.J. Pont (2014).
    • seos_pont_02_microwave: SEOS Cooperative O.S. from M.J. Pont (2014), microwave example.
  • FreeOSEK
    • freeOSEK_01_blinky: Blinky led with freeOSEK RTOS.
  • FreeRTOS
    • freeRTOS_01_blinky: Blinky led with freeRTOS RTOS and sAPI.
    • freeRTOS_02_Queue: Queue management with freeRTOS and sAPI.
    • freeRTOS_03_ChanFatFS_SPI_SdCard_ADC_log: ADC logging in a SD/MicroSD Card (SPI connected) by using a FAT File System (ChanFS), freeRTOS and sAPI.
    • freeRTOS_book: Richard Barry's book examples with FreeRTOS and sAPI:
      • EXAMPLE001: Creating tasks
      • EXAMPLE002: Using the task parameter
      • EXAMPLE003: Experimenting with priorities
      • EXAMPLE004: Using the Blocked state to create delay
      • EXAMPLE005: Converting the example tasks to use vTaskDelayUntil()
      • EXAMPLE006: Combining blocking and non-blocking tasks
      • EXAMPLE007: Defining an idle task hook function
      • EXAMPLE008: Changing task priorities
      • EXAMPLE009: Deleting tasks
      • EXAMPLE010: Blocking when receiving from a queue
      • EXAMPLE011: Blocking when sending to a queue or sending structures on a queue
      • EXAMPLE012: Using a queue set
      • EXAMPLE013: Creating one-shot and auto-reload timers
      • EXAMPLE014: Using the callback function parameter and the software timer ID
      • EXAMPLE015: Resetting a software timer
      • EXAMPLE016: Using a binary semaphore to synchronize a task with an interrupt
      • EXAMPLE017: Using a counting semaphore to synchronize a task with an interrupt
      • EXAMPLE018: Centralized deferred interrupt processing
      • EXAMPLE019: Sending and receiving on a queue from within an interrupt
      • EXAMPLE020: Re-writing vPrintString() to use a semaphore
      • EXAMPLE021: Re-writing vPrintString() to use a gatekeeper task
      • EXAMPLE022: Experimenting with event groups
      • EXAMPLE023: Synchronizing tasks
      • EXAMPLE024: Using a task notification in place of a semaphore, method 1
      • EXAMPLE025: Using a task notification in place of a semaphore, method 2

Statecharts with sAPI library examples

LPC Open examples

  • LPC4337 LPC Open:
    • adc_fir_dac
    • asm
    • blinky
    • blinky_ram
    • blinky_rit
    • blinky_input
    • boot: LPCBootloader example
    • mpu
    • start_m0
    • trilat
    • i2c
    • pwm
    • sd_spi
    • usb_cdc
    • usb_msc_host
    • usb_rom_cdc
    • statechart
    • tcpecho
  • LPC4337 LPC Open and RTOS:
    • freertos_blinky
    • blinky_osek
    • multicore


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