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pmnps is a monorepo tool, it uses npm workspaces to manage packages and platforms.

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npm install pmnps -g


npm install pmnps --save-dev

Basic usage

use pmnps

$ pmnps

after running:

- project
  - node_modules
  - packages
  - plats

This command can create a monorepo project and install the dependencies & devDependencies into root node_modules.

use create command

create a package

$ pmnps create package -n test

after running:

- project
  - node_modules
  - packages
    - test
      - src
  - plats

create a platform

$ pmnps platform -n web-test

after running:

- project
  - node_modules
  - packages
    - test
      - src
  - plats
    - web-test

This command can add a package or a platform, and install the dependencies & devDependencies into root node_modules.

use refresh command

$ pmnps refresh

after running:

- project
  - node_modules
  - packages
    - test
      - src
  - plats
    - web-test

This command can install all the dependencies and devDependencies from packages and platforms into the root node_modules.

use start command

The start command can start a platform development. It runs npm start command in platform package.json > scripts.start.

$ pmnps start


$ pmnps start -n <platform>

use build command

The build command can build platforms. It runs npm run build command in platform package.json >

# build all platforms
$ pmnps build


# build a special platform
$ pmnps build -n <platform name>

If you want to build with a mode you set with command config, you can use option param -m <mode>.

$ pmnps build -n <platform name> -m <mode>

If you want to install dependencies before build, you can use option param -i.

$ pmnps build -n <platform name> -m <mode> -i

If you want to add param to npm build script, you can use option param -p <param>.

$ pmnps build -p "-i -e <param desc>"

Notice, the usage about -p below is global for all building platforms, if you want assign the params to platforms which you want params work on, you can use the url query param to replace it.

# it looks like url query param "?name1=param1&name2=param2"
$ pmnps build -p "?platA= -i -e <param desc>&platB= -i"

use config command

The config command allows you to do more configs. You can open git usage, rename workspace and add build mode for your project. The build mode is a string word which will be added into your package.json > scripts like<mode>, when you use command build with option -m <mode>, it runs npm run build-<mode> script.

$ pmnps config


rename workspace              # rename the workspace name
active/disable git            # active or disable git usage
lock/unlock                   # lock or unlock the config
package build strict/loose    # the package create mode
private/public project        # set packages or platforms 'private'

The package build mode loose, creates a index file directly in the root dir of package, that means you can use this package as a module in your platform project, and it does not need to build alone, you can build the platform directly, just like the package dependence is just a part module in platform.

The package build mode strict, creates a index file in a src dir. If you are using typescript, you may find that almost all the popular code editors can not find the dependency codes from package, but it works well, so, you have to write index.d.ts file to resolve this problem. And in this mode, you can build packages and publish it into npm manually.

use template command

The template command can help you build some templates for packages and plats. When you use pack or plat command to build a project, it can be helpful.

$ pmnps template

use publish command

The publish command can help you publish the packages and platforms.

$ pmnps publish

If you have set one password, please use -o to pass it in.

$ pmnps publish -o 123456

Package.json config

Now, you can add pmnps property into your package.json in platforms or packages.

platform config platDependencies

Add pmnps.platDependencies config to describe the build dependencies in platforms.

platA -> package.json

  "private": true,
  "name": "platA",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "...start",
    "build": "... build",
    "build-inside": ".... build inside mode" 
  "pmnps": {
    "platDependencies": [

platB -> package.json

  "private": true,
  "name": "platB",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "...start",
    "build": "... build",
    "build-inside": ".... build inside mode" 
  "pmnps": {
    "platDependencies": [

platC -> package.json

  "private": true,
  "name": "platC",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "...start",
    "build": "... build",
    "build-inside": ".... build inside mode" 

So, when use command build, it will follow the platDependencies build one by one, build platC -> build platB -> build platA.

platform config ownRoot

Add pmnps.ownRoot config to describe a platform which installs node_modules in own root folder.

  "private": true,
  "name": "platB",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "...start",
    "build": "... build",
    "build-inside": ".... build inside mode" 
  "pmnps": {
    "ownRoot": true

platform config alias

Add pmnps.alias config to give your platform a alias name.

  "private": true,
  "name": "platB",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "...start",
    "build": "... build",
    "build-inside": ".... build inside mode" 
  "pmnps": {
    "alias": "pb"

The alias name can only works with build -p command option currently.

# it looks like url query param "?name1=param1&name2=param2"
$ pmnps build -p "?platA= -i -e <param desc>&platB= -i"

# use alias
$ pmnps build -p "?pb= -i"

platform config alias

pmnps.buildHook provides two synchronous scripts before and after hook to every platform building.

  "private": true,
  "name": "platB",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "...start",
    "build": "... build",
    "build-inside": ".... build inside mode" 
  "pmnps": {
    "buildHook": {
      "before":"echo build start...",
      "after":"echo build end..."

Use build -p, we can provide params for before or after scripts.

$ pmnps build -p "?platB.before= -i -e <word>"


The file pmnpsrc.json is the config file for whole root project, it contains workspace name, git usage, lock flag and plugins.

  "workspace": "workspace",
  "git": true,
  "lock": true,
  "plugins": ["pmnps-dependencies-detect-plugin"]


The plugins is added from pmnps@2.0.0, you can write plugins and publish them to npm, or pick the plugins you need, and config them in pmnpsrc.json file for usage.

  "workspace": "workspace",
  "git": true,
  "lock": true,
  "plugins": ["pmnps-dependencies-detect-plugin"]

And before config them, you should add the plugin into devDependencies in package.json file.



  • start -p changes to start -n
  • pack command changes to package command
  • plat command changes to platform command
  • The root config pmnps.config.json changes to .pmnpsrc.json
  • pmnps.pack.json & pmnps.plat.json is deprecated
  • add simple plugin system.


  • smooth the all build process.


  • modify log name about all build process.


  • fix all build log at wrong position bug.


  • support parent config file finding.


  • deprecate the initial command.
  • use create command to replace the old package and platform command.
  • deprecate the global build mode config
  • add the package build mode.


  • add publish command.


  • fix the problem that the prettier can not add to devDependencies.


  • make create platform have a build mode selection.


  • fix the problem about ctrl + c can not kill the pmnps start child process problem.


  • use SIGKILL to kill sub process.


  • listen to SIGTERM\SIGKILL\SIGINT for closing child process.


  • try to kill the windows npx start


  • fix the problem about windows can not kill child process.