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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 28, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Spring Cloud Microservices


  • Spring Cloud Gateway service

    • http://localhost:8000
  • Auctions service

    • http://localhost:8080
    • http://localhost:8081
  • Payments service

    • http://localhost:8090
    • http://localhost:8091
    • http://localhost:8092
  • Hystrix Circuit Breaker Dashboard

    • http://localhost:8080/hystrix
  • Hystrix Turbine Stream

    • http://localhost:8080/actuator/
  • Eureka Discovery Server

    • http://localhost:8761
  • Spring Boot Admin

    • http://localhost:8900
  • Zipkin log tracing server


  • Spring Cloud Contract

    • Contract API tests between auctions and payments services
    • Testing using Stubs generated by Contracts
  • Spring Cloud Gateway

    • http://localhost:8000
    • All communication to auctions should go through gateway edge service
    • No Hystrix fallback implemented here (but can possible)
  • Spring OpenFeign declarative http client

  • Hystrix Circuit Breaker

    • auctions service
    • Hystrix Dashboard for HTTP requests
  • Log tracing and correlation

    • Spring Cloud Sleuth
    • OpenZipkin server
  • Spring Boot Admin

    • Metrics
    • Logging
    • JMX
    • Threads
    • Heap Dump
    • and more...

Profiled with jprofiler Java profiler.