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Finley Burch edited this page May 24, 2024 · 7 revisions

Objects are anything static (i.e. not actors) that can be interacted with in the game world.

Object Instances

Object instances are loaded in areas. All object instances have the following attributes:

  • id
  • template
  • start disabled
  • start hidden
  • component parameters

Object Templates

All object templates have the following attributes:

  • id
  • description (optional)
  • component (multiple, optional)
  • script (multiple, optional)
  • action (multiple, optional)
  • local vars

Object Components


Adds an inventory to the object that can store items. The initial contents of the inventory can be specified, and actors can add and remove items from it.


Creates a link to another object, connecting the areas in which the two objects are located. This can be used to allow conditional visibility and/or movement between the two areas.


Allows an actor to enter a "using" state on the object, which can expose specified actions and/or set several parameters regarding actor visibility/reachability (for example, a usable component could be used to allow an actor to take cover behind an object, blocking attacks from a distance).




Provides actions to move the object between areas. The object can only be moved through links that allow the specified vehicle type. Can be combined with a usable component to move the player along with the object.

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