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Started on qualified imports and types with same name
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finnsson committed Jun 12, 2010
1 parent 17d9057 commit ea0d1d9
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Showing 7 changed files with 129 additions and 33 deletions.
Binary file added src/BarCode.pdf
Binary file not shown.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/Hs2graphviz/BarCode.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
module Hs2Graphviz.BarCode where

import qualified Hs2Graphviz.TestCodez as X


data Foo = Feet

data Bar = Bar Foo | Fooz { left :: X.Foo }
147 changes: 115 additions & 32 deletions src/Hs2graphviz/Internals.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,8 +24,10 @@ files2dot files = do
files <- mapM readFile files
let modules = map file2module files
namesInModules = modules >>= moduleNames -- map moduleNames modules
names' = map (\n -> FullName (snd n) (getFullNameId n) (fst n) (fst n) False) namesInModules
-- let code = foldr (++) "" files
return $ header ++ (modules >>= module2dot namesInModules) ++ "}" -- foldr (++) [] $ map file2dot files
return $ header ++ (modules >>= module2dot names') ++ "}" -- foldr (++) [] $ map file2dot files
-- error $ show modules --

file2module :: String -> E.Module
file2module file = res
Expand All @@ -46,18 +48,82 @@ file2module file = res
-- (ParseFailed _ msg) -> throw $ ErrorCall msg
-- (ParseOk m) -> module2dot m

module2dot :: [(String,String)] -> E.Module -> String
module2dot :: [FullName] -> E.Module -> String
module2dot names (E.Module srcLoc moduleName opts mwarnings mExps imps decls) = result
result =
(subgraphHeader moduleName) ++
(decls >>= decl2dot names) ++
(decls >>= (\n -> decl2dot n (getModuleName moduleName) ) allNames) ++
-- node per decl

-- -> per record

-- decl2dot = show

-- filter away names in modules not imported into this module
allNames = importedNames ++ catMaybes (map (decl2fullname (getModuleName moduleName)) decls)
importedNames = catMaybes $ mapCross (transformNameOnImport $ getModuleName moduleName ) imps names --- map (\i -> (map (\n -> transformNameOnImport i n) names) ) imps

decl2fullname :: String -> E.Decl -> Maybe FullName
decl2fullname moduleName (E.DataDecl _ _ _ name tyVarBind qualConDecl derivings) =
Just $ FullName name' (dot2Dash moduleName ++ "_" ++ name') moduleName moduleName False
where name' = name2string name
decl2fullname _ _ = Nothing

mapCross :: (a -> b -> c) -> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
mapCross fn xs ys =
foldr (++) [] $ map (\x -> (map (\y -> fn x y) ys)) xs

-- foldr (++) [] $ map (map fn as) bs

-- | Can remove and transform FullName depending on ImportDecl.
transformNameOnImport :: String -> ImportDecl -> FullName -> Maybe FullName
transformNameOnImport nameOfThisModule (ImportDecl iLoc (ModuleName iName) iQual _ _ iAlias iSpecs) fullname = result
result = if fullNameModule fullname == nameOfThisModule
then Just fullname
if iName /= fullNameModule fullname
then Nothing
else resultOfSpecs
resultOfSpecs =
case iSpecs of
Nothing -> Just $ resultOfQualified
Just specs -> filterImportedSpecs specs
filterImportedSpecs :: (Bool, [ImportSpec]) -> Maybe FullName
filterImportedSpecs (hide, specs) =
if any (\i -> compare (importSpecName i) (fullNameDecl fullname)) specs -- include?
then Just $ resultOfQualified
else Nothing
where compare = if hide then (/=) else (==)
-- filterImportedSpecs False specs = any (\i -> importSpecName i == fullNameDecl fullname) specs -- filter away if not in list

resultOfQualified :: FullName
resultOfQualified =
case iAlias of
Nothing -> fullname
Just (ModuleName n) -> fullname { fullNamePrefix = n, fullNameQualified = True }

importSpecName :: ImportSpec -> String
importSpecName (IVar n) = prettyPrint n
importSpecName (IAbs n) = prettyPrint n
importSpecName (IThingAll n) = prettyPrint n
importSpecName (IThingWith n _) = prettyPrint n

getModuleName :: E.ModuleName -> String
getModuleName (E.ModuleName n) = n

getFullNameId :: (String, String) -> String
getFullNameId (modName, decName) =
dot2Dash modName ++ "_" ++ decName

data FullName =
FullName {
fullNameDecl :: String, -- name used in analyzed module
fullNameId :: String, -- unique id in dot-file, original-module-name + original decl name
fullNameModule :: String, -- original name of module
fullNamePrefix :: String, -- prefix of module in analyzed module
fullNameQualified :: Bool -- if is qualified import
deriving (Show, Eq)

subgraphHeader :: ModuleName -> String
subgraphHeader (ModuleName n) = "subgraph cluster_" ++ n' ++ " {\ncolor=lightgrey;\nlabel = \"" ++ n ++ "\";\n"
Expand All @@ -76,13 +142,13 @@ declName :: E.Decl -> Maybe String
declName (E.DataDecl _ _ _ name _ _ _ ) = Just $ name2string name
declName _ = Nothing

decl2dot :: [(String,String)] -> E.Decl -> String
decl2dot :: [FullName] -> String -> E.Decl -> String

decl2dot names (E.DataDecl _ _ _ name tyVarBind qualConDecl derivings) = result
decl2dot names moduleName (E.DataDecl _ _ _ name tyVarBind qualConDecl derivings) = result
result = name' ++ qualConDecl' -- showNode name [] []
name' = showDataDecl dataTypeRefs (name2string name) [] []
qualConDecl' = qualConDecl >>= qualConDecl2dot names
name' = showDataDecl dataTypeRefs (name2string name) moduleName [] []
qualConDecl' = qualConDecl >>= (\c -> qualConDecl2dot names c moduleName)
dataTypeRefs :: [String]
dataTypeRefs = map getDataTypeRefs qualConDecl
getDataTypeRefs (E.QualConDecl _ _ _ c) = getConDeclName c
Expand All @@ -92,16 +158,19 @@ decl2dot names (E.DataDecl _ _ _ name tyVarBind qualConDecl derivings) = result
-- node for name
-- node per qualConDecl
-- -> (inheritance) per qualConDecl to name
decl2dot _ _ = ""
decl2dot _ _ _ = ""

qualConDecl2dot :: [(String,String)] -> E.QualConDecl -> String
qualConDecl2dot :: [FullName] -> E.QualConDecl -> String -> String
-- qualConDecl2dot = show --(E.QualConDecl
qualConDecl2dot names (E.QualConDecl _ _ _ c) = conDecl2dot names c
qualConDecl2dot names (E.QualConDecl _ _ _ c) moduleName = conDecl2dot names c moduleName

conDecl2dot :: [(String,String)] -> E.ConDecl -> String
conDecl2dot names (E.ConDecl name bangTypes) = showConDecl names (name2string name) [] $ map (\b -> ("",bangType2String b)) bangTypes
conDecl2dot names (E.InfixConDecl bangTypeL name bangTypeR) = showConDecl names (name2string name) [] [("",bangType2String bangTypeL),("", bangType2String bangTypeR) ]
conDecl2dot names (E.RecDecl name nameBangTypes) = showConDecl names (name2string name) [] $ map nameBangType2String nameBangTypes
conDecl2dot :: [FullName] -> E.ConDecl -> String -> String
conDecl2dot names (E.ConDecl name bangTypes) moduleName =
showConDecl names (name2string name) moduleName [] $ map (\b -> ("",bangType2String b)) bangTypes
conDecl2dot names (E.InfixConDecl bangTypeL name bangTypeR) moduleName =
showConDecl names (name2string name) moduleName [] [("",bangType2String bangTypeL),("", bangType2String bangTypeR) ]
conDecl2dot names (E.RecDecl name nameBangTypes) moduleName =
showConDecl names (name2string name) moduleName [] $ map nameBangType2String nameBangTypes

bangType2String :: E.BangType -> String
bangType2String = prettyPrint
Expand All @@ -121,9 +190,9 @@ showConDecl = showNode "record" "condecl" []

showDataDecl refs = showNode "record" "datadecl" refs []

showNode :: String -> String -> [String] -> [(String,String)] -> String -> [String] -> [(String,String)] -> String
showNode shape prefix refs names name instances records =
"\"" ++ prefix ++ "_" ++ name ++ "\" [\n" ++
showNode :: String -> String -> [String] -> [FullName] -> String -> String -> [String] -> [(String,String)] -> String
showNode shape prefix refs names name moduleName instances records =
"\"" ++ prefix ++ "_" ++ (dot2Dash moduleName) ++ "_" ++ name ++ "\" [\n" ++
"label = \"<f0> " ++ name ++ (foldl (++) "" $ map showLabel recs) ++ "\"" ++ "\n" ++
"shape = \"" ++ shape ++ "\"" ++ "\n" ++
"];\n" ++
Expand All @@ -132,27 +201,41 @@ showNode shape prefix refs names name instances records =
recs = zip [1..] records
recsForLine = zip [1..] $ filter (isRecordInNames names) records
showRef' = showRef "condecl" name
showRecord' = showRecord prefix name
showRef' = showRef "condecl" moduleName name
showRecord' r = showRecord prefix name moduleName (getModuleNameForRecord r names ) r

isRecordInNames :: [(String,String)] -> (String,String) -> Bool
isRecordInNames :: [FullName] -> (String,String) -> Bool
isRecordInNames names record = result
result = any (\n -> snd n == snd record) names
result = any (isRecordInName record) names -- (\n -> fullNameDecl n == snd record) names

isRecordInName record name =
if fullNameQualified name
then sameName && fullNamePrefix name == fst record
else sameName
sameName = fullNameDecl name == snd record

getModuleNameForRecord :: (Integer, (String,String)) -> [FullName] -> String
getModuleNameForRecord (i, (key,value)) fullNames = result
result = fullNameId fullname
fullname = fromJust $ find (isRecordInName (key,value)) fullNames

showRef :: String -> String -> String -> String
showRef prefix name dataRelation =
"\""++ prefix ++"_" ++ dataRelation ++ "\":f"++ show 0 ++" -> \"datadecl_"++ name ++"\":f0 ["++ arrowhead ++ "];\n"
showRef :: String -> String -> String -> String -> String
showRef prefix moduleName name dataRelation =
"\""++ prefix ++"_" ++ (dot2Dash moduleName) ++ "_" ++ dataRelation ++ "\":f"++ show 0 ++" -> \"datadecl_"++ (dot2Dash moduleName) ++ "_" ++ name ++"\":f0 ["++ arrowhead ++ "];\n"
arrowhead = "arrowhead=onormal"

showLabel :: (Integer, (String, String)) -> String
showLabel (i, (key,value)) =
" | <f" ++ show i ++ "> " ++ key ++ " :: " ++ value

showRecord :: String -> String -> (Integer, (String,String)) -> String
showRecord prefix dataRelation (i, (key, value)) =
"\""++ prefix ++"_" ++ dataRelation ++ "\":f"++ show i ++" -> \"datadecl_"++ value ++"\":f0 [];\n"
showRecord :: String -> String -> String -> String -> (Integer, (String,String)) -> String
showRecord prefix dataRelation moduleName valueModuleName (i, (key, value)) =
"\""++ prefix ++"_" ++ (dot2Dash moduleName) ++ "_" ++ dataRelation ++ "\":f"++ show i ++" -> \"datadecl_"++ valueModuleName ++"\":f0 [];\n"

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Hs2graphviz/TestCodez.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module Hs2Graphviz.TestCodez where

import Hs2Graphviz.TestCode


data Foo = Foo | Bar { file :: File }
Binary file modified src/TestCode.pdf
Binary file not shown.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/runbarcode
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
runghc Hs2Dot.hs Hs2graphviz/BarCode.hs | dot -T pdf -o BarCode.pdf

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/runtestcode
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@
runghc Hs2Dot.hs Hs2graphviz/TestCode.hs Hs2graphviz/TestCodez.hs | dot -T pdf -o TestCode.pdf
runghc Hs2Dot.hs Hs2graphviz/TestCode.hs Hs2graphviz/TestCodez.hs Hs2graphviz/BarCode.hs | dot -T pdf -o TestCode.pdf

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