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meeting minutes 2019 03 18

Vitor Espindola edited this page Aug 4, 2019 · 1 revision

Table of Contents




Name Organisation
Leo Papadopoulos Cloud9
Vitor Espindola BYNE
Rob Underwood FINOS
Oliver Kemmis ComitFS
Zeno Lee Cloud9

Outstanding Action Items


  • Convene & roll call - - (5 min)

  • Review action items from previous meetings (see above) - All - (10 min)

    • Leo Papadopoulos has contacted internal product managers to get names from call recording companies. No response followed up on 3/18.
    • Vitor Espindola reformatted the repository and is enabling Travis CI to help automatically validate schema.
  • Agree on next steps - All - (10 min)

    • We should agree that we all understand how to begin contributing. Then spreading the word. Confirmed that voice-metadata-standard/callmetadata.schema.json is the main spec.
    • Leo Papadopoulos will have a call with Vitor Espindola to discuss CI implementation and latest change.
  • Misc Items - - (10 min)

    • Zeno Lee was asking about number of participants - discussed who the active participant to date are.
    • Vitor Espindola asked about define a process to deal with issues.
    • Rob Underwood suggested that as a best practice we use issues as a backlog of to do items. These will get turned into PR's or we take other appropriate action.
  • AOB & adjourn - - (5 min)

Decisions Made

Action Items

  • Leo Papadopoulos to define a contribution process (i.e.: issues → PR's after we agree.)
  • Leo Papadopoulos make a contribution guide and/or enhance readme to include this.