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Ragronomy: R package containing functions for agronomic scenario modelling


  • Ndecide: exponential reponse curve for predicting response of crop yield and (optionally) net return to nitrogen application rate, parameterised by:

    • yield potential
    • starting nitrogen in soil
    • efficiency coefficient for soil nitrogen
    • efficiency coefficient for applied nitrogen
    • (optional) crop price
    • (optional) nitrogen cost
  • Pdecide: exponential reponse curve for predicting response of crop yield and (optionally) net return to phosphorus application rate, parameterised by:

    • yield potential
    • starting phosphorus in soil
    • efficiency coefficient for soil phosphorus
    • efficiency coefficient for applied phosphorus
    • (optional) crop price
    • (optional) phosphorus cost
  • NPdecide: combined Ndecide and Pdecide models, assuming no NP interaction. The NPdecide model is described in detail in Robertson, M. J., Lyle, G and Bowden J. W. (2008), ' Within-field variability of wheat yield and economic implications for spatially variable nutrient management', Field Crops Research, Vol 105(3), pp 211-220.

  • Select Your Nitrogen (SYN): a weekly time-step simulation model for predicting response of crop yield and net return to nitrogen applications, taking into account:

    • paddock history and estimated residual organic nitrogen in the soil
    • timing and type of up to three nitrogen fertiliser applications
    • leaching of nitrogen due to rainfall and the movement of due to downward movement of the wetting front
    • soil type
    • amount of organic carbon in the soil
    • crop type, crop price and yield potential

Documentation for the original NPdecide too is provided as part of this package:

This package uses a Javascript version of Select Your Nitrogen (SYN) that is linked to R using the V8 package, see: The Javascript code was created using the original spreadsheet version of the model, available from the Western Australian Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, The only documentation for the model and spreadsheet tool is in the form of the Users Manual, provided as part of this package:


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