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Releases: fire-eggs/CivOne

November 16, 2021 Release

16 Nov 16:10
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An update release to provide all latest fixes.

The last release was August 9, 2019. A few of the changes made since then include:

  • City famine: citizens demand POTTERY fix
  • Fix : Unit disembarking from ship not allowed to land
  • Number of turns required to mine / irrigate / road /etc corrected to match Microprose.
  • Fix some cases of "stuck" when in AI.
  • A start on the Civilization Score screen
  • Spawning of barbarians on land
  • Capturing a city generates gold
  • City capture animation was backward
  • Fixed order for choosing stolen tech when capturing city
  • Don't display AI city disasters
  • Using correct title in "We love the ..." messages
  • Add missing "citizens are revolting" message
  • Provide prompt for "low strength attack"
  • Fixed zone-of-control bug
  • Correctly disable "Irrigate" menu when irrigation not possible

August 9, 2019 Release

09 Aug 14:14
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Note: this release includes the code from the AI branch. AI unit movement is slowly approaching classic Microprose behavior.

Changes since the August 2, 2019 release:

  • Units transiting from road to off-road no longer get extra moves
  • Continued work on AI unit movement

August 2, 2019 Release

02 Aug 14:55
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  • When hut advance awarded, reset lightbulbs if it's the currently researched advance
  • Add messages for when inciting city
  • When barbarians emerge from hut, let the player see them immediately
  • Fix the "civilization destroyed" message delayed until next turn

July 26, 2019 Release

26 Jul 20:01
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July 26, 2019 Release Pre-release

Changes since the 20190719 Release:

  • Fix bug: freshly bribed unit was able to move immediately
  • Setting initial tax rate is now part of settings
  • "Auto settlers" setting was not being saved
  • In City Status window, abbreviate longer wonder names
  • Fix issues saving/restoring replay data
  • Fix bug: the drawing of mine goes under coal
  • Attacking a stack of barbarian diplomats will now give ransom

Apollo Wonder Release - 20190719

19 Jul 18:46
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Changes since the 20190712 Release:

  • Enock Nitti's AStar movement available as a patch (see settings)
  • My "auto settlers" cheat available as a patch (see settings)
  • Fix problems saving/restoring replay data
  • Use replay data to prevent old "x civilization destroyed" messages on game load
  • Correctly fix the bug where civilizations changed on game load (e.g. Zulu became Babylonians)
  • City 'map' panel implemented

July 12 2019 Release

12 Jul 16:26
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July 12 2019 Release Pre-release
Pre-release is the binaries without .NET is the binaries including .NET

Changes since 20190705 Release:

  • Incorporate Enoch Nitti's superior continent calculation code
  • The RNG (random number generator) seed can now be specified on the command line for repeatability / debugging.
    -seed <value>
  • Fixed an issue where the RNG would be reset each time the City View was shown.
  • More information written to the .MAP file for better JCivEd compatibility. Still problems with some .MAP files.
  • Fixed save game bug preventing JCivEd from loading .SVE files.
  • Work in-progress to the City "happiness" calculations. Updates to the City 'Happy' view.
  • New Debug option: add building to city
  • Improvements to the unit testing infrastructure.

Americans discover democracy! release

05 Jul 14:56
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Release notes:

  • Fix: "City in disorder" animation playing for computer player
  • Ransom is now paid when capturing barbarian leader
  • Fix: when inciting a city, city-owned units were not converted
  • Fixed save game bug: civilization id not properly saved. Symptoms:
    computer civilization behavior / cities changed after load
  • Fixed: when computer captured city, 'choose technology' prompt would appear
  • Fixed: never move barbarian leader to enemy unit
  • Fixed: barbarian units cost 50% to bribe

June 28, 2019 Release

28 Jun 14:56
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June 28, 2019 Release Pre-release

More small fixes. See previous release for caveats.

Summer Solstice Release 20190621

21 Jun 14:56
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A small set of fixes to SWY's CivOne project. See the release_notes.txt file for specifics.

I have no means to test the Linux or OSX files; use at your own risk. contains the SDL2.dll file I use on Windows (if you don't already have SDL2 installed). Extract it into the same folder as the CivOne.SDL.exe file.