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This project aims to develop a comprehensive restaurant management system that streamlines various aspects of restaurant operations, including employee management, table assignment, food ordering, and order tracking.

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Restaurant Management App (Web API)

This project aims to develop a comprehensive restaurant management system that streamlines various aspects of restaurant operations, including employee management, table assignment, food ordering, and order tracking.


The main challenge is to design the database schema, conneting the database and migration. For the order item table I have missing the foreign key and thats why a cyclick situation is occured.

Key Features

  1. User Authentication: In this web api, the authentication and authorization is implemented by dot net entity role. JWT is used for generate the bearer token.
  2. CRUD Operation: For employee, table, food, employeeTable, order entites - CRUD operation is implemented following respository and unit of work pattern.
  3. Endpoint: API endpoints for all controller is implemented following respository and unit of work pattern.

Architecture and Pattern

  1. Respository Pattern with Unit of Work
  2. N-Tier Architecture

Folder Structure

Screenshot 2024-03-26 152038

Used Technologies

  1. ASP.NET Core (8.0.3)
  2. SQLServer Database

Used Packages

  1. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer, Version="8.0.3"
  2. Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.EntityFrameworkCore, Version="8.0.3"
  3. Microsoft.AspNetCore.OpenApi, Version="8.0.3"
  4. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore, Version="8.0.3"
  5. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer, Version="8.0.3"
  6. Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools, Version="8.0.3"
  7. Microsoft.IdentityModel.Tokens, Version="7.4.1"
  8. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore, Version="6.4.0"
  9. Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Filters, Version="8.0.1"
  10. System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt, Version="7.4.1"

🔗 Live Site Link


Admin Login Credential

Password: Admin@123

Project Setup

Change the Server Name and Localhost Port at appssettings.json

"ConnectionStrings": {
  "DefaultConnection": "Server = Your_Server_Name_Here; Database = RestaurantsDB;
       Trusted_Connection = True; MultipleActiveResultSets=true; TrustServerCertificate = True"
"Jwt": {
  "Key": "Your_GUID_Key",
  "Issuer": "https://localhost:Your_Port_Number/",
  "Audience": "https://localhost:Your_Port_Number/"

Change the port number at program.cs file

builder.Services.AddCors(options => options.AddPolicy(name: "Custom_Name",
      policy => { policy.WithOrigins("http://localhost:Your_Port_Number/")
      .AllowAnyMethod().AllowAnyHeader().AllowAnyOrigin(); }));

Open Package Manager Console and Type (Change Default Project : Data)

  add-migration YourMigrationName

Output on Swagger

After install and setup the project when run the project then the output will be shown like as the output.



This project aims to develop a comprehensive restaurant management system that streamlines various aspects of restaurant operations, including employee management, table assignment, food ordering, and order tracking.







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