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micro-metrics Build Status Coverage Status Greenkeeper badge

a microservice metrics api server using docker

API Routes

  • /api/track (POST)

    Create a new metric to track. Payload must be a JSON packet, can have the following params:

    • type (required) the name of the metric type you want to track
    • tags an object in which the keys are the tag name and the values the associated value for that tag
    • value the value of the metric. Can be any valid JSON type (string, number, object, array, etc). The default value is the number 1.
    • data any data you want to store about this metric. Can be any JSON type.
    • userID a string name indicating which user to associate this metric with

    (see tests for examples)

  • /api/report?filter1=filter1value&filter2=filter2value... (GET)

    Search the tracked metrics to get a list of matching metrics. Filters can include any of the following:

    • type retrieves all metrics of the indicated type
    • tags a comma-separated list of tag queries. Each query can be either a tag name or a tag name=value pair. If just a tag name, it will retrieve all metrics with a tag of that name, regardless of the tag's value. If you pass a name=value pair, it will retrieve only the metrics with that tag name for which the value also matches.
    • startDate/endDate a Javascript-parseable Date string, limiting the metrics returned by the maximum/minimum date of creation
    • value retrieve all metrics with the indicated value
  • /api/tags?filter1=filter1value&filter2=filter2value... (GET)

    Search the metric database for matching metrics, and return all tags names and a corresponding list of all values for that tag name for the matching metrics. Metric filters can be any field that was passed in the payload for /api/track. Result will be a JSON object like so:

      tagName1: ['tagValue1','tagValue2'],
      tagName2: ['tagValue1', 'tagValue3', 'tagValue4']
  • /api/types (GET)

Returns a list of all the metric types in the database.

Tracking Pixel

To track via tracking pixel, you can set an image into an app / email that you would like to track with the data appended as a query string.

<img src="/t.gif?type=pageview&tags=tag1,tag2&userId=99" />

To use tags with a var val notation, structure the tags portion of the string like this.
