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Releases: fiscalobject/ufo


07 Feb 14:06
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This version has autocheckpointing improvements and minor build fixes for the non-latest Qt version.


30 Jul 10:38
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This release is the Bitcoin 0.18 codebase ported to UFO. For a full list of changes in this release please refer to the Bitcoin Core 0.18 release notes linked in below.


07 Jun 15:49
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  • Correctly set private key for mainnet
  • ZMQ: Update to 4.3.1
  • Checkpoint changes
  • Remove NeoScrypt ASM


15 Oct 13:19
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  • Changed configuration options - -includeconf= can be used to include additional configuration files.
  • GUI changes - Block storage can be limited under Preferences.
  • External wallet files - The -wallet= option now accepts full paths.
  • Newly created wallet format - If -wallet= is specified with a path that does not exist, it will now create a wallet directory at the specified location.
  • Dynamic loading and creation of wallets - Previously, wallets could only be loaded or created at startup, by specifying -wallet parameters on the command line or in the bitcoin.conf file. It is now possible to load, create and unload wallets dynamically at runtime.
  • Partial spend avoidance - A new -avoidpartialspends flag has been added (default=false). If enabled, the wallet will always spend existing UTXO to the same address together even if it results in higher fees.
  • 'label' and 'account' APIs for wallet - A new 'label' API has been introduced for the wallet. This is intended as a replacement for the deprecated 'account' API.
  • BIP 174 Partially Signed Bitcoin Transactions support - BIP 174 PSBT is an interchange format for Bitcoin transactions that are not fully signed yet, together with relevant metadata to help entities work towards signing it. It is intended to simplify workflows where multiple parties need to cooperate to produce a transaction. Examples include hardware wallets, multisig setups, and CoinJoin transactions.
  • Upgrading non-HD wallets to HD wallets - Since Bitcoin Core 0.13.0, creating new BIP 32 Hierarchical Deterministic wallets has been supported by Bitcoin Core but old non-HD wallets could not be upgraded to HD. Now non-HD wallets can be upgraded to HD using the -upgradewallet command line option.
  • HD Master key rotation - A new RPC, sethdseed, has been introduced which allows users to set a new HD seed or set their own HD seed. This allows for a new HD seed to be used. A new backup must be made when a new HD seed is set.
  • Transaction index changes - The transaction index is now built separately from the main node procedure, meaning the -txindex flag can be toggled without a full reindex.
  • Miner block size removed - The -blockmaxsize option for miners to limit their blocks' sizes was deprecated in V0.16.0, and has now been removed.
    For full release notes please see the original Bitcoin 0.17.0 document on which the UFO Core 0.17.0 release was based.


22 Sep 08:37
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Denial-of-Service vulnerability

A denial-of-service vulnerability (CVE-2018-17144) exploitable by miners has been discovered in UFO Core versions 0.16.0 and 0.16.1. It is recommended to upgrade any of the vulnerable versions to 0.16.3 as soon as possible.


16 Jun 09:18
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  • Use NeoScrypt SSE2 assembly optimisations.

  • Mitigating a vector for denial-of-service attacks. This attack required compromising particular services and would’ve probably been most effective against nodes that were started for the first time (rather than nodes that had already been connected to the network for more than a few hours).

  • Fixing a bug that could’ve potentially caused miners to lose revenue if they produced two blocks in very rapid succession.

  • Ceasing relay of transactions using the rarely-seen OP_CODESEPARATOR opcode for legacy (non-segwit) signature scripts. The presence of this opcode makes it difficult for nodes to estimate how much computational work will be required to validate a legacy signature script. Because of that, it blocks the deployment of solutions to prevent attackers from creating blocks that require a long time to validate. By itself, this change to relay policy doesn’t fix the problem itself, but it does make it easier and safer to deploy proposed solutions in the future should users consent to adopt them.


03 Jun 14:41
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  • Wallet defaults to SegWit addresses
  • BIP173 (Bech32) Address support (“uf1…” addresses)
  • HD-wallets by default
  • Performance Improvements
    • Script signature cache reimplemented as a “cuckoo cache”
    • Assumed-valid blocks have been introduced
    • BIP152: Some ompact blocks relayed before being fully validated
    • UTXO cache now claims unused mempool memory
    • P2P networking refactored with focus on concurrency and throughput
    • Chainstate database is now per-output instead of a per-transaction model
    • Full UTXO cache now used
    • Reduced redundant script validation
    • LevelDB upgraded to 1.20
    • Keypool refill sped up
  • ZMQ On Windows
  • Network Activity Toggle
  • Out-of-sync Modal Info Layer
  • Introduction of assumed-valid blocks
  • Sensitive Data Is No Longer Stored In Debug Console History
  • Rescanning with encrypted wallets
  • Fee Estimation Improvements
  • Multi-wallet support
  • Removal of Coin Age Priority
  • Mempool Persistence Across Restarts


31 May 17:52
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  • Performance Improvements
    • Chainstate database is now per-output instead of a per-transaction model
    • Full UTXO cache now used
    • Reduced redundant script validation
    • LevelDB upgraded to 1.20
    • Keypool refill sped up
  • Rescanning with encrypted wallets
  • addwitnessaddress, abortrescan, combinerawtransaction, estimaterawfee, getchaintxstats, listwallets and uptime RPC calls added
  • Fee Estimation Improvements
  • Multi-wallet support
  • Removal of Coin Age Priority
  • Mempool Persistence Across Restarts