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fiveseven808 committed Jul 20, 2016
1 parent e3d9755 commit 073c415
Showing 1 changed file with 281 additions and 0 deletions.
281 changes: 281 additions & 0 deletions src/AmazonButton_Discovery_1607156_0900.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

0716 0900
- fixed the ability to retry scans. added a scan retry when no device is found. This will increase user satisfaction when using the program
0715 2304 update
- updated the daemon so it points to the new daemon v4.0
0711 1114 update
- changing the program it calls to daemon v3.3 decreased timeout time to support the new dash button
- added AC:63:BE mac for buttons
0702 2233 update
- Fixed the thing trying to call on an ahk or exe. now only calls on EXEs. Meh for flexible...
- Updated the Discovery program to now allow for comments! :D Hooray!!!
0702 1024 update
- Since the original I've added support for the newer MACs that Amazon owns
- Changing the Amazon Button Daemon from v2 to v3.2
what is the goal of this new build for september 2nd...
well, better handling of multiple devices...s
how can we achieve this?
gui that shows what devices that show up? (probable devices, vs amazon devices? )
when 2 or more devices are found,
a 1x ping goes on for all of them.
if the devices is detected, it goes in a waiting mode until the devices shuts off (at least 2 ng packets)
the next device that turns on is the winner. why? because you pushed it and turned it back on
OR your amazon fire stick got disconnected from the network.... probably not though...
^ above works like how you can show up on an aircraft radar,
then you know a signal is "locked" lock onto the button possibilities
when multiple devices show up,
in the nice gui you can see what button/ IP is attached to what function?
you can give the button a name, since it's not IP based
quicker/more reliable discovery time?
how can we achieve this?
scan network once, delete common suspects and if not found yet, run a second time
start from the middle of the ip range and work your way up and down at the same time?

comp_ip = %A_IPAddress1%

StringGetPos, comp_temp, comp_ip, . , R1
stringlen, add_length, A_IPAddress1
comp_temp := comp_temp + 1
cut_char := add_length - comp_temp
;msgbox postition %comp_temp% `n %A_IPAddress1% `nAddress is %add_length% long `nSo trim %cut_char% from the right
StringTrimRight, comp_ip, comp_ip, cut_char
;msgbox, %comp_ip% is your final string
;now you have something that looks like 192.168.1. or whatever your IP range is :D

;this is where it scans the IPs
ip_inc = 1
tooltip, Starting Ping Sweep!
while ip_inc < 255
;run a hidden command prompt to ping the ip
ip_inc++ ;increment the ip
if ip_inc = 254
tooltip, Starting Ping for %comp_ip%%ip_inc%
msgbox, Click OK then Push button and keep it White!
tooltip, Waiting for Pings to finish... Keep that LED white!
PingCmd:="ping " . comp_ip . ip_inc . " -n 5"
Runwait %comspec% /c """%PingCmd%""",,hide
PingCmd:="ping -n 6 -w 1 " . comp_ip . ip_inc . " "
Run %comspec% /c """%PingCmd%""",,Hide
tooltip, Starting Ping for %comp_ip%%ip_inc%
;sleep 10000
tooltip, Finished scanning, gathering results!
; this is where it pulls an arp
PingCmd:="arp -a > arp.txt"
Runwait %comspec% /c """%PingCmd%"""
;msgbox, finished scanning all IPs
;runwait arp.txt
tooltip, Interpreting results!
; this is where it creates a list of IPs that aren't buttons or taken.
;msgbox, your ip string is %comp_ip%
stringlen, compiplen, comp_ip
;msgbox, okay, in ping loop
If (ErrorLevel=1 )
Break ; if there's an error with the readline break out of the line
StringGetPos, ARPedIP, ArpLine, 74-C2-46- , R1
;run arp.txt
;send {Down %A_Index%}
;msgbox, postition of 74-C2-46- at %ARPedIP% on line %A_Index%
break ;because you found a button!
StringGetPos, comptemp2, ArpLine, %comp_ip%
trimmed_ip := SubStr(ArpLine, comptemp2+1+compiplen, 3)
;run arp.txt
;send {Down %A_Index%}
;msgbox, %trimmed_ip%`n%comptemp2%
;break ;because you found a button!

; this is where it looks for %comp_ip%(192.168.1.) addresses
PingError = 0
;msgbox, okay, in ping loop
If (ErrorLevel=1 )
Break ; if there's an error with the readline break out of the line
Gosub R_IP4MAC
/*StringGetPos, ARPedIP, ArpLine, 74-C2-46- , R1
StringGetPos, comptemp2, ArpLine, %comp_ip%
trimmed_ip := SubStr(ArpLine, comptemp2+1+compiplen, 3)
;run arp.txt
;send {Down %A_Index%}
tooltip, Dash Button Found!
;msgbox, postition of 74-C2-46- at %ARPedIP% on line %A_Index%`nIP: %comp_ip%%trimmed_ip%
Gosub R_IP4MAC
Gosub R_IP4MAC
Gosub R_IP4MAC
Gosub R_IP4MAC
Gosub R_IP4MAC
Gosub R_IP4MAC
Gosub R_IP4MAC
Gosub R_IP4MAC
Gosub R_IP4MAC
;runwait Amazon_IPs.txt
msgbox, %pingError% Amazon Devices found
FileDelete, arp.txt
if PingError = 0
tooltip, Dash Button Not Found!
msgbox, 5,Didn't find the Button,Didn't find the button... Keep pressing it next time!
IfMsgbox Retry
goto PingforButts
IfMsgbox Cancel
else if PingError > 1
;insert something here about autoprobing all of the IPs in Amazon_IPs.txt and whatever lights up first is the button you probably want lol
msgbox, 1,too many amazon devices,too many amazon devices on the network. a better solution will be implemented in the future. `nping all of the IPs in this text file then figure out what you want. use the other exe to run what you want
IfMsgbox Cancel
runwait Amazon_IPs.txt
InputBox, Chosen_IP , Enter IP of Button, Button IP Goes here
if ErrorLevel
FileSelectfile, DaemonFile
InputBox, Button_Comment , Enter Comment of Button, Comment for Button Goes here
if ErrorLevel
DaemonFile = "%DaemonFile%"
DaemonCmd:="AmazonButton_v4.0.exe " . Chosen_IP . " " . DaemonFile . " """ . Button_Comment . """ "
Run %DaemonCmd%
FileDelete, Amazon_IPs.txt
msgbox, You will now run %DaemonFile% `nwhen the button at %Chosen_IP% has been pressed! `n`nButton Comment is %Button_Comment%
FileDelete, Amazon_IPs.txt
msgbox, 6,,Amazon Dash Button found! `n`nDo you want to launch the Amazon Dash Button Daemon for %comp_ip%%trimmed_ip%? `n`nPlease wait until there are no lights on the Button before continuing
IfMsgbox TryAgain
goto PingforButts
IfMsgbox Cancel
FileSelectfile, DaemonFile
InputBox, Button_Comment , Enter Comment of Button, Comment for Button Goes here
if ErrorLevel
DaemonFile = "%DaemonFile%"
DaemonCmd:="AmazonButton_v4.0.exe " . comp_ip . trimmed_ip . " " . DaemonFile . " """ . Button_Comment . """ "
;msgbox, %DaemonCmd%
Run %DaemonCmd%
msgbox, You will now run %DaemonFile% `nwhen the button at %Comp_IP%%trimmed_ip% has been pressed! `n`nButton Comment is "%Button_Comment%"
FileDelete, Amazon_IPs.txt

StringGetPos, comptemp2, ArpLine, %comp_ip%
trimmed_ip := SubStr(ArpLine, comptemp2+1+compiplen, 3)
tooltip, Dash Button Found! @ %comp_ip%%trimmed_ip%
FileAppend, %comp_ip%%trimmed_ip%`n, Amazon_IPs.txt
run a simultaneous ping for all IPs in a given subnet
should show up in the ARP table
scan arp table for mac addresses that start with the amazon button
any arp entries that exist within the subnet that do not have the button mac are excluded from the next round of pings
keep running simultaneous pings until buttons are discovered.
when a button is found, post IP, mac and type (if identifiable by mac, like essentials vs tide or something)
associate with function. save to config file? kind of like how i saved the computers in AATT, use csv for ease of keeping track of stuff
also make a collum for "on" or not lol since they're not on for very long. make it like a green light or something so you know when the switch has been pressed visually
you can do a "full refresh" button which will scan the existing IP addresses, and if the MACs change then they will be excluded. priority scanning. will take place. scan the known IPs to see if they're still buttons, exclude from next round. scan 1st round of everyone else, exclude anyone without matching MAC, end the procedure here because just a onetime refresh.
keep scanning empty addresses space.
"pairing mode"
this is when you keep scanning empty address space for the buttons, or any mac that could be the button.
a new way to index usable possible IPs
run and scan everything, get arp table, find what aren't buttons (probably everything)
delete whatever IP is a button and save that, but keep the rest of the arp table
run a loop that increments IP and saves it to a text file. if it matches one of the ARP table IPs, then skip saving it to the text file
then when you run a secondary ping"discovery" just increment lines on the file and pin that. that way the IPs are already parsed and won't eat up CPU time looking for a match in a file.
any new IP found that isn't a button gets deleted from the "free IP list"
at least till a "full refresh" is performed and delets and rescans everything.
6/2/16 1:01pm update
added a shit tonn more amazon mac addresses. so many more devices now!!!

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