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Merge pull request #44 from phadej/ghc-8.2
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Ghc 8.2
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fizruk committed Jan 17, 2017
2 parents d3cc66f + 6b0f404 commit cf75536
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Showing 7 changed files with 318 additions and 86 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Expand Down
126 changes: 100 additions & 26 deletions .travis.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,35 +1,109 @@
# This Travis job script has been generated by a script via
# make_travis_yml_2.hs 'http-api-data.cabal'
# For more information, see
language: c
sudo: false

- hvr-ghc
- happy-1.19.5
- libgmp-dev

- STACK_YAML=stack.yaml FLAGS="--flag http-api-data:use-text-show"
- STACK_YAML=stack-ghc-7.8.yaml FLAGS="--flag http-api-data:use-text-show"
- STACK_YAML=stack-ghc-7.10.yaml FLAGS="--flag http-api-data:use-text-show"
- STACK_YAML=stack.yaml FLAGS=
- STACK_YAML=stack-ghc-7.8.yaml FLAGS=
- STACK_YAML=stack-ghc-7.10.yaml FLAGS=
submodules: false # whether to recursively clone submodules

- $HOME/.cabal/packages
- $HOME/.cabal/store

- rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/
# remove files that are regenerated by 'cabal update'
- rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/*
- rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/*.json
- rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/
- rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/
- rm -fv $HOME/.cabal/packages/

- compiler: "ghc-7.8.4"
# env: TEST=--disable-tests BENCH=--disable-benchmarks
addons: {apt: {packages: [ghc-ppa-tools,cabal-install-head,ghc-7.8.4], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
- compiler: "ghc-7.10.3"
# env: TEST=--disable-tests BENCH=--disable-benchmarks
addons: {apt: {packages: [ghc-ppa-tools,cabal-install-head,ghc-7.10.3], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
- compiler: "ghc-8.0.2"
# env: TEST=--disable-tests BENCH=--disable-benchmarks
addons: {apt: {packages: [ghc-ppa-tools,cabal-install-head,ghc-8.0.2], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}
- compiler: "ghc-head"
env: CABALFLAGS="--allow-newer"
# env: TEST=--disable-tests BENCH=--disable-benchmarks
addons: {apt: {packages: [ghc-ppa-tools,cabal-install-head,ghc-head], sources: [hvr-ghc]}}

- compiler: "ghc-head"

# Download and unpack the stack executable
- mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
- export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:/opt/happy/1.19.5/bin:$PATH
- travis_retry curl -L | tar xz --wildcards --strip-components=1 -C ~/.local/bin '*/stack'
- export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
- stack --version
- HC=${CC}
- unset CC
- PATH=/opt/ghc/bin:/opt/ghc-ppa-tools/bin:$PATH
- PKGNAME='http-api-data'

- stack setup
- cabal --version
- echo "$(${HC} --version) [$(${HC} --print-project-git-commit-id 2> /dev/null || echo '?')]"
- BENCH=${BENCH---enable-benchmarks}
- TEST=${TEST---enable-tests}
- travis_retry cabal update -v
- sed -i 's/^jobs:/-- jobs:/' ${HOME}/.cabal/config
# Soon we'll have build-tool-depends: in cabal-head
- cabal get hspec-discover-2.3.2
- cd hspec-discover-2.3.2
- cabal new-build hspec-discover:exe:hspec-discover
- mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
- shopt -s globstar; cp dist-newstyle/**/hspec-discover/hspec-discover ~/.local/bin
- cd ..
# Continue
- rm -fv cabal.project.local
- "echo 'packages: .' > cabal.project"
- rm -f cabal.project.freeze
- cabal new-build ${CABALFLAGS} -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} --dep -j2
- cabal new-build ${CABALFLAGS} -w ${HC} --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks --dep -j2

# Here starts the actual work to be performed for the package under test;
# any command which exits with a non-zero exit code causes the build to fail.
- stack --no-terminal build --test $FLAGS
- if [ -f ]; then autoreconf -i; fi
- rm -rf dist/
- cabal sdist # test that a source-distribution can be generated
- cd dist/
- SRCTAR=(${PKGNAME}-*.tar.gz)
- SRC_BASENAME="${SRCTAR/%.tar.gz}"
- tar -xvf "./$SRC_BASENAME.tar.gz"
## from here on, CWD is inside the extracted source-tarball
- rm -fv cabal.project.local
- "echo 'packages: .' > cabal.project"
# this builds all libraries and executables (without tests/benchmarks)
- rm -f cabal.project.freeze
- cabal new-build ${CABALFLAGS} -w ${HC} --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks
- cabal new-build ${CABALFLAGS} -w ${HC} --disable-tests --disable-benchmarks --flag http-api-data:use-text-show
# this builds all libraries and executables (including tests/benchmarks)
# - rm -rf ./dist-newstyle
- cabal new-build ${CABALFLAGS} -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH}

- $HOME/.stack
# there's no 'cabal new-test' yet, so let's emulate for now
- TESTS=( $(awk 'tolower($0) ~ /^test-suite / { print $2 }' *.cabal) )
- if [ "$TEST" != "--enable-tests" ]; then TESTS=(); fi
- shopt -s globstar;
RC=true; for T in ${TESTS[@]}; do echo "== $T ==";
if dist-newstyle/build/**/$SRC_BASENAME/**/build/$T/$T; then echo "= $T OK =";
else echo "= $T FAILED ="; RC=false; fi; done; $RC

- cabal new-build ${CABALFLAGS} -w ${HC} ${TEST} ${BENCH} --flag http-api-data:use-text-show
- shopt -s globstar;
RC=true; for T in ${TESTS[@]}; do echo "== $T ==";
if dist-newstyle/build/**/$SRC_BASENAME/**/build/$T/$T; then echo "= $T OK =";
else echo "= $T FAILED ="; RC=false; fi; done; $RC

165 changes: 141 additions & 24 deletions Setup.lhs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,46 +1,163 @@
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_Cabal
#define MIN_VERSION_Cabal(x,y,z) 0
#ifndef MIN_VERSION_directory
#define MIN_VERSION_directory(x,y,z) 0
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,24,0)
#define InstalledPackageId UnitId
module Main (main) where
import Control.Monad ( when )
import Data.List ( nub )
import Data.Version ( showVersion )
import Distribution.Package ( PackageName(PackageName), PackageId, InstalledPackageId, packageVersion, packageName )
import Distribution.PackageDescription ( PackageDescription(), TestSuite(..) )
import Distribution.Package ( InstalledPackageId )
import Distribution.Package ( PackageId, Package (..), packageVersion )
import Distribution.PackageDescription ( PackageDescription(), TestSuite(..) , Library (..), BuildInfo (..))
import Distribution.Simple ( defaultMainWithHooks, UserHooks(..), simpleUserHooks )
import Distribution.Simple.Utils ( rewriteFile, createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose )
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths ( autogenModulesDir )
import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( BuildFlags(buildVerbosity), fromFlag )
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( withLibLBI, withTestLBI, LocalBuildInfo(), ComponentLocalBuildInfo(componentPackageDeps) )
import Distribution.Verbosity ( Verbosity )
import Distribution.Simple.Setup ( BuildFlags(buildDistPref, buildVerbosity), fromFlag)
import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo ( withPackageDB, withLibLBI, withTestLBI, LocalBuildInfo(), ComponentLocalBuildInfo(componentPackageDeps), compiler )
import Distribution.Simple.Compiler ( showCompilerId , PackageDB (..))
import Distribution.Text ( display , simpleParse )
import System.FilePath ( (</>) )
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
import Distribution.Simple.BuildPaths ( autogenComponentModulesDir )
#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,2)
import System.Directory (makeAbsolute)
import System.Directory (getCurrentDirectory)
import System.FilePath (isAbsolute)
makeAbsolute :: FilePath -> IO FilePath
makeAbsolute p | isAbsolute p = return p
| otherwise = do
cwd <- getCurrentDirectory
return $ cwd </> p
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMainWithHooks simpleUserHooks
{ buildHook = \pkg lbi hooks flags -> do
generateBuildModule (fromFlag (buildVerbosity flags)) pkg lbi
generateBuildModule flags pkg lbi
buildHook simpleUserHooks pkg lbi hooks flags
generateBuildModule :: Verbosity -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
generateBuildModule verbosity pkg lbi = do
let dir = autogenModulesDir lbi
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True dir
withLibLBI pkg lbi $ \_ libcfg -> do
withTestLBI pkg lbi $ \suite suitecfg -> do
rewriteFile (dir </> "Build_" ++ testName suite ++ ".hs") $ unlines
[ "module Build_" ++ testName suite ++ " where"
generateBuildModule :: BuildFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ()
generateBuildModule flags pkg lbi = do
let verbosity = fromFlag (buildVerbosity flags)
let distPref = fromFlag (buildDistPref flags)
-- Package DBs
let dbStack = withPackageDB lbi ++ [ SpecificPackageDB $ distPref </> "package.conf.inplace" ]
let dbFlags = "-hide-all-packages" : packageDbArgs dbStack
withLibLBI pkg lbi $ \lib libcfg -> do
let libBI = libBuildInfo lib
-- modules
let modules = exposedModules lib ++ otherModules libBI
-- it seems that doctest is happy to take in module names, not actual files!
let module_sources = modules
-- We need the directory with library's cabal_macros.h!
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
let libAutogenDir = autogenComponentModulesDir lbi libcfg
let libAutogenDir = autogenModulesDir lbi
-- Lib sources and includes
iArgs <- mapM (fmap ("-i"++) . makeAbsolute) $ libAutogenDir : hsSourceDirs libBI
includeArgs <- mapM (fmap ("-I"++) . makeAbsolute) $ includeDirs libBI
-- CPP includes, i.e. include cabal_macros.h
let cppFlags = map ("-optP"++) $
[ "-include", libAutogenDir ++ "/cabal_macros.h" ]
++ cppOptions libBI
-- Actually we need to check whether testName suite == "doctests"
-- pending getting into GHC HEAD tree
withTestLBI pkg lbi $ \suite suitecfg -> when (testName suite == testName suite) $ do
-- get and create autogen dir
#if MIN_VERSION_Cabal(1,25,0)
let testAutogenDir = autogenComponentModulesDir lbi suitecfg
let testAutogenDir = autogenModulesDir lbi
createDirectoryIfMissingVerbose verbosity True testAutogenDir
-- write autogen'd file
rewriteFile (testAutogenDir </> "Build_doctests.hs") $ unlines
[ "module Build_doctests where"
, ""
-- -package-id etc. flags
, "pkgs :: [String]"
, "pkgs = " ++ (show $ formatDeps $ testDeps libcfg suitecfg)
, ""
, "autogen_dir :: String"
, "autogen_dir = " ++ show dir
, "flags :: [String]"
, "flags = " ++ show (iArgs ++ includeArgs ++ dbFlags ++ cppFlags)
, ""
, "deps :: [String]"
, "deps = " ++ (show $ formatdeps (testDeps libcfg suitecfg))
, "module_sources :: [String]"
, "module_sources = " ++ show (map display module_sources)
formatdeps = map (formatone . snd)
formatone p = case packageName p of
PackageName n -> n ++ "-" ++ showVersion (packageVersion p)
-- we do this check in Setup, as then doctests don't need to depend on Cabal
isOldCompiler = maybe False id $ do
a <- simpleParse $ showCompilerId $ compiler lbi
b <- simpleParse "7.5"
return $ packageVersion (a :: PackageId) < b
formatDeps = map formatOne
formatOne (installedPkgId, pkgId)
-- The problem is how different cabal executables handle package databases
-- when doctests depend on the library
| packageId pkg == pkgId = "-package=" ++ display pkgId
| otherwise = "-package-id=" ++ display installedPkgId
-- From Distribution.Simple.Program.GHC
packageDbArgs :: [PackageDB] -> [String]
packageDbArgs | isOldCompiler = packageDbArgsConf
| otherwise = packageDbArgsDb
-- GHC <7.6 uses '-package-conf' instead of '-package-db'.
packageDbArgsConf :: [PackageDB] -> [String]
packageDbArgsConf dbstack = case dbstack of
(GlobalPackageDB:UserPackageDB:dbs) -> concatMap specific dbs
(GlobalPackageDB:dbs) -> ("-no-user-package-conf")
: concatMap specific dbs
_ -> ierror
specific (SpecificPackageDB db) = [ "-package-conf=" ++ db ]
specific _ = ierror
ierror = error $ "internal error: unexpected package db stack: "
++ show dbstack
-- GHC >= 7.6 uses the '-package-db' flag. See
packageDbArgsDb :: [PackageDB] -> [String]
-- special cases to make arguments prettier in common scenarios
packageDbArgsDb dbstack = case dbstack of
| all isSpecific dbs -> concatMap single dbs
| all isSpecific dbs -> "-no-user-package-db"
: concatMap single dbs
dbs -> "-clear-package-db"
: concatMap single dbs
single (SpecificPackageDB db) = [ "-package-db=" ++ db ]
single GlobalPackageDB = [ "-global-package-db" ]
single UserPackageDB = [ "-user-package-db" ]
isSpecific (SpecificPackageDB _) = True
isSpecific _ = False
testDeps :: ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> ComponentLocalBuildInfo -> [(InstalledPackageId, PackageId)]
testDeps xs ys = nub $ componentPackageDeps xs ++ componentPackageDeps ys
Expand Down
18 changes: 16 additions & 2 deletions http-api-data.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,15 +16,28 @@ extra-source-files:

base >= 4.7 && <4.10,
Cabal >= 1.18 && <1.26,

flag use-text-show
description: Use text-show library for efficient ToHttpApiData implementations.
default: False
manual: True

hs-source-dirs: src/
include-dirs: include/
build-depends: base >= 4.6 && < 4.10
build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 4.10
, bytestring
, containers
, hashable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,8 +81,9 @@ test-suite spec
, bytestring
, uuid

test-suite doctest
test-suite doctests
ghc-options: -Wall
build-tools: hsc2hs
directory >= 1.0,
Expand Down
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions stack.yaml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
resolver: nightly-2016-07-19
resolver: nightly-2016-12-31

- '.'
Expand All @@ -7,6 +7,5 @@ flags:
use-text-show: false

- QuickCheck-2.9.2
extra-deps: []
extra-package-dbs: []

0 comments on commit cf75536

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