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1. Introduction

This is yet-another Common Lisp FFI to provide a portable sockets API. It is intended to offer a socket API that wraps at a very low level the underlying BSD-sockets API provided by the host OS. Only supports the standard blocking I/O calls, does not support overlapped or aio_ type asynchronous calls.

2. Usage

Basically you write exactly the same sort of code you would if writing in C.

2.1 Socket functions

  • OPEN-SOCKET :: open a socket.
  • CLOSE-SOCKET :: close a socket.
  • SOCKET-SHUTDOWN :: graceful shutdown of a connected socket.
  • SOCKET-BIND :: bind to local address.
  • SOCKET-LISTEN :: listen for connections.
  • SOCKET-CONNECT :: connect to remote server.
  • SOCKET-ACCEPT :: accept connection, returns connected socket.
  • SOCKET-NAME :: get local address of bound socket.
  • SOCKET-OPTION :: get a socket option.
  • (SETF SOCKET-OPTION) :: set a socket option.
;; open the socket 
(let ((fd (open-socket :type :datagram)))
  (socket-bind fd (make-sockaddr-in))
  ;; do something with the socket 

  ;; close it
  (close-socket fd))

2.2 Socket I/O

There are two types of I/O: send/recv for connected sockets and sendto/recvfrom for unconnected sockets.

  • SOCKET-SEND :: send a buffer on a connected socket.
  • SOCKET-SENDTO :: send a buffer on an unconnected socket.
  • SOCKET-RECV :: receive on a connected socket.
  • SOCKET-RECVFROM :: receive on an unconnected socket.
(let ((fd (open-socket :type :datagram))
      (buffer (make-array 1024)))
  (socket-bind fd (make-sockaddr-in :port 9000))
  (multiple-value-bind (count raddr) (socket-recvfrom fd buffer)
    (format t "Received ~A bytes from ~A~%" count raddr)
    (socket-sendto fd buffer raddr :end count))
  (close-socket fd))

The 4 I/O functions also accept a foreign pointer instead of an octet vector as the buffer parameter. This allows callers to avoid the copy to and from foreign memory. This is somewhat more awkward to use but for certain applications could prove useful.

2.3 Polling

Provides an API based on POSIX poll(). On systems where this is available (i.e. everywhere except Windows) it calls directly to poll(). On Windows it calls WSAEnumNetworkEvents() and iterates over each socket. The Windows events are mapped to poll events.

  • OPEN-POLL :: open a polling context.
  • CLOSE-POLL :: close a polling context.
  • POLL-REGISTER :: register a socket with the poll context.
  • POLL-UNREGISTER :: unregister a socket from the poll context.
  • POLL :: wait for something to happen.
  • DOEVENTS :: iterate over each of the fds with events pending.
(let ((pc (open-poll)))
  (poll-register pc (make-instance 'pollfd :fd fd :events (poll-events :pollin)))
  (doevents (pollfd event) (poll pc :timeout 1000)
    ;; process the events
  (close-poll pc))

2.4 Hardware adapters

  • LIST-ADAPTERS :: list host adapters, returns a list of ADAPTER structures.

These contain a list of IP addresses associated with the adapter (i.e. logical interfaces), the physical address of the adapter, the interface index and current status.

3. Socket options

The currently supported socket options are as follows.

Socket options :SOCKET

  • SO_SNDBUF :SNDBUF integer
  • SO_RCVBUF :RCVBUF integer

IP options :IP

  • MCAST_JOIN_GROUP :MCAST-JOIN-GROUP (index addr) where index is the interface index and addr is the multicast address

TCP options :TCP


4. Advanced topics

Various advanced usage topics here.

4.1 Polling

FSOCKET provides a portable polling mechanism based on POSIX poll(). On those systems is calls poll() directly, but on Windows we need a little bit more work. In order to provide a uniform interface on all platforms we must do the following:

  1. Allocate a poll context. On Windows this calls WSACreateEvent(). On POSIX it does nothing.
  2. For each socket you wish to poll, call POLL-REGISTER. On Windows this calls WSAEventSelect(). This associates a POLLFD instance (which encapsulates the socket) with the poll context.
  3. Call POLL. On Windows this calls WSAWaitForMultipleEvents() and then WSAEnumNetworkEvents() for each socket. On POSIX it simply calls poll().
  4. Iterate over each of the input POLLFD descriptors and process the pending events.

4.1.1 Side-effects of POLL-REGISTER

  • On Windows, POLL-REGISTER calls WSAEventSelect, which will convert the socket to non-blocking mode.
  • On POSIX systes POLL-REGISTER does nothing other than pushing the pollfd instance onto a list of pollfds stored with the poll context.
  • To preserve semantics, in posix systems the socket is put into non-blocking mode by calling fcntl()
  • Therefore users should be aware that once they have registered with the poll context, the socket will now be in non-blocking mode.

4.2 IP multicast

IPv4 UDP multicast is implemented and working. See test/test2.lisp.

  • MULTICAST-JOIN ::= join the socket to the multicast group on all ethernet interfaces.
  • OPEN-MULTICAST-SOCKET ::= open a socket to send multicast datagrams.

4.3 Subclassing POLLFD

When you call POLL-REGISTER you provide an instance of the class POLLFD, which encapsulates the socket and the events you wish to poll for. However, typically you will also want to associate other information with the socket, for instance and receive buffer or other contextual information. All you have to do is subclass POLLFD and provide instances of your own class to POLL-REGISTER. For an example see TCP-ECHO in test/test1.lisp where I provide different subclasses for the listening TCP socket and its connections.

4.4 UDP broadcast

There can be issues when performing UDP broadcast to address on FreeBSD. This is due to the way FreeBSD implements UDP broadcasting, which is different to Linux and Windows in this respect.

4.5 Unix Domain sockets

On POSIX platforms (for fsocket, that means Linux, FreeBSD, Darwin i.e. everywhere but Windows) unix domain sockets are also supported as a family :UNIX to OPEN-SOCKET. Currently only :STREAM type sockets are supported, datagram type unix domain sockets may be supported at some point in the future. Unlike :INET and :INET6 families, :UNIX sockets are addressed using a string which represents a file on the host. Otherwise their usage is the same. See test/test-unix.lisp for an example.

4.6 Linux CAN Sockets

On Linux platforms the BSD-sockets are extended by a SocketCAN API, which implements communication between a host OS and a CAN bus. An application reads and sends CAN messages using SOCKET-RECV, SOCKET-RECVFROM, SOCKET-SEND and SOCKET-SENDTO after a corresponding file descriptor is created (OPEN-SOCKET) and bound (SOCKET-BIND). It is recommended to use the macro WITH-CAN-SOCKET to safely open, bind and close CAN sockets. All SocketCAN SEND* operations never block, all SocketCAN RECV* calls always block. Use polling to make the latter non-blocking. Some useful examples can be found in test/test-socketcan.lisp.

5. Implementations and operatings systems

Because we are calling directly into the host API using CFFI, the implementation portability issues are handled by CFFI. I intend to support Windows, Linux, FreeBSD and OSX. Currently the following have been tested. A small amount of work will be required to support other systems (e.g. checking structs have the same layout, adjusting constants etc.).

  • Tested: SBCL x86-64 1.2.11 Windows 7
  • Tested: SBCL x86-64 1.2.9 FreeBSD-10.2
  • Tested: SBCL x86 1.2.7 Linux
  • Tested: LispWorks Personal Edition 6.1.1 Windows 8.1
  • Tested: CCL x86-64 1.11 OSX
  • TODO: CCL (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD)
  • TODO: arch other than x86 or x86-64.
  • TODO: others


  • Type all the stuff in for POSIX systems (Linux,FreeBSD)
  • Write a whole suite of tests to check it all works
  • Write something non-trivial using it to make sure it has a sane API
  • Support raw sockets? Unlikely to happen anytime soon.
  • Unix domain sockets

7. License

Licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Frank James 2015.


Yet another socket FFI







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