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Pwnagotchi plugin to convert pcaps to hashcat mode 22000 hashes, analyse them, grab the GPS location and post the information to Discord using a web hook.

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>: What does this plugin do (◕‿‿◕)?

DiscoHash is a Pwnagotchi plugin that converts pcaps captured by Pwnagotchi to a hashcat compatible hash (EAPOL/PMKID: mode 22000) and posts them to Discord along with any GPS location data (from USB dongle or net-pos plugin) using a web hook.

To avoid reinventing the wheel DiscoHash reuses a couple of functions from the hashie and discord plugins.

Within the bot folder there is a Discord Bot that will scrape all captured hashes from the discord server and return them in a text file. This is not required for the plugin, but it makes it easier to pull large amounts of hashes quickly. You can modify the discord bot to only pull hashes from within a certain date range etc.

Example Output:

DiscoHash Discord message


ps. can you crack my AP? (⌐■_■)

>: Installation:

  • After you have Pwnagotchi up and running, install dependencies and either scp over the pre-compiled hcxtools binaries from or build from source using make install using this version of hcxtools: hxctools.
# Run the below command from your host machine
cd /DiscoHash
scp pi@IPADDRESS:~/

# Then run the following on your pwnagotchi to install hcxtools and it's dependencies
sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev
cd hcxtools
cp ./* /usr/bin/
chmod ug+x /usr/bin/hcxpcapngtool
  • Create a new Discord server and set up a new web hook.
  • Copy from this repo to /usr/local/share/pwnagotchi/installed-plugins/ (if the directory doesn't exist create it)
cd /usr/local/share/pwnagotchi/installed-plugins
sudo wget
  • Set the following options within /etc/pwnagotchi/config.toml
main.plugins.discohash.enabled = true
main.plugins.discohash.webhook_url = "YOUR WEB HOOK URL"

>: Usage:

Simply reboot Pwnagotchi make sure it has internet access (bluetooth pairing) and watch those hashes roll in!

>: Notes (◕‿‿◕):

If you have a custom handshake directory then you will need to modify line 32 of to your custom handshake directory.

DiscoHash checks for new pcap files at the end of each epoch so they will come fairly frequently. To reduce this interval modify the code to use a different callback.

To check out how to make plugins for Pwnagotchi check the docs here.

You can contact me by sending my Pwnagotchi some PwnMail at:


>: To Do:

  • Parse lat/long from GPS and add to message
  • Add one liner for cracking the hash with hashcat


Pwnagotchi plugin to convert pcaps to hashcat mode 22000 hashes, analyse them, grab the GPS location and post the information to Discord using a web hook.







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