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Keep code and text snippets in sync across your git repos.


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Keep code and text snippets in sync across your git repos.

Useful to track any evolving info stored in your documentations, such as team members' names, phone numbers, e-mail addresses or server IPs across your repos.


  • Check for non-identical text snippets accross repos
  • Detect dead links
  • Integrates with any git repo
  • Callable through curl


Declare a reference

Wrap text or code to be tracked in a markdown comment including a Freshdoc reference tag.

# My incredible documentation

## Support

Current team includes :
<!-- <fd:customer_support_team:1> -->
- Juliet CAPULET
- Antigone THEBAN
<!-- </fd:customer_support_team:1> -->

Phone number : <!-- <fd:phone_cs:1> -->+33900000001<!-- </fd:phone_cs:1> -->

Validate in GitLab CI

Use it with curl :

    - test

    stage: test
        - apk update && apk add bash curl jq
        - |
            response=(curl --request POST \
            --max-time 30 -s -w "\n%{http_code}" \
            -H "Content-Type=application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
            -d "repos_to_check=https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}${CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG},https://gitlab-ci-token:${CI_JOB_TOKEN}" \
            -d "branches_to_check=main,master,develop,${CI_COMMIT_BRANCH}" \
            -d "ssl_verify=true" \
            -d "file_extensions=md,txt" \
            -d "excluded_directories=node_modules/**" \
            -d "check_dead_links=true" \
            -d "verbose=false" \
            http_code=$(echo "$response" | tail -n 1)
            payload=$(echo "$response" | head -n -1)
            echo "$payload" | jq -r
            if [ "$response_code" != "200" ]; then
                echo "Freshdoc returned a non-200 HTTP code : check the logs above."
                exit 1
  • A 200 HTTP code will be returned if no problem was encountered, otherwise 400.
  • Body with eventually include a detailed list of problems to solve.
Parameter Value description
repos_to_check Required. Commas-delimited list of repo URLs to track references. Optionally include credentials with this format : https://{username}:{password}
branches_to_check Default: "main,master,develop". Commas-delimited list of branches to track. Unexistant branches will be skipped.
ssl_verify "true" (default) or "false". Enable or disable git clone command's SSL verification for provided repos.
file_extensions Default: "md,txt". Commas-delimited list of file extensions in which Freshdoc will check for references.
excluded_directories No default value. Commas-delimited list of glob patterns indicating which directory to ignore for all provided repos.
check_dead_links "true" (default) or "false". Checks if links are valid (responsive and HTTP code between 200 and 403). Only checks the first repo from the REPOS_TO_CHECK list.
verbose "true" or "false" (default). Returns analysis details in response. Useful for debugging.

Start server

Using Docker and docker-compose :

docker-compose -f prod.docker-compose.yml up --build -d

API will be available on port 8080 by default.


The Freshdoc tag is composed of 3 items. Let's take an example :

<!-- <fd:ref_name:1> -->
<!-- </fd:ref_name:1> -->
  • fd is for identifying a Freshdoc tag in a file
  • ref_name is a small name to identify the snippet to track
  • 1 is the version of your snippet to make it upgradable

<!-- --> are optional. Freshdoc is matching any tag found under the <fd:ref_name:1></fd:ref_name:1> format in the content of a file.

Upgrading a reference

Let's say you have two repos A and B to keep in sync. To upgrade a reference, increase its version number in repo A, commit and push.

Now-on, any push in repo B will trigger a warning until the value and version of the reference are matching.