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Tanedo Group Website 2023

Hosted at

Flip Tanedo March 2023

See for the Wowchemy Academic Resumé template information. Please consider sponsoring the creator if you use Wowchemy.

I periodically re-do my personal website from scratch using the latest Academic template. Most of the material in this document copied from earlier websites. This file is a personal reminder of how I edited the page.

Old versions: 2022 | 2021 | 2020

Quick Start from Scratch

I do not use the Netlify-based default deployment.

  1. Use the Wowchemy Academic Resumé template; there is a green button to use this template that will create a repository on your GitHub account.

  2. Pull the code locally, e.g. Code > GitHub CLI

  3. Start hacking the template by copying over bits from the old site. The steps for this are summarized below. I read the previous steps and write what I did this time around.

  4. Make sure you have Hugo e.g. through Homebrew. If it's been a while, you may want to update (upgrade) hugo using brew upgrade hugo at the terminal.

    hugo server -D

    The output will include a URL: Web Server is available at //localhost:1313/, navigate your browser to this URL to view the page.

  5. Copy over .gitignore from the previous version. Start a new file (I save the Wowchemy readme as a different filename). Push to GitHub.

  6. Clean up/back up the default Wowchemy page.

    1. Make a backup copy of ./content/ ; this controls the home page widgets.
    2. Go ahead and delete most of the sections other than the first about.avatar. For reference, the markdown block is the default no-frills block.
    3. Remove the extraneous items in ./config/_default/menus.yaml
    4. /config/_default/params.yaml
      1. # SEO: empty out everything
      2. # Site header: align right, turn off day/night, search
      3. # site features:
      4. Copy over ## ADDED BY FLIP parameters from 2022 page
    5. ./config/config.yaml: copy over modifications from 2022 page
  7. Update ./content/authors/admin/ ; copy from 2022 page. Copy avatar.jpg from here too.

Useful References

What's changed since 2022?

All home page widget data is now in ./content/ This simplifies a few things and complicates a few others. More information on Wowchemy: Version 2 Blocks and Wowchemy: Page Builder.

Notes from 2022 for 2023

  • The default widget template is This is written in TOML, while the other widgets are in YAML. It may be nice to convert them all to YAML. The difference is the format of the header material. Conversion tool.
  • I may want to properly upgrade my custom css to scss.
  • Teaching section should have an "old classes" part. Currently the number of icons is getting a bit long. Would like a short list of older classes that doesn't take up much room. Could even use a bit of Bootstrap CSS to make it a two column list.
  • I backed up some old sites in ./static/archived/. These show up under ./archived/ when uploaded. Should I link to them? These archived sites are a huge pain. They take up a large amount of space. I think it's from the saved pdfs of talks. I think there should be a better way of archiving these in the future.
  • There are a bunch of image files that are much larger than they need to be. The media folder is around 50 mb. I should make small versions of the images.

Notes for 2024

  • The hero block may be a nice way to put in the top watermark without having to hack the baseof template. Try this in

    - block: hero
        id: test 
          title: hi
            filename: hero-academic.png

    This gives a slight white "watermark". See these instructions for section background.

  • As I start writing up separate pages, I may want to work out a better file system for ./content/. Most of my independent pages show up in ./content/posts/ and are otherwise unsorted. They get called by, for example:

    {{ $.Site.BaseURL }}img/portfolio/{{ .photo }}

    (from my design portfolio).

  • I had to remove the "recent talks" section from my landing page (homepage). This was mainly because the <details> tag seems to make slideshare embeds not load properly, but anyway the whole thing was kind of clunky. I've come around to the idea of using the Wowchemy "featured publications" or "projects" block for this. It's a little more work, but ultimately I think that's what I want to do. My research slider can link to a separate page.

Transferring Assets

All paths in this document are relative to the project root, FlipWebsite2023/

Setting up layouts

Pages in are rendered according to html layout files. My site uses layout files based on the Wowchemy defaults.

  1. Download the wowchemy-hugo-themes repository from Wowchemy. This is the latest "clean" version of Wowchemy. Copy [downloadfolder]wowchemy-hugo-themes-main/modules/wowchemy/layouts/ to my project folder as ./layouts_templates.
  2. Make a copy of ./layouts_templates and call it ./layouts. Hugo prioritizes the html files in ./layouts when formatting pages. Note: you may also choose to leave ./layouts empty and then copy over files one at a time as you edit them.

Useful pro tip: [downloadfolder]wowchemy-hugo-themes-main/modules/wowchemy/assets/scss/wowchemy has all of the Wowchemy scss settings. That can help with tweaking things in custom.scss.

Relevant References:

Copying Over Old Content

Unlike the 2022 version, Wowchemy no longer uses ./content/home for individual markdown files for each home page widget. Instead, all of this information goes into ./content/ I copied over the old ./content/home directory into ./content/home_OLD for easy copy and pasting.

Transferring Assets

Style Sheets

Adding custom style sheets: [source]

  1. Create the ./assets/scss/ folder if it doesn’t exist
  2. Create a file named custom.scss in the ./assets/scss/ folder
  3. Add your custom CSS code to the file you created and re-run Hugo to view changes

We just copy over the folder from ./assets/ in the 2021 version.


  1. Transfer over the favicon, ./assets/media/icon.png. [source]
  2. Transfer over the ./assets/photos/ folder. This is a good time to make sure none of the files are too big.
  3. Transfer over the ./assets/research/ folder. This is a good time to make sure none of the files are too big.


Copy the files from ./layouts/shortcodes/: twitter.html and flipemail.html

Fonts and color theme

Copy ./data/fonts/flipfont.toml

Copy ./data/themes/fliptheme.toml

To personalize Wowchemy, you can choose a colour theme and font set in config/_default/params.yaml. [source]

  # theme_day: minimal
  # theme_night: minimal
  theme_day: fliptheme
  font: flipfont
  # font: minimal
  font_size: L

One comment on fliptheme.toml: I found that the primary color is what ends up as the page background color when over-scrolling. (Below this comes up as "fixing the background color"). It turns out that after doing all my other hacks, primary really just sets the over-scroll background color. My 2022 default had this over-scroll as green, which is a bit (unintentionally) bold stylistically. Instead, use #333333 as a default. I do not think this affects anything else. Links are still in green, #4caf50.

  # Primary
  # primary = "#4caf50"
  primary = "#333333"
  • Font instructions

  • From Wowchemy personalization page:

    Otherwise, to force your visitors to see either a light or dark theme, set only a day or night theme, but not both.

    Comment out the theme_night option in params.yaml. This overrides the show_day_night toggle and forces the page to only give light mode.

  • Use .modules/wowchemy/data/.../minimal.toml as a template if needed.

Fixing the background color

At this point, the background color for odd-numbered setions is very dark. I believe this is just the background color that I set somewhere. This came from some hubris I had about editing /layouts/_default/baseof.html. Here's what I wrote in the 2021 version (edited)

  1. We want the actual background of <body> to be dark gray. Aesthetically we want the background to be white. However, the navigation bar and footer will be dark gray. What this means is that if one over-scrolls (pulls above or below the main page by a little) then you get a bit of white pulling from under the footer or from above the navigation bar. This is distracting, so we're going to jump through some hoops. This involves:

    a) setting the <body> background to be dark gray. If you've copied over the style files, this should already be active.

    b) creating a new <div id="THECONTENT"> that has a white background. All of the sections will be inside this division. Over scrolling, however, will pull more space from outside this division, which will be dark gray.

  2. We want the fancy footer. I have a neat Feynman diagram footer graphic that I like. Observe that the <div class="container"> that encloses the footer does not spread across the entire navigator width. The container class is something inherited from Bootstrap, the responsive design grid system that Academic is built upon.

    We have to place additional <div>s just around and above the footer.

    Bonus: at this stage you can also put in the baseof.html code for a watermark.

    In earlier steps we defined the locations of the graphics in params.yaml

Ok, time to hack ./layouts/_default/baseof.html. It's easiest to refer to the previous version to seen where the edits are.

  1. Vanity: add a comment at the top of the page to note that I've edited the Wowchemy template.

  2. Below the {{ if .Params.announcement.text -}} block, put in the watermark div:

    <!-- FLIP: FOR WATERMARK -->
    <div id="watermark" style="background-image:url('{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}/img/{{ .Site.Params.watermark }}');"></div>
    <!-- /FLIP -->
  3. Below {{/* Load header block */}}:

    <!-- FLIP: opened a new div for framing -->
    <div id="THECONTENT">
    <!-- Closed below; see flip2019.css -->
    <!-- /FLIP -->

    Go ahead and close it just above {{ partial "site_js" . }}:

    <!-- FLIP -->
    </div> <!-- closes id="THECONTENT" -->
    <!-- /FLIP -->
  4. Now dig into <div class="page-footer">, insert the following after {{ if not (in (slice "book" "docs" "updates") .Type) }}; we're surrounding the class="container" div.

    !-- FLIP -->
        <div style="position: relative; width: 0; height: 0">
          <div id="feynmanfoot" style="background-image:url('{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}/img/{{ .Site.Params.footmark }}');"></div>
        <div id="botbar1"></div>
        <!-- -- -->
        <div id="FOOTERBAR"> 
        <!-- closed after container -->
    <!-- /FLIP -->
        <div class="container">
          {{ partial "site_footer" . }}
    <!-- FLIP -->
        </div> <!-- closes div FOOTERBAR -->
    <!-- /FLIP -->

    At this point the page should render with all the appropriate components. The footer bar probably needs some height calibration.

  5. Pop back into ./assets/scss/custom.scss. We need to fiddle with the top padding on #botbar1:

    	padding: 0;
      	top: 70px;

    That should set the horizontal line correctly. To move the Feynman diagram, modify #feynmanfoot. I found that a similar 70px shift works. The original value is bottom: 160px;, I moved it to:

    bottom: 90px;
  6. There's one remaining oddity. The color of the "over scroll". In fliptheme.toml the primary color sets the "background" of the page. To fix this, go to fliptheme.toml and create a new option:

      # Primary
      primary = "#4caf50"
      flip_bg = "#333333"
      # ... shows up when you "overscroll"

    Then go to ./layouts/partials/functions/parse_theme.html and under load theme:

    {{ if site.Params.appearance.theme_day }}
      {{/* FLIP EDIT: change $theme_day.primary to $theme_day.flip_bg */}} 
      {{/* ... see fliptheme.toml */}} 
      {{- $scr.Set "primary" ($theme_day.flip_bg | default "#1565c0") -}}
      {{/* /FLIP EDIT */}}

Static Folder

Transfer the ./static folder. This one has lots of potentially large files. It is a good time to do housekeeping to remove anything that is no longer being used.


Transfer the folders from ./content/post which contain the pages beyond the front page. I use these "blog posts" for my design portfolio.

Site Set Up: Layout

Any edits to templates that I make now are edits that I will need to make again in the future when doing my next major update. In order to document this, mark any edits in templates with comments along the lines of <!-- FLIP EDIT --> and <!-- /FLIP EDIT -->. For simple edits no need to use the open/close. This makes it easy to search for edits.

I don't want to simply copy my hacked templates into new versions of Wowchemy because updates in Wowchemy can dramatically change the inter-relationships of template files. It is much better to start from the most updated Wowchemy and make small perturbations on a working system.

Two Column Widget Block

The home page sectioning that we used to call widgets are now called blocks. The templates live in ./layouts/partials/blocks/. Since 2022, Wowchemy now has a second version of blocks. We can thus ignore all the v1 blocks.

The blank template layout is ./layouts/partials/blocks/markdown.html. However, there's a tricky caveat. At full width, we want our homepage widgets blocks to have two columns with the block title on the left and the block contents on the right. The default Wowchemy scheme only allows certain blocks to do this property. The relevant line in ./layouts/partials/functions/parse_block_v2.html is the following:

{{ $use_cols := in (slice "collection" "experience" "accomplishments" "contact" "markdown" "tag_cloud" "portfolio") $block_type }}

Only blocks with the listed tags are allowed to use the two-column mode. Examining parse_block_v2.html you will find an if $use_cols statement that prints the title on the left-hand side subject to the bootstrap responsive design css. (Bootstrap is the framework that interprets classes like col-12 col-lg-4 mb-3 mb-lg-0 into elements that resize when you change the window width.)

In order to get around this, we'll make our own two column widget template.

Make a copy of ./layout/partials/blocks/markdown.html and call it ./layout/partials/blocks/fliptemplate.html.

  • Add some commented text at the top explaining the new block.
  • Change the default number of columns to 2.
  • Now we add a chunk of text in the {{ if ne $columns "1" }} case that we can copy from parse_block_v2.html to render the left-hand column.

Here's what it looks like on my end:

<!-- FLIP EDIT: COPIED FROM parse_block_v2.html: OPEN DIV 1 -->
<div class="row  {{if not $block.content.title | or (eq $columns "1") }}justify-content-center{{end}}">
<!-- /FLIP EDIT -->

{{ if ne $columns "1" }}
<!-- FLIP EDIT: COPIED FROM parse_block_v2.html -->
  {{ if $block.content.title }}
    {{ if eq $columns "1" }}
      <div class="section-heading col-12 mb-3 text-center">
        {{ with $block.content.title }}<h1 class="mb-0">{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</h1>{{ end }}
        {{ with $block.content.subtitle }}<p class="mt-1">{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</p>{{ end }}
      <div class="section-heading col-12 col-lg-4 mb-3 mb-lg-0 d-flex flex-column align-items-center align-items-lg-start">
        {{ with $block.content.title }}<h1 class="mb-0">{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</h1>{{ end }}
        {{ with $block.content.subtitle }}<p class="mt-1">{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</p>{{ end }}

<!-- /FLIP EDIT: COPIED FROM parse_block_v2.html -->
  <div class="col-12 col-lg-8">
    {{ $text }}
{{ else }}
  <div class="col-12">
    {{ $text }}
{{ end }}

<!-- FLIP EDIT: COPIED FROM parse_block_v2.html: CLOSE DIV 1 -->
<!-- /FLIP EDIT -->

Here's a good test for ./content/

  - block: fliptemplate
    id: test
      title: Test
      subtitle: test
      text: Some test words. Did you know that 
        you can spread the text out over multiple
        lines by using tabs?
      columns: '2'

Protip: I made two copies of my template. The first one has comments that annotates how I changed markdown.html . This version is for the next time I revamp my site. The second one has all comments stripped and is what I'll duplicate when making custom templates. That all comments will be about the customization relative to my template, not my template relative to markdown. I call the second version fliptemplate.svelete.



The navbar defaults to a "large" menu. See ./layouts/partials/components/headers/navbar.html. Changing the nav class to navbar-expand-md means the "hamburger" only shows up for small screens.

  <!-- FLIP: use navbar-expand-md; could even use navbar-expand-sm if short -->
  <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-md navbar-light compensate-for-scrollbar" id="navbar-main">
  <!-- <nav class="navbar navbar-expand-lg navbar-light compensate-for-scrollbar" id="navbar-main"> -->
  <!-- /FLIP -->


The newest version of Wowchemy allows you to make a custom footer. These are stored in ./layouts/partials/components/footers. The default footer is minimal.html.

Make a copy of ./layouts/partials/components/footers/minimal.html and call it flipfoot.html. Go to ./config/_default/params.yaml and use flipfoot as the block:

  block: flipfoot
    notice: '© {year} Me. This work is licensed under {license}'
      enable: true
      allow_derivatives: false
      share_alike: true
      allow_commercial: false

Now we can edit flipfoot.html. Here's what I use:

<div class="row" id="footer-columns">
  <div class="col-md-4" id="footer-col-1">
    <img src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}img/{{ $.Site.Params.mylogo }}" class="center-me">
  <div class="col-md-4" id="footer-col-1">
    <!-- <img src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}img/{{ $.Site.Params.midlogo }}" class="center-me"> -->
    {{ with site.Params.footer.text }}
    <p class="powered-by">
      {{ . | markdownify | emojify }}
    {{ end }}

    {{/* Display copyright license. */}}
    {{ partial "site_footer_license" . }}
  <div class="col-md-4" id="footer-col-1">
    <p class="powered-by">
    {{ with site.Copyright }}{{ replace . "{year}" now.Year | markdownify}}{{ end }}

    {{ if ne .Type "docs" }}
    <span class="float-right" aria-hidden="true">
      <a href="#" id="back_to_top">
        <span class="button_icon">
          <i class="fas fa-chevron-up fa-2x"></i>
    {{ end }}

Note: the copyright information is split between blocks in params.yaml and config.yaml. I may want to tweak that in the future so they're both in the same place.



We'll go down the list of homepage blocks. It is not worth describing the custom block modifications. These are all based on flip.template.html (to have the nice two column layout). I suggest going over the existing blocks and seeing how they are modified. I did not bother indicating where the edits are: they are all over the place and should be straightforward to follow.

Everything is updated in and with the menu updated in menu.yaml. In it is useful to know that |- means "markdown follows in the following line."

About Block

This one requires quite a bit of work. The default about.avatar.html assumes that you want a one column design. We'll hack pieces of that file intofliptemplate.html . Create a new "about" block called flip.avatar.html and call it in

There are quite a lot of changes, so suffice it to say that I should just copy flip.avatar.html. I made some minor edits to custom.scss (which should already have copied over). In

  - block: flip.avatar
    id: about
      username: admin
      blurb: Flip is the first Filipino-American professor of particle physics. He runs a Physical Science book club (Phy-Sci) at his local independent book store. He enjoys swimming, basketball, and speculative fiction.


This is another one where one should just copy the template. Note that the filenames should be in pure lowercase.

The CV block is a nice demonstration for how to iterate over lists and sub-lists. Some care is necessary since Hugo is reading as a yaml file. You can use the {{ . | markdownify }} construction to apply markdown to an item, for example {{ .thing | markdownify }}. However, the thing cannot start out with markdown or else Hugo will get confused. Instead, you can use a single quote:

      - thing: Website Committee (chair)
      - thing: '[hyperlink]('

Slider (Carousel)

The slider/image carousel is tricky. At the time of this writing, the slider had not yet been ported to a v2 template, though GitHub user Agos95 has a fix. It seems to work, so I advocate just grabbing it and placing it in ./layouts/partials/blocks/.

Note: it is important that the slider template is called slider.html. Any other name (e.g. flip.slider.html) will not work because bits of code (e.g. parse_block_v2.html) specifically have if statements based on whether the block is exactly slider. See parse_block_v2.html:

{{/* Special case: Slider widget. */}}
{{ if in (slice "slider") $block_type }}
  {{ $css_classes = print $css_classes " carousel slide" }}
  {{ $extra_attributes = printf "data-ride=\"carousel\" data-interval=\"%s\"" (cond ($ | default true) (string $ | default "3000") "false") }}
  {{ $use_container = false }}
{{ end }}

Trying to recreate the slider block is a pain because it is hard to get the new block to span the entire width and height of a block... not to mention the bigger issue that the navigation does not work.

  1. Download this file as ./layouts/partials/blocks/slider.html. Hopefully in the future this will be part of the default Wowchemy blocks.
  2. Copy over the lines.

It turns out that it works great now. There were some tweaks for buttons. I'm not quite sure where these get set, but I'll just hack these by hand in custom.scss.



The main edits to the fliptemplate.html file are in the second column:

<div class="col-12 col-lg-8">
  {{ $text }}

  {{ with $block.mygroup }}
    <ul class="ul-students">
      {{ range .students }}
        <li class="ul-students" title="{{ .name }}">
          <a href="{{ .website }}"><img class="studentpic" src="{{ $.Site.BaseURL }}img/students/{{ .photo }}"></a>
      {{ end }}
  {{ end }}

  <p><span class="comment">* - co-advised,  ◊ - postdoc, † - undergraduate, ‡ - high-school, § - visiting</span></p>

  <div class="row comment">
    <h5>Past Students</h5>

  {{ with $block.mygroup }}
    {{ range .oldstudents }}
      <div class="row comment">
        <div class="col-xs-3">
          <a href="{{ .website }}" class=comment>
            {{ .name }}&nbsp;
        <div class="col-xs-3">
          {{ .start }} - {{ .end }}&nbsp;
        <div class="col-xs-6">
          {{ .position }}, {{ .role }}
    {{ end }}
  {{ end }}


Twitter (Social Media)

This lightly edits the markdown block.

  <div class="col-12 col-lg-8">
    {{ $text }}
    <h4>Recent Press</h4>
    {{ if $block.content.currentpress }}
      {{ $block.content.currentpress | markdownify }}
    {{ end }}

    {{ if $block.content.olderpress }}
      <summary><b>Older Press</b></summary>
        {{ $block.content.olderpress | markdownify }}
      {{ end }}

Portfolio (Design)

These are all stored in ./contents/posts/. Actually, all of my pages are stored in that folder, not just portfolio pages. In the future I may want to branch off and make a separate folder.

Make a new template called flip.portfolio.html.


You can use the contact block, but I don't like how large the Font Awesome icons are. These, in turn, are tied to specific Wowchemy css that tunes the size of the height of the list items (li) to the Font Awesome 2x size.

We can make our own contact template, but we need to start with fliptemplate.html because Wowchemy defaults to only allowing two column view for a specific set of named blocks. That is: when we rename contact to it stops rendering properly in at least two places: (1) the wide screen two column view does not work, (2) the height of the list items fails.

You can find the css code for the list item heights in _contact.scss, which you can download from Wowchemy. Go to: [downloadfolder]wowchemy-hugo-themes-main/modules/wowchemy/assets/scss/wowchemy. The relevant chunk is here:

.wg-contact .fa-ul {
  margin-left: 3.14285714rem; /* Must be > `fa-2x` icon size. */

.wg-contact .fa-li {
  position: absolute;
  left: -3.14285714rem; /* Negative of `.wg-contact .fa-ul` margin. */
  width: 2rem; /* Match `fa-2x` icon size. */
  top: 0.14285714em; /* Default FA value. */
  text-align: center;

.wg-contact li {
  padding-top: 0.8rem; /* Align text with bottom of `fa-2x` icon. */
  margin-bottom: 0.3rem;

We'll use that as a reference.

First we'll make a copy of fliptemplate.html (which is written to work in two-column mode) called and then copy over bits and pieces from contact.html

Be sure to copy these two initializations from contact.html:

{{ $autolink := default true $block.content.autolink }}
{{ $data := $block.content }}

Here's my sloppy hack in custom.scss:

// contact, adapted from _contact.scss

.fa-ul {
  // margin-left: 3.14285714rem;

.fa-li {
  position: absolute;
  left: -3rem; /* Negative of `.wg-contact .fa-ul` margin. */
  width: 2rem; /* Match `fa-2x` icon size. */
  top: 0.14285714em; /* Default FA value. */
  text-align: center;

I hope that doesn't affect font awesome lists anywhere unexpected.

There were a bunch of little tweaks, this one is kind of fun.


There's a lot of work one can do here. The sponsors are a list of graphics and widths:

      - sponsor: bob
        logo: logo_DOE.png
        logowidth: 1116
      - sponsor: bob
        logo: logo_NSF.png
        logowidth: 200
      - sponsor: bob
        logo: logo_Hellman.png
        logowidth: 541
    sponsorwidth: 28.57

sponsorwidth is just the sum of logo widths divided by 100, then add a little bit as a fudge factor.



The most straightforward deployment is to run hugo and then upload the ./public/ folder via SSH or SFTP.

Wowchemy recommends deploying with Netlify: this syncs your local directory with GitHub, and then deploys the ./public/ folder to a netlify web address. I have found it tricky to figure ot how to sync my university address to the netlify web address.

My current setup is that my university gives me web space on an AWS server.


Wowchemy troubleshooting page.

Misc Notes

It looks like one can use hugo code in the css file, though the source is old. (Update: better discussion here; looks like the thing to search for is CSS and Hugo Pipes.)

  • Some discussion about [lightmode/darkmode images](lightmode/darkmode images), including a nice hack for SVG images (of which I have none).
  • Could also have two copies of the css file, one for light/dark. But now this doubles the work of updating the css. What would be better is if we used scss and had some Hugo code at the top that defines the colors.
  • Most likely I should leave this to a future revision.
  • Can probably use invert() to deal with images using css? See this discussion.


This was an informative block from the 2022 Wowchemy Academic Resume templates. It seems to have gone away, but I'm reproducing it here because it looks informative.

{{/* Wowchemy Blocks: People */}}
{{/* Documentation: */}}
{{/* License: */}}

{{/* Initialise */}}
{{ $page := .wcPage }}
{{ $block := .wcBlock }}
{{ $show_social := $ | default false }}
{{ $show_interests := $ | default true }}
{{ $show_organizations := $ | default false }}
{{ $show_role := $ | default true }}

<div class="row justify-content-center people-widget">
  {{ with $block.Title }}
  <div class="col-md-12 section-heading">
    <h1>{{ . | markdownify | emojify }}</h1>
    {{ if $block.Params.subtitle }}<p>{{ $block.Params.subtitle | markdownify | emojify }}</p>{{ end }}
  {{ end }}

  {{ with $block.Content }}
  <div class="col-md-12">
    {{ . }}
  {{ end }}

  {{ range $block.Params.content.user_groups }}
  {{ $query := where (where site.Pages "Section" "authors") ".Params.user_groups" "intersect" (slice .) }}

  {{if $query | and (gt (len $block.Params.content.user_groups) 1) }}
  <div class="col-md-12">
    <h2 class="mb-4">{{ . | markdownify }}</h2>

  {{ range $query }}
  {{ $avatar := (.Resources.ByType "image").GetMatch "*avatar*" }}
  {{/* Get link to user's profile page. */}}
  {{ $link := "" }}
  {{ with site.GetPage (printf "/authors/%s" (path.Base .File.Dir)) }}
    {{ $link = .RelPermalink }}
  {{ end }}
  <div class="col-12 col-sm-auto people-person">
    {{ $src := "" }}
    {{ if site.Params.features.avatar.gravatar }}
      {{ $src = printf "" (md5 }}
    {{ else if $avatar }}
      {{ $avatar_image := $avatar.Fill "270x270 Center" }}
      {{ $src = $avatar_image.RelPermalink }}
    {{ end }}
    {{ if $src }}
      {{ $avatar_shape := site.Params.features.avatar.shape | default "circle" }}
      {{with $link}}<a href="{{.}}">{{end}}<img width="270" height="270" loading="lazy" class="avatar {{if eq $avatar_shape "square"}}avatar-square{{else}}avatar-circle{{end}}" src="{{ $src }}" alt="Avatar">{{if $link}}</a>{{end}}
    {{ end }}

    <div class="portrait-title">
      <h2>{{with $link}}<a href="{{.}}">{{end}}{{ .Title }}{{if $link}}</a>{{end}}</h2>
      {{ if and $show_organizations .Params.organizations }}{{ range .Params.organizations }}<h3>{{ .name }}</h3>{{ end }}{{ end }}
      {{ if and $show_role .Params.role }}<h3>{{ .Params.role | markdownify | emojify }}</h3>{{ end }}
      {{ if $show_social }}{{ partial "social_links" . }}{{ end }}
      {{ if and $show_interests .Params.interests }}<p class="people-interests">{{ delimit .Params.interests ", " | markdownify | emojify }}</p>{{ end }}
  {{ end }}
  {{ end }}