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fllay edited this page May 16, 2022 · 50 revisions

Welcome to the LTE wiki!

Hardware used

  1. SDR : BladeRF Micro 2.0
  2. LTE antennas: 4 of them
  3. An Intel x86 Ubuntu (18.04) computer
  4. COTS UE: Samsung Galaxy J7 and HUAWEI E3372H
  5. A writable SIM card: This one from AliExpress is good. It includes 5 blank SIM cards, SIM card reader and writer and SIM card adapter. The seller also provide a link for the software.

Software Components

ePC section

#                   srsEPC configuration file

# MME configuration
# mme_code:         8-bit MME code identifies the MME within a group.
# mme_group:        16-bit MME group identifier.
# tac:              16-bit Tracking Area Code.
# mcc:              Mobile Country Code
# mnc:              Mobile Network Code
# apn:		          Set Access Point Name (APN)
# mme_bind_addr:    IP bind addr to listen for eNB S1-MME connnections
# dns_addr:         DNS server address for the UEs
# encryption_algo:  Preferred encryption algorithm for NAS layer 
#                   (default: EEA0, support: EEA1, EEA2)
# integrity_algo:   Preferred integrity protection algorithm for NAS 
#                   (default: EIA1, support: EIA1, EIA2 (EIA0 not support)
# paging_timer:     Value of paging timer in seconds (T3413)
mme_code = 0x1a
mme_group = 0x0001
tac = 0x0007
mcc = 724
mnc = 11
mme_bind_addr =
apn =
dns_addr =
encryption_algo = EEA0
integrity_algo = EIA1
paging_timer = 2

edit mcc, mnc, and app

sreLTE will be used for both EPC and eNodeB.

srelte directory contains the config files. enb.conf is a config file for enodeB. The importance parameters are the following:

eNB section

enb_id = 0x19B  
mcc = 724
mnc = 11
mme_addr =  
gtp_bind_addr =  
s1c_bind_addr =  
n_prb = 15
tm = 4
nof_ports = 2

MCC (Mobile country code) are listed in In this example. mcc = 724 is a code for Brazil. MNC (Mobile network code) is an operator code. We use 11 in this example. n_prb is the bandwidth of the signal and it is given by the following number of resource blocks:

n_prb: Number of Physical Resource Blocks (6,15,25,50,75,100) with the corresponding bandwidth 1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 20 MHz respectively.

tm is transmission mode detailed in the following:

Transmission mode 1 (single antenna), 2 (transmit diversity), 3 (CCD) and 4 (closed-loop spatial multiplexing) (

nof_ports is the number of RF ports used in SDR (BladeRF). For tm = 2, 3, 4, the number of ports is needed to be 2.

RF Section

#dl_earfcn = 3400
tx_gain = 80
#rx_gain = 40

device_name = bladeRF

# For best performance in 2x2 MIMO and >= 15 MHz use the following device_args settings:
#     USRP B210: num_recv_frames=64,num_send_frames=64

# For best performance when BW<5 MHz (25 PRB), use the following device_args settings:
#     USRP B210: send_frame_size=512,recv_frame_size=512

#device_args = auto
time_adv_nsamples = 27

To configure the downlink frequency, we need to modify rr.conf

mac_cnfg =
  phr_cnfg = 
    dl_pathloss_change = "dB3"; // Valid: 1, 3, 6 or INFINITY
    periodic_phr_timer = 50;
    prohibit_phr_timer = 0;
  ulsch_cnfg = 
    max_harq_tx = 4;
    periodic_bsr_timer = 20; // in ms
    retx_bsr_timer = 320;   // in ms
  time_alignment_timer = -1; // -1 is infinity

phy_cnfg =
  phich_cnfg = 
    duration  = "Normal";
    resources = "1/6"; 

  pusch_cnfg_ded =
    beta_offset_ack_idx = 6;
    beta_offset_ri_idx  = 6;
    beta_offset_cqi_idx = 6;
  // PUCCH-SR resources are scheduled on time-frequeny domain first, then multiplexed in the same resource. 
  sched_request_cnfg =
    dsr_trans_max = 64;
    period = 20;          // in ms
    //subframe = [1, 11]; // Optional vector of subframe indices allowed for SR transmissions (default uses all)
    nof_prb = 1;          // number of PRBs on each extreme used for SR (total prb is twice this number)
  cqi_report_cnfg =
    mode = "periodic";
    simultaneousAckCQI = true;
    period = 40;                   // in ms
    //subframe = [0, 10, 20, 30];  // Optional vector of subframe indices every period where CQI resources will be allocated (default uses all)
    m_ri = 8; // RI period in CQI period
    //subband_k = 1; // If enabled and > 0, configures sub-band CQI reporting and defines K (see 36.213 7.2.2). If disabled, configures wideband CQI

cell_list =
    // rf_port = 0;
    cell_id = 0x01;
    tac = 0x0007;
    pci = 1;
    // root_seq_idx = 204;
    dl_earfcn = 1575;
    //ul_earfcn = 21400;
    ho_active = false;
    //meas_gap_period = 0; // 0 (inactive), 40 or 80
    //meas_gap_offset_subframe = [6, 12, 18, 24, 30];
    // target_pusch_sinr = -1;
    // target_pucch_sinr = -1;
    // enable_phr_handling = false;
    // min_phr_thres = 0;
    // allowed_meas_bw = 6;
    // t304 = 2000; // in msec. possible values: 50, 100, 150, 200, 500, 1000, 2000

    // CA cells
    scell_list = (
      // {cell_id = 0x02; cross_carrier_scheduling = false; scheduling_cell_id = 0x02; ul_allowed = true}

    // Cells available for handover
    meas_cell_list =
        eci = 0x19C02;
        dl_earfcn = 2850;
        pci = 2;
        //direct_forward_path_available = false;
        //allowed_meas_bw = 6;
        //cell_individual_offset = 0;

    // Select measurement report configuration (all reports are combined with all measurement objects)
    meas_report_desc =
          eventA = 3
          a3_offset = 6;
          hysteresis = 0;
          time_to_trigger = 480;
          trigger_quant = "RSRP";
          max_report_cells = 1;
          report_interv = 120;
          report_amount = 1;
    meas_quant_desc = {
        // averaging filter coefficient
        rsrq_config = 4;
        rsrp_config = 4;
  // Add here more cells

nr_cell_list =
  // no NR cells

In section

cell_list =
    // rf_port = 0;
    cell_id = 0x01;
    tac = 0x0007;
    pci = 1;
    // root_seq_idx = 204;
    dl_earfcn = 1575;

dl_earfcn is the downlink frequency. It is specified by earfcn number. These number is given in There is an EARFCN calculation in

For example, dl_earfcn = 1201 is corresponds to

Band Name Bandwidth (MHz) Mode Earfcn DL Downlink (MHz) Earfcn UL Uplink (MHz)
3 1800+ 75 FDD 1201 1805.10 19201 1710.10

tx_gain = 80 seems to be ok for BladeRF. The RX gain rx_gain = 40 is commented out to set as automatic gain control (AGC). This seems to be better performance for BladeRF. time_adv_nsamples = 27 is set as per recommendation in the config file for BladeRF SDR.

pi@pi-ros:~$ sudo srsenb
[sudo] password for pi: 
---  Software Radio Systems LTE eNodeB  ---

Reading configuration file /home/pi/.config/srslte/enb.conf...
WARNING: cpu0 scaling governor is not set to performance mode. Realtime processing could be compromised. Consider setting it to performance mode before running the application.

Built in Release mode using 20.10.0.

/home/pi/LTE/srsLTE-release_20_10/srsenb/src/ Force DL EARFCN for cell PCI=1 to 1201

Opening 2 channels in RF device=bladeRF with args=default
Opening bladeRF...
Set RX sampling rate 1.92 Mhz, filter BW: 1.92 Mhz

==== eNodeB started ===
Type <t> to view trace
Starting plot for worker_id=0
Creating plot window 'srsENB PCI 1'...
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
Set RX sampling rate 11.52 Mhz, filter BW: 9.22 Mhz
Setting manual TX/RX offset to 27 samples
Setting frequency: DL=1805.1 Mhz, UL=1710.1 MHz for cc_idx=0
set TX frequency to 1805100000
set TX frequency to 1805100000
set RX frequency to 1710100000
set RX frequency to 1710100000
libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
RACH:  tti=3301, cc=0, preamble=26, offset=9, temp_crnti=0x46
User 0x46 connected
pi@pi-ros:~$ sudo srsepc
[sudo] password for pi: 

Built in Release mode using 20.10.0.

---  Software Radio Systems EPC  ---

Reading configuration file /home/pi/.config/srslte/epc.conf...
HSS Initialized.
MME S11 Initialized
MME GTP-C Initialized
MME Initialized. MCC: 0xf724, MNC: 0xff11
SPGW GTP-U Initialized.
SPGW S11 Initialized.
SP-GW Initialized.
Received S1 Setup Request.
S1 Setup Request - eNB Name: srsenb01, eNB id: 0x19b
S1 Setup Request - MCC:724, MNC:11
S1 Setup Request - TAC 7, B-PLMN 0x27f411
S1 Setup Request - Paging DRX v128
Sending S1 Setup Response
Received Initial UE message -- Attach Request
Attach request -- M-TMSI: 0x2c925729
Attach request -- eNB-UE S1AP Id: 1
Attach request -- Attach type: 2
Attach Request -- UE Network Capabilities EEA: 11110000
Attach Request -- UE Network Capabilities EIA: 11110000
Attach Request -- MS Network Capabilities Present: true
PDN Connectivity Request -- EPS Bearer Identity requested: 0
PDN Connectivity Request -- Procedure Transaction Id: 1
PDN Connectivity Request -- ESM Information Transfer requested: true
UL NAS: Received Identity Response
ID Response -- IMSI: 724110000037980
Downlink NAS: Sent Authentication Request
UL NAS: Received Authentication Response
Authentication Response -- IMSI 724110000037980
UE Authentication Accepted.
Generating KeNB with UL NAS COUNT: 0
Downlink NAS: Sending NAS Security Mode Command.
UL NAS: Received Security Mode Complete
Security Mode Command Complete -- IMSI: 724110000037980
Sending ESM information request
UL NAS: Received ESM Information Response
ESM Info: 6 Protocol Configuration Options
Getting subscription information -- QCI 7
Sending Create Session Request.
Creating Session Response -- IMSI: 724110000037980
Creating Session Response -- MME control TEID: 1
SPGW: Allocated Ctrl TEID 1
SPGW: Allocated User TEID 1
SPGW: Allocate UE IP
Received Create Session Response
Create Session Response -- SPGW control TEID 1
Create Session Response -- SPGW S1-U Address:
SPGW Allocated IP to IMSI 724110000037980
Adding attach accept to Initial Context Setup Request
Sent Initial Context Setup Request. E-RAB id 5 
Received Initial Context Setup Response
E-RAB Context Setup. E-RAB id 5
E-RAB Context -- eNB TEID 0x1; eNB GTP-U Address
UL NAS: Received Attach Complete
Unpacked Attached Complete Message. IMSI 724110000037980
Unpacked Activate Default EPS Bearer message. EPS Bearer id 5
Sending EMM Information

Configure Open5GS

The subscriber data can be edited by using webUI localhost:3000. The first part is subscriber configuration where IMSI, KI and OPc are stored.


The second part is session configuration section where we can specify APN name.


Colab notebook to generate KI and OPC colab

IMSI : 724110000037980 KI: D1DB253527F74EE087F6EEF87E5D64D6 OPC :3FED1A5D3775EEE38B988C1044D3A081

IMSI : 724110000037981 KI: 42D4F23931F24EAE93DFD30B09A787AD OPC: CF3E9D77E6587454D3496A5448E58983

Sysmocom uSIM

901700000037980 8988211000000379803 0001 2710 60343649 9184 99091891 10FC442FFDFA64039EFED420468126FB 6B163D7574F4D15AB27541AE0311F5A6
901700000037981 8988211000000379811 0002 8247 11350971 7845 74463844 89BDEBE6CF9ABF18826713C795A76AE0 79357542E239B0B81ECFD1EA0B8A2841
901700000037982 8988211000000379829 0004 8276 91676454 1098 34819185 6C03137E507414D32A49ADE8FF4AA820 1562D329051A61F4A898FDE234507670
901700000037983 8988211000000379837 0008 4597 46669842 3046 55802242 B154DD21B2157EAAD5DD8FB85BCBE21B 1C5069ED7BAE4AE87733D1678722F922
901700000037984 8988211000000379845 0010 6813 64741308 7924 79291804 8FBDD705484F1214CD0C7CF5ADC9ACD3 82EBAEE9D470E164B763F97CAEF608FE
901700000037985 8988211000000379852 0020 5734 35969766 9484 57212639 542B7E17B553576E604444601750819D 8993E7E3A003FB480EC4942C88EEE7AA
901700000037986 8988211000000379860 0040 3324 33013720 5609 94493088 FB7F4EFA27E684CA78E78D3B5A6989B1 A6BC1629E701B13D14F9F4AE2E58D18A
901700000037987 8988211000000379878 0080 2253 95652576 9063 87444815 413BE3D0B54460DD8BA4F452A64D8424 94F8ABA76FA285EB6D1F48338FF9C7A1
901700000037988 8988211000000379886 0100 5453 78553752 6641 90872778 745FD3ACE568C811BC286BCB3531569D AAC3ED3C14B90F5550C48530612AD74D
901700000037989 8988211000000379894 0200 7384 42299163 2215 93059612 D22741396B4E75F4F983368A8EE3E6DD 576D2A9869BC1E07D736430DB1CD4529

Step to start LTE basestation

pi@pi:~$ ifconfig
enp0s31f6: flags=4099<UP,BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether 54:e1:ad:6c:2e:0a  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0
        device interrupt 16  memory 0xf2200000-f2220000  

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
        inet  netmask
        inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
        loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
        RX packets 4329  bytes 474172 (474.1 KB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 4329  bytes 474172 (474.1 KB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

srs_spgw_sgi: flags=4305<UP,POINTOPOINT,RUNNING,NOARP,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  destination
        inet6 fe80::e3ce:9069:3918:4685  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        unspec 00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00  txqueuelen 500  (UNSPEC)
        RX packets 1149  bytes 79586 (79.5 KB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 70  bytes 10832 (10.8 KB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

wlp58s0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::e1d:cbc3:8067:223e  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether cc:2f:71:31:22:ac  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 52105  bytes 57335889 (57.3 MB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 1  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 18217  bytes 4193544 (4.1 MB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

Let take a look which interface get assigned IP. In this example, wlp58s0 interface gets IP and hence we will masquerade this interface

sudo wlp58s0

then we start epc

sudo srsepc

when epc has started, we can start enb

sudo srsenb
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