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Deployment Guide

maggie3000 edited this page Dec 16, 2021 · 32 revisions

Deployment Guide for PikachuDrinkingWindex

This is the deployment guide for PikachuDrinkingWindex. Deploying on DEC 10TH. Back up person to deploy is Flora. Weekly deployment.



  • Raspberry Pi (Raspberry Pi 400 Unit Keyboard) this is the hardware we will use
  • VNC Viewer (on both Pi and on host)
  • Monitor
  • Keyboard & Mouse

Using Raspberry Pi

  1. connect power source
  2. connect mouse through USB port
  3. connect to monitor to view through an HDMI cable
  4. power up the pi, login and get setup

Using VNC Viewer

  1. create account on personal computer
  2. download VNC Viewer on personal computer and on the Raspberry Pi
  3. in VNC Viewer application, select "computers" from the sidebar and then select the raspberry pi computer (Name: raspberrypi)

Setting up Java web on Raspberry Pi

In terminal:

  1. install necessary packages
    sudo apt install & sudo upgrade
    sudo apt install default-jre default-jdk maven
  2. clone the repository
    cd for navigating files and cd~ to navigate to home directory
    git clone
  3. run the repository
    cd pikachudrinkingwindex
    sudo mvn spring-boot:run
  4. test site on Raspberry Pi browser (Chromium) using "localhost:8080"

Creating a service on Raspberry Pi

Execute these lines in terminal:

  1. cd /etc/systemd/system/
  2. sudo touch AllHailTheHolyScrumMaster.service
  3. sudo systemctl start AllHailTheHolyScrumMaster
  4. sudo systemctl status AllHailTheHolyScrumMaster
  5. cd /etc/nginx/sites-available
  6. sudo touch AllHailTheHolyScrumMaster
  7. sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/AllHailTheHolyScrumMaster /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
  8. sudo nginx -t
  9. sudo systemctl restart nginx service.png nginx.png

Creating a custom domain name using Freenom

  1. head to
  2. make a Freenom account (Recommend personal google account)
  3. create a new domain
  4. choose between (recommend .cf)
  5. once domain is created head over to "services"
  6. click my domains
  7. click "Manage Domain"
  8. then click on "Manage Freenom DNS"
  9. head to "Register glue records"
  10. obtain your external IP address using "What is my IP Address"

Port forwarding

  1. login to home router app/web
  2. setup your router to forward TCP/UDP to raspberry pi server
  3. start your raspberry pi server using the sudo command
  4. Use sudo command to thonny (run this or you may get some errors when running your website on multiple devices)
  5. check to make sure that you have port 80
  6. test your website on any browser

Update Deployment

  1. navigate to directory
    cd to default and cd pikachudrinkingwindex to navigate to project
  2. update the repository
    git pull
  3. update procedures
    ./mvnw package
    sudo systemctl restart pikachudrinkingwindex.service
