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Github Policy

florayuan18 edited this page Dec 16, 2021 · 13 revisions

GitHub Policy for PikachuDrinkingWindex Wiki


  • To organize pull requests and commits
  • To prevent commit errors and loss of code
  • To organize and efficiently delegate tasks
  • To avoid committing files that don’t belong in version control

GitHub Project Setup

  • ReadMe to organize journals, commits, profiles, and individual issues
  • ReadMe must be frequently updated by all team members
  • Inclusion of a .gitignore file to ensure that files not tracked by Git remain untracked
  • Additional lines may be added into the .gitignore file to tell GitHub to ignore them, with the consensus of group members
  • .idea files:

Scrum Board

  • Split up into different sections to track progress (To Do, In Progress, Teacher Review Ready, and Done columns)
  • Individual issues that are assigned and labeled appropriately at the beginning of the week
  • Individual issues must be moved to the Done column and closed once completed
  • Tasks must be completed in the week assigned unless deadlines are extended
  • Members must look 3 weeks ahead to plan accordingly

Pull Requests

  • Members will try not force pushes by and instead discuss with others in the team to problem solve
  • Topic branches will be used for pull requests
  • Team members will tell one another when they have pushed to the topic branch
  • Team members will pull changes by the end of each class period
  • For larger technicals, pull requests will be drafted and created
  • Members can push commits from the topic branch and add them to the pull request
  • Other members will review proposed changes, add review comments, and possibly add their own commits to the pull request

Branches Techniques

  • Individual technicals will be conducted on separate branches
  • Git-checkout will be used to update individual branches
  • Only merge after checking with other members to prevent merging errors
  • Rebasing can be for the entire branch or just a single commit

How to Create and Merge a Branch

  • Merging to master the most common way to integrate results of work back into the main code base
  • Integrated into the head of the target branch
  • Click checkout to switch to a branch (under Git)
  • Branches popup - Branches
  • Rebasing branches (git-rebase)
  • Rebasing from one branch to the other
  • Rebase operation integrates changes on feature branch to master branch by applying commits on top of current HEAD commit in master
  • Git | Rebase - choose target branch to which you want to rebase to
  • Can do rebasing from a particular commit instead of entire branch
  • Modify options and choose --onto
  • Enter the hash of the commit


  • No forks (independent of the original repository) will be used

Week 3


  • Calvin: He worked on getting the new FRQs to work on his page, specifically creating a .java file for the order FRQ. He also made progress with the API.
  • Kira: She worked on updating her "about us" page with the FRQs as well, finalizing the controller for the light sequence. She also made progress with designing the website.
  • Maggie: She worked on the FRQs as well, creating a controller for the order FRQ
  • Flora: She worked on the FRQs, as well as started updating the navigation bar to start creating a theme.
  • Crystal: She updated the readme to include the timebox for week 3 material

Pull Requests

  • Pull Request created for the design branch for implementing CSS into the main branch