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Florian Hartmann edited this page May 6, 2016 · 3 revisions

cookie.js changelog


Fr May 6 / v1.2.0

  • Added cookie.removeSpecific


Sa Oct 24 / v1.1.0

Published v1.1.0

  • Clearer encode / decode functions that are easier to change from outside of the library
  • cookie.setDefault method


Sun Dec 09

Thu Nov 08

  • Bugfix – cookie.utils.isPlainObject now always returns a boolean.

Fri Oct 05

  • Bugfix – cookie.enabled works like expected again.

Wed Sep 26

Thu Jul 19

  • Added CommonJS support.
  • Added cookie.defaults to customize the default options.
  • Added cookie.expiresMultiplier so users can customize it and e.g. pass the number of minutes after that the cookie expires to cookie.set instead of the number of hours.
  • Added a more efficient escape method.
  • Replaced rake with grunt.
  • Replaced Google Closure Compiler with UglifyJS, because grunt ships with UglifyJS and it nearly does the same amount of compression (currently 60 bytes more than GCC when gzipped, which is fine.).

Sat May 12

  • Added AMD support.

Sat May 5

  • Added unit tests.

Mon Apr 23

  • Bugfix – Added escaping for the cookie key.
  • Bugfix – cookie.remove didn't work in IE, now it does.
  • Large parts of the utils methods were rewritten.

Sat Apr 14:

  • The expiry option now expects you to pass the number of days instead of the number of the seconds.

Fri Apr 13

  • Rewrote the code base architecture, it's a lot more efficient now.

Tue Apr 10

  • The Google Closure Compiler is now being used to compress the code, because it works better for cookie.js than other compressors do.
  • Added: New method cookie.enabled that checks if cookies are enabled.

Tue Apr 3

  • Major erformance optimisation for retrieving several cookies at once with cookie.get.

Fri Mar 23

  • Bugfix – The utils.isArray / utils.isPlainObject methods now work in IE.

Thu Mar 22

  • Published cookie.js on GitHub.
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