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Cocoapods version Cocoapods licence Cocoapods plateform Prs welcome


Sweet segment control with image, text and badge ! Hightly customisable.



  • Segment control with only text
  • Segment control with image and text
  • Segment control with only image
  • Display badge

Todo (feel free to make PR)

  • Unit & UI Test


  • Xcode 8
  • iOS 9.0+ target deployment
  • Swift 3 project
  • Dependency with SwiftBadge


  • To integrate BadgeSegmentControl into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile :
pod "BadgeSegmentControl"
  • To integrate BadgeSegmentControl into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile :
github "floriangbh/BadgeSegmentControl" 


  • Import the library :
import BadgeSegmentControl
  • Display the segment control programmatically :
let padding: CGFloat = 50
let mySegmentControl = BadgeSegmentControl(frame: CGRect(x: padding / 2,
                                                         y: self.view.frame.height - (padding * 2),
                                                         width: self.view.frame.width - padding,
                                                         height: padding))
self.mySegmentControl?.segmentAppearance = SegmentControlAppearance.appearance()

// Add segments
                                 action: #selector(selectSegmentInSegmentView(segmentView:)),
                                 for: .valueChanged)

// Set segment with index 0 as selected by default
self.mySegmentControl?.selectedSegmentIndex = 0

// Add to subview
if let segmentControl = self.mySegmentControl {
  • Listen for change :
// Segment selector for .ValueChanged
func selectSegmentInSegmentView(segmentView: BadgeSegmentControl) {
    print("Select segment at index: \(segmentView.selectedSegmentIndex)")
  • From the storyboard :

Just set an UIView with BadgeSegmentControl class and export to an IBOutlet.


import BadgeSegmentControl

func appearance() -> BadgeSegmentControlAppearence {
    let appearance = BadgeSegmentControlAppearence()

    // Segment color 
    appearance.segmentOnSelectionColour = UIColor.white
    appearance.segmentOffSelectionColour = UIColor(red:1.00, green:0.62, blue:0.22, alpha:1.00)

    // Title font 
    appearance.titleOnSelectionFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)
    appearance.titleOffSelectionFont = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 14)

    // Title color 
    appearance.titleOnSelectionColour = UIColor(red:1.00, green:0.62, blue:0.22, alpha:1.00)
    appearance.titleOffSelectionColour = UIColor.white

    // Vertical margin 
    appearance.contentVerticalMargin = 10.0

    // Border style
    appearance.borderColor = UIColor.white
    appearance.cornerRadius = 5.0
    appearance.borderWidth = 2.0

    // Divider style
    appearance.dividerWidth = 1.0
    appearance.dividerColour = UIColor(white: 0.95, alpha: 0.3)

    return appearance

self.mySegmentControl?.segmentAppearance = self.appearance()


Florian Gabach,


OpenSourceController is available under the MIT license.

If your application use this segment control consider to add the licence in your Credits/About section. You can use this library to do it.