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[axios_v0.19.x] Split Flow version to align with recent changes. (#3689
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eawtf authored and pascalduez committed Jan 3, 2020
1 parent b09080b commit a4cc3d5
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Showing 4 changed files with 617 additions and 0 deletions.
216 changes: 216 additions & 0 deletions definitions/npm/axios_v0.19.x/flow_v0.80.x-v0.103.x/axios_v0.19.x.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
declare module 'axios' {
import type { Agent as HttpAgent } from 'http';
import type { Agent as HttpsAgent } from 'https';

declare type AxiosTransformer<T> = (
data: T,
headers?: { [key: string]: any }
) => any;

declare type ProxyConfig = {|
host: string,
port: number,
auth?: {
username: string,
password: string,
protocol?: string,

declare class Cancel {
constructor(message?: string): Cancel;
message: string;

declare type Canceler = (message?: string) => void;

declare type CancelTokenSource = {|
token: CancelToken,
cancel: Canceler,

declare class CancelToken {
constructor(executor: (cancel: Canceler) => void): void;
static source(): CancelTokenSource;
promise: Promise<Cancel>;
reason?: Cancel;
throwIfRequested(): void;

declare type Method =
| 'get'
| 'GET'
| 'delete'
| 'head'
| 'HEAD'
| 'options'
| 'post'
| 'POST'
| 'put'
| 'PUT'
| 'patch'
| 'PATCH';

declare type ResponseType =
| 'arraybuffer'
| 'blob'
| 'document'
| 'json'
| 'text'
| 'stream';

declare type AxiosAdapter = (
config: AxiosXHRConfig<any>
) => Promise<AxiosXHR<any>>;

declare type AxiosXHRConfigBase<T, R = T> = {
adapter?: AxiosAdapter,
auth?: {
username: string,
password: string,
baseURL?: string,
cancelToken?: CancelToken,
headers?: { [key: string]: any },
httpAgent?: HttpAgent,
httpsAgent?: HttpsAgent,
maxContentLength?: number,
maxRedirects?: number,
socketPath?: string | null,
params?: { [key: string]: any },
paramsSerializer?: (params: { [key: string]: any }) => string,
onUploadProgress?: (progressEvent: ProgressEvent) => void,
onDownloadProgress?: (progressEvent: ProgressEvent) => void,
proxy?: ProxyConfig | false,
responseType?: ResponseType,
timeout?: number,
transformRequest?: AxiosTransformer<T> | Array<AxiosTransformer<T>>,
transformResponse?: AxiosTransformer<R> | Array<AxiosTransformer<R>>,
validateStatus?: (status: number) => boolean,
withCredentials?: boolean,
xsrfCookieName?: string,
xsrfHeaderName?: string,

declare type AxiosXHRConfig<T, R = T> = {|
...$Exact<AxiosXHRConfigBase<T, R>>,
data?: T,
method?: Method,
url: string,

declare type AxiosXHRConfigShape<T, R = T> = $Shape<AxiosXHRConfig<T, R>>;

declare type AxiosXHR<T, R = T> = {
config: AxiosXHRConfig<T, R>,
data: R,
headers: ?{ [key: string]: any },
status: number,
statusText: string,
request: http$ClientRequest<> | XMLHttpRequest | mixed,

declare type AxiosInterceptorIdent = number;

declare type AxiosRequestInterceptor<T, R = T> = {|
onFulfilled: ?(
response: AxiosXHRConfig<T, R>
) => Promise<AxiosXHRConfig<mixed>> | AxiosXHRConfig<mixed>,
onRejected: ?(error: mixed) => mixed
): AxiosInterceptorIdent,
eject(ident: AxiosInterceptorIdent): void,

declare type AxiosResponseInterceptor<T, R = T> = {|
onFulfilled: ?(response: AxiosXHR<T, R>) => mixed,
onRejected: ?(error: mixed) => mixed
): AxiosInterceptorIdent,
eject(ident: AxiosInterceptorIdent): void,

declare type AxiosPromise<T, R = T> = Promise<AxiosXHR<T, R>>;

declare class Axios {
<T, R>(
config: AxiosXHRConfig<T, R> | string,
config?: AxiosXHRConfigShape<T, R>
): AxiosPromise<T, R>;
constructor<T, R>(config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T, R>): void;
request<T, R>(
config: AxiosXHRConfig<T, R> | string,
config?: AxiosXHRConfigShape<T, R>
): AxiosPromise<T, R>;
url: string,
config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<mixed, R>
): AxiosPromise<mixed, R>;
url: string,
config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<mixed, R>
): AxiosPromise<mixed, R>;
url: string,
config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<mixed, R>
): AxiosPromise<mixed, R>;
post<T, R>(
url: string,
data?: T,
config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T, R>
): AxiosPromise<T, R>;
put<T, R>(
url: string,
data?: T,
config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T, R>
): AxiosPromise<T, R>;
patch<T, R>(
url: string,
data?: T,
config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<T, R>
): AxiosPromise<T, R>;
interceptors: {
request: AxiosRequestInterceptor<mixed>,
response: AxiosResponseInterceptor<mixed>,
defaults: {|
headers: { [key: string]: any },
getUri<T, R>(config?: AxiosXHRConfig<T, R>): string;

declare class AxiosError<T, R = T> extends Error {
config: AxiosXHRConfig<T, R>;
request?: http$ClientRequest<> | XMLHttpRequest;
response?: AxiosXHR<T, R>;
code?: string;
isAxiosError: boolean;

declare interface AxiosExport extends Axios {
<T, R>(
config: AxiosXHRConfig<T, R> | string,
config?: AxiosXHRConfigShape<T, R>
): AxiosPromise<T, R>;
Axios: typeof Axios;
Cancel: typeof Cancel;
CancelToken: typeof CancelToken;
isCancel(value: any): boolean;
create(config?: AxiosXHRConfigBase<any>): Axios;
all: typeof Promise.all;
spread<T, R>(callback: (...args: T) => R): (array: T) => R;

declare type $AxiosXHRConfigBase<T, R = T> = AxiosXHRConfigBase<T, R>;

declare type $AxiosXHRConfig<T, R = T> = AxiosXHRConfig<T, R>;

declare type $AxiosXHR<T, R = T> = AxiosXHR<T, R>;

declare type $AxiosError<T, R = T> = AxiosError<T, R>;

declare module.exports: AxiosExport;

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