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Media queries component

Vittorio Vittori edited this page Aug 5, 2014 · 1 revision

List of the available mixins

Mixin name Example Code
addColumnsSet Gist example Source code
addContainerRow Gist example Source code
addMarginOffset Gist example Source code
addViewportsSteps Gist example Source code



This mixin generate the entire classic grid system based on float:left;, box-sizing: border-box and it's relative width steps.

Param Default value Required Comment
@hdSteps 12 no The number of grid columns generated for HD viewports
@tabletSteps @hdSteps no The number of grid columns generated for Tablet viewports
@smartphoneSteps @tabletSteps no The number of grid columns generated for Smartphone viewports
@hdViewportPrefix hd- no A prefix for the grid rules in front of HD viewports hd-2-of-12
@tabletViewportPrefix tablet- no A prefix for the grid rules in front of Tablet viewports tablet-2-of-12
@smartphoneViewportPrefix smartphone- no A prefix for the grid rules in front of Smartphone viewports smartphone-2-of-12
@fillFromViewport "smartphone-landscape" no By default, the grid rules between HD and Tablet viewports will be set to width: 100%;. Available rules "hd-full", "hd-ready", "tablet-landscape", "tablet-portrait", "smartphone-landscape", "smartphone-portrait"
@viewTotalColumns true no When the rule is generated, it shows the total columns: tablet-2-of-12
@columnsSeparator -of- no The separator between current column step and total columns steps of the rule generated: hd-6-of-12, this portion will be generated only if @viewTotalColumns is set to true
@useHdRules true no This will enable HD rules to be generated by the mixin
@useTabletRules true no This will enable Tablet rules to be generated by the mixin
@useSmartphoneRules true no This will enable Smartphone rules to be generated by the mixin

As result this mixin will generate CSS code like this:

/* from */
.hd-1-of-12  { /* rules */ }

/* to */
.hd-12-of-12 { /* rules */ }

/* this will be generated also for tablet and smartphone viewports */

Gist example



This mixin generate a container row with a list of properties to make columns behave better. Mixed with addColumnsSet can solve almost all problems.

Param Default value Required Comment
@selector row no
@hdFullSteps 0 no Sets a clear:both; every N elelemnts defined by @hdFullSteps and sets e default width to every sibiling and
@hdReadySteps 12 no Not applied if @hdFullSteps is set to 0
@tabletLandscapeSteps 6 no Not applied if @hdFullSteps is set to 0
@tabletPortraitSteps 3 no Not applied if @hdFullSteps is set to 0
@smartphoneLandscapeSteps 1 no Not applied if @hdFullSteps is set to 0
@smartphonePortraitSteps 1 no Not applied if @hdFullSteps is set to 0

It sets a clear:both; every N elements defined from @hdFullSteps to @smartphonePortraitSteps parameters. So if @hdFullSteps is 4 it will be applied the rule:

@media /* media query for Full HD rule here */ {
    .row > *:nth-child(4n+1) {
        /* ... various rules before ... */

It also sets e default width based on the number of steps defined divided by 100. So on a column set where @hdFullSteps is 4 it will be applied the rule:

@media /* media query for Full HD rule here */ {
    .row > *:nth-child(4n+1) {
        /* ... various rules before ... */

Gist example



This mixin generate a list of margin offset set of rules for addColumnsSet and it can be based with the same paramters

Param Default value Required
@hdSteps 12 no
@tabletSteps hdSteps no
@smartphoneSteps tabletSteps no
@hdViewportPrefix hd-offset- no
@tabletViewportPrefix tablet-offset- no
@smartphoneViewportPrefix smartphone-offset- no
@fillFromViewport smartphone-landscape" no
@viewTotalColumns true no
@columnsSeparator -of- no
@useHdRules true no
@useTabletRules true no
@useSmartphoneRules true no

As result this mixin will generate css code like this:

/* from */
.hd-offset-1-of-12  { /* rules */ }

/* to */
.hd-offset-12-of-12 { /* rules */ }

/* and also */
.hd-offset-disabled { /* rules */ }

/* this will be generated also for tablet and smartphone */

Gist example



This mixin generate a selector which is aliged to center of it's container and has a max-width property based on the current viewport size subtracted to the size you set

Param Default value Required Comment
@selector use-steps no
@hdFullMargin 500px no The max-width will be set to @hd-full-step - @hdFullMargin, @hd-full-step can be set on your theme's app.less bootstrap file
@hdReadyMargin 100px no
@tabletLandscapeMargin 50px no
@tabletPortraitMargin 20px no

Gist example

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