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Typography component

Vittorio Vittori edited this page Aug 28, 2014 · 5 revisions

List of the available mixins

You can find the source code here.

Mixin name Example
addFontRule Gist example
addFontsRule Gist example missing
setFontScaling Gist example missing
setHeadingFont Gist example missing
setLineHeightScaling Gist example missing
setViewportsFontSize Gist example missing


Generates a selector with a set of fonts rules based on one font-family for all viewports, line-height, an antialias type and a font-size which can be set different for every viewport.

Param Default value Required Comment
@selector none yes
@fontFamily @font-default no From app.less on theme folder
@hdFullFontSize 16px no
@hdReadyFontSize 16px no
@tabletLandscapeFontSize 16px no
@tabletPortraitFontSize 16px no
@smartphoneLandscapeFontSize 16px no
@smartphonePortraitFontSize 16px no
@antialias antialiased no
@lineHeightMultiplier @font-line-height no From app.less on theme folder

Gist example



Generates a selector with a set of fonts rules based on font-family, font-size and antialias type that can be set different for every viewport type (HD, Tablet and Smartphone).

Param Default value Required Comment
@selector small-fonts yes
@fontFamilyHd @font-default no From app.less on theme folder
@fontSizeHd @font-small no From app.less on theme folder
@antialiasHd subpixel-antialiased no
@fontFamilyTablet @font-default no From app.less on theme folder
@fontSizeTablet @font-small no From app.less on theme folder
@antialiasTablet subpixel-antialiased no
@fontFamilySmartphone @font-default no From app.less on theme folder
@fontSizeSmartphone @font-small no From app.less on theme folder
@antialiasSmartphone subpixel-antialiased no

Gist example missing



Description missing.

Param Default value Required
Parameters missing none -

Gist example missing



Description missing.

Param Default value Required
Parameters missing none -

Gist example missing



Description missing.

Param Default value Required
Parameters missing none -

Gist example missing



Description missing.

Param Default value Required
Parameters missing none -

Gist example missing

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