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Provider node for pushing and settling data requests for first-party price feeds on NEAR & EVM chains.



You must have node.js installed. We are using v14.19.

For providing data on an EVM chain

First, deploy a FluxPriceFeed.sol contract by cloning the fpo-evm repository and following the README, saving your contract address to use here. Alternatively, leave the default config.json contract address to test your API sources without deploying a new contract, using a contract we deployed to Aurora with access control removed. You must deploy a new contract for each pair you provide on an EVM chain.

For providing data on NEAR

To support the NEAR network, the near-cli package needs to be installed. (npm i -g near-cli)

General Set-up

git clone
cd fpo-node/
npm install
cp .env.example .env # add private key & node ID
nano config.json # populate with contract address, API sources, network, and interval

In config.json, each price pair is mapped to a single contract and can have any number of sources. The node will push the result of the last source that returns an answer, throwing out sources that do not respond.

NEAR Setup

First login using the near-cli by doing NEAR_ENV=testnet near login (NEAR_ENV=mainnet for mainnet). This will store private keys inside the ~/.near-credentials/testnet (or /mainnet for mainnet). If for some reason the data is not in those folders please manually copy the private key over from ~/.near-credentials/default over to the desired network folder.

In the config.json Make sure if you are using NEAR to change the accountId (containing {{YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID}}) with your accountId that you just used to login with. Also if you want to deploy for mainnet make sure the networkType is set to mainnet and rpc is set to

In the .env file you just created change the NEAR_CREDENTIALS_STORE_PATH to the root of the near-credentials folder. (For example /home/{USERNAME}/.near-credentials/).

Near does not require a new contract deployment for each pair. Each pair is generated automatically when you push a new pair. See Contract addresses for NEAR Near is also the only one to support batching of transactions, making it cheaper for you to push data on chain. Please see Batching

EVM Setup

Change in the config.json the chainId and rpc to the desired EVM chain. Currently it's configured to use the Aurora EVM chain.

Change in the .env the EVM_PRIVATE_KEY to your private key (Not a mnemonic but the key that starts with 0x).


To run:

npm run start

Alternatively, the fpo-node can be run as a Docker container:

docker run -d \
    --name fpo-node \
    --env-file $PWD/.env \
    --volume $PWD/config.json:/usr/src/app/config.json \
    --volume ~/.near-credentials:/usr/src/app/.near-credentials \
    --restart always \

Configuring config.json

Key Type Description
networks Network[] An array of network configurations. (Explained below)
pairs Pair[] An array of pricing pairs with the sources (Explained below)


Configuration for a specific network. Currently two types are supported. evm and near. You can use each network type multiple types to combine for example Avalanche, Polygon and Ethereum.

options for every network

These options are available/required for every network

Key Type Description
type string Lets the node know what the network type is. See docs below on which types are available.
networkId number A custom ID that you fill in. This will be used to connect pairs to a specific network configuration. Can be anything you want to identify the configuration
rpc string The URL to the network's RPC
wssRpc string/undefined The URL to the websocket RPC, is required by some modules (not for price pushing)
blockFetchingInterval number/undefined Interval in ms on when to fetch the latest block, default is 5000ms


Key Type Description
type "evm" Lets the node know this is an EVM type chain
privateKeyEnvKey string The name of the env variable where the private key is stored. (can be set in the .env file)
chainId number The chain id of the EVM chain. (1 = Ethereum)


    "networks": [
            "type": "evm",
            "networkId": 133,
            "privateKeyEnvKey": "EVM_PRIVATE_KEY",
            "chainId": 1313161554,
            "rpc": ""


accessing / generating NEAR private keys

There are multiple ways to go about this. The simplest method would be to create or sign in to, a NEAR account using the near web wallet. And then calling NEAR_ENV={NETWORK} near login and following the steps provided by the CLI. This will generate access keys in ~/.near-credentials/{NETWORK}/{MY_ACCOUNT}.near.json which can then be copied into any environment. We would also recommend for you to check out batching of transactions, this makes pushing data on chain be done 1 transaction instead of multiple saving you gas. See Batching for more information.


Key Type Description
type "near" Lets the node know this is an EVM type chain
credentialsStorePathEnvKey string The name of the env variable where the credentials are stored. Not required if you are using privateKeyEnvKey
privateKeyEnvKey string The name of the env variable where the private key is stored (can be set in the .env file). Not required if you are using credentialsStorePathEnvKey
networkType string Whether this network is "testnet" or "mainnet"
accountId string The accountId coupled with the privateKey/credentials
maxGas string/undefined The maximum amount of gas that should be used by a transaction. Default is 300Tgas


    "networks": [
            "type": "near",
            "networkId": 122,
            "networkType": "testnet",
            "credentialsStorePathEnvKey": "NEAR_CREDENTIALS_STORE_PATH",
            "rpc": "",
            "accountId": "franklinwaller2.testnet"


The first party oracle works in modules which allow for extendability of the node. This is configured in the "modules" section (root of the config.json)

    "modules": [
            // Module config here
            // Module config here


Pushes data to a smart contract (for example price feeds)

Key Type Description
type "PushPairModule" Used to identify what type of module this is
networkId number The id of the network in your "networks" configuration.
contractAddress Which address to post the answers to. See below for addresses on NEAR (EVM requires a new contract deployment for each pair)
interval number Interval between updates in ms.
pairs Pair[] An array of Pairs, If the networkId is coupled to an EVM network this can only be 1 pair. NEAR allows for multiple pairs and batches them together in 1 transaction, we recommend a max of 20 pairs
pairsType string Contract type being used by pairs, either "single", "factory" or "factory2" (uses FluxPriceFeedFactory EVM contract), default is "single".

Note: For using the latest FluxPriceFeedFactory (version 2.0.0), the key pairsType should be set to factory2.

contract addresses for NEAR

Network Contract address
testnet fpo3.franklinwaller2.testnet
mainnet fpo-v1.fluxoracle.near


Pairs include information for a specific pair such as which sources to fetch from, how often and where to post them.

Key Type Description
pair string Info about the pair. Should be something like "ETH / USD". This info will also be posted on chain depending on the network.
sources Source[] An array of sources. More on that below.
decimals number Amount of decimals the price has.


Information containing where to fetch data. Uses the jsonpath-rust package for finding values using keys.

Key Type Description
source_path string Path to the number value. Uses jsonpath-rust for finding values.
end_point string The URL to a JSON API
multiplier string / undefined The result value will be multiplied against this value. Can be useful to normalize decimals. Defaults to not being used.
http_method string HTTP Method (GET, POST, etc)
http_body string Body to sent along http request
http_headers { [key: string]: string } Key -> Value pair of headers to attach to the request


    "modules": [
            "networkId": 122,
            "contractAddress": "fpo3.franklinwaller2.testnet",
            "pairs": [
                    "pair": "ETH/USD_SOME_TEST",
                    "decimals": 6,
                    "sources": [
                            "source_path": "market_data.current_price.usd",
                            "end_point": ""
            "interval": 60000,
            "type": "PushPairModule"


The LayerZeroModule is only used by LayerZero, it allows for submitting block headers from one chain to another chain. For this module the wssRpc is required for EVM chains.

Key Type Description
type "PushPairModule" Used to identify what type of module this is
networkId number The id of the network in your "networks" configuration. This is also the endpoint id defined by LayerZero, so make sure they match
oracleContractAddress string The address of the LayerZero Oracle


The BalanceCheckerModule is used for checking that account balances have more funds than a user-defined threshold. An error will be logged if an account has insufficient funds.

Key Type Description
type "BalanceCheckerModule" Used to identify what type of module this is
networkId number The id of the network in your "networks" configuration
accounts string[] A list of account identifiers to be checked
threshold string The amount below which the check will print an error (big number including decimals)
interval number Interval between updates in ms