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Felix Krause edited this page Nov 10, 2013 · 6 revisions

Overview of the OpenCLAda binding

This page is obsolete and does not represent the current API correctly. I plan to update the documentation and load it up to Meanwhile, have a look at the test code, it shows how to use the current API.


OpenCLAda is a thick binding, that is to say, it doesn't just provide the raw C functions in Ada syntax. The major features OpenCLAda adds to the C API are:

  • Object orientation
  • A class hierarchy of the OpenCL object types
  • Automatic reference counting with Controlled types
  • Type safety (obviously, as it's Ada)
  • Getter functions for every property of an object instead of one generic function for retrieving all properties


Here's an UML diagram showing the class hierarchy and package organisation of OpenCLAda:

OpenCLAda class diagram


OpenCLAda currently includes most functions of OpenCL 1.0. It does not include support for any extensions; however, I plan to implement the OpenGL interfacing extension. I currently have no plans for implementing other extensions.

Differences to the C API

Object Orientation

OpenCLAda encapsulates the OpenCL object types in an object-oriented class hierarchy (which is code-wise non-existent in the C API). The class hierarchy is depicted above.

The CL_Object class provides a "=" operator with the usual semantics. Only Platform and Device are derived directly from CL_Object because these are not user-generated run-time objects. All other objects derive from Runtime_Object. All CL_Object variables are references to OpenCL objects; that is to say, if you assign an CL_Object value from one to another variable, they both will point to the same OpenCL object.

Runtime_Object implements the Adjust and Finalize procedures from Ada.Finalization.Controlled (which is the parent of CL_Object). These procedures take care of memory management via the reference counting mechanism provided by OpenCL. While Runtime_Object provides a function Reference_Count to get the current reference count value, the user doesn't have to take care of deallocating objects he doesn't use anymore - they will be deallocated automatically as soon as the last variable referencing the object reaches its end of life.

As the user does not need to initialize a Runtime_Object at declaration, it provides an Initialized function. If this returns false, the variable does not reference an OpenCL object. Using an uninitialized Runtime_Object with the API will result in an exception.


OpenCL does have quite a few error codes. These are translated into exceptions in OpenCLAda. A lot of erroneous calls to the OpenCL API that result in error codes are prevented by OpenCLAda because of its higher level interface, but of course there is still a lot of stuff the user can do wrong.


Everywhere the C API uses void pointers, OpenCLAda provides generic functions or packages. Take for example this function:

extern CL_API_ENTRY cl_int CL_API_CALL
clSetKernelArg(cl_kernel    /* kernel */,
               cl_uint      /* arg_index */,
               size_t       /* arg_size */,
               const void * /* arg_value */) CL_API_SUFFIX__VERSION_1_0;

The corresponding procedure in OpenCLAda looks like this:

   type Argument_Type is private;
   Argument_Index : UInt;
procedure Set_Kernel_Argument (Target : Kernel; Value : Argument_Type);

Getter Functions

The C API provides one property getter function for every OpenCL object, like this:

extern CL_API_ENTRY cl_int CL_API_CALL 
clGetPlatformInfo(cl_platform_id   /* platform */, 
                  cl_platform_info /* param_name */,
                  size_t           /* param_value_size */, 
                  void *           /* param_value */,
                  size_t *         /* param_value_size_ret */) CL_API_SUFFIX__VERSION_1_0;

OpenCLAda instead provides one getter function per property, eg:

function Profile    (Source : Platform) return String;
function Version    (Source : Platform) return String;

Enumerations and Bit Vectors

OpenCL does provide quite a lot of constants. A good part of them are used for the generic property getter functions, so they are hidden in the OpenCLAda backend in favor of specific property getters. The other C constants fall in two categories:

  • Constants used as enumeration values. Those are translated into enumeration types in OpenCLAda.
  • Constants used for bit vectors. Those are translated into record types with Boolean fields representing the corresponding bit vector.

A special case is the cl_memory_flags bit vector. It has the following structure:

type Bits58 is mod 2 ** 58;
type Memory_Flags is
      Read_Write     : Boolean := False;
      Write_Only     : Boolean := False;
      Read_Only      : Boolean := False;
      Use_Host_Ptr   : Boolean := False;
      Alloc_Host_Ptr : Boolean := False;
      Copy_Host_Ptr  : Boolean := False;
      Reserved       : Bits58  := 0;
   end record;

Because quite some of these flags are mutually exclusive, the record type is not visible for the user of OpenCLAda. Instead, a type Access_Kind together with additional Boolean function parameters is used where needed:

type Access_Kind is (Read_Only, Write_Only, Read_Write);
function Create_Buffer (Context         : Contexts.Context;
                        Mode            : Access_Kind;
                        Size            : CL.Size;
                        Use_Host_Memory : Boolean := False) return Buffer;

Vector Types

OpenCLAda provides that standard vector types of OpenCL; named Typen, where Type is any of {Char, Short, Int, Long, UChar, UShort, UInt, ULong, Float} and n is any of {2, 3, 4, 8, 16}. Basic arithmetic operations on these vector types are available in the generic package CL.Vector_Operations. You have to instantiate it for each type you want to use with it, eg:

package Int2_Operations is new CL.Vector_Operations
   (CL.Int, CL."+", CL."-", CL."*", CL."/", CL."<", Range2, CL.Int2);

You do not need to explicitly specify the operations on CL.Int if they are directly visible.