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[A] deploy
[A] deploy
request GitHub Action to deploy
[#] api
[#] api
changes to library's api
[@] blocked
[@] blocked
progress is blocked by other issue
[#] ci/cd
[#] ci/cd
changes to CI/CD configuration
[#] deps
[#] deps
changes to package dependencies
[#] doc
[#] doc
changes to documentation
[@] help wanted
[@] help wanted
team or community help is wanted on the issue
[@] on hold
[@] on hold
development is on hold until further notice
[P] critical
[P] critical
critical issue, immediate fix is required
[P] high
[P] high
high priority issue
[P] low
[P] low
low priority issue
[P] medium
[P] medium
medium priority issue
[P] release
[P] release
required by upcoming release
[@] require feedback
[@] require feedback
the feedback from author is required
[@] review
[@] review
the issue is under the review
[#] s3
[#] s3
changes to s3 adapter
[#] stream
[#] stream
[T] bug
[T] bug
the bug report
[T] enabler
[T] enabler
enabler activities
[T] epic
[T] epic
the epic
[T] feature
[T] feature
the feature, enabler epic or other tech activity
[T] resilience
[T] resilience
resilience concerns within the software
[T] security
[T] security
security issues or concerns within the software
[T] user story
[T] user story
user story
[@] wontfix
[@] wontfix
the issue would not be resolved due to the reason