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cl-skunk is a very simple document management 'system' build on top of cl-mongo. It's underlying peristsence framework is mongodb. It's goal is to allow you to manage documents relatively painlessly.


cl-skunk is asdf installable and it's been tested on sbcl.


(defmethod collection ( (name string) &key (host "localhost") (port cl-mongo::+MONGO-PORT+))

This initializes a collection with the specified name. The collection is stored in a mongodb instance specified by the port and host parameters. A seperate connection is established for each collection you create. The name of the connetion is 'skunk.'. You can view the connections using (cl-mongo::show :connections). The collection object is relatively opaque; Use 'with-collection' macro or 'map-skunk' to work with a collection.

(defgeneric teardown (collection) )

Terminates the connection to the mongodb instance.

(defmacro with-collection (collection docdef &rest args)

  • collection : name of the collection.
  • docdef : defines the operations on the collection.
  • args : list of the document specifications.


'with-collection' updates a collection in the 'skunk' database. It will use the session parameters established when the 'collection' constructor was invoked. Otherwise it'll use a server running on the local host connected to the local port.

This collection is accessible using the cl-mongo api calls as well.


docdef specifies how the documents should be managed.

initializing collections
  • () : creates one new document.
  • (n) : creates n new documents; () == (1)
  • (:id) : creates one new document and uses the "_id" supplied by the user as it's unique id.

The document specification is applied to each new instance, if there's more than one.

updating collections

There are various ways to select existing documents in the collection to apply the document specifiers to.

  • (:all) : all documents.
  • (:key key) : all documents with this key.
  • (key value) : all documents with this key and value.
combing docdefs

docdefs can be combined in a list. So ( (1) (:all) ) would create new document and process all existing ones. Note that ( () :all) will not work.

document definitions : updates and deletes

A document definition specifies keys and value pairs as consecutive lists. Multiple documents are specified as conses of single document specifiers.

The value for each matching key is updated with the value found in the document specification. If the value is nil the key is deleted from the document.

(defgeneric map-skunk (fn coll) )

map-skunk will iterate fn over all (key,value) pairs of the documents in the collection. fn is a function taking key and value as arguments. The "_id" key is always the first to be passed in and hence signals the start of a new document.


single new document

(with-collection "examples" () 
    ("title" "The Title")
    ("body"   "The Body of the document") 
    ("def"    "some sort of definition ?"))

(db.use "skunk")
CL-USER> (pp (db.find "examples" :all))

  "_id" -> objectid(2DC8664CC9A74AA7A4C98839)
  "def"  ->  some sort of definition ?
  "body"  ->  The Body of the document
  "title"  ->  The Title

change all documents

(with-collection "examples" (:all) 
      ("title" "title 45")
      ("body"  "body 45") 
      ("def"   "def 45")
      ("ts2"   4567889) )

      CL-USER> (pp (db.find "examples" :all))

       "_id" -> objectid(2DC8664CC9A74AA7A4C98839)
       "ts2"  ->  4567889
       "title"  ->  title 45
       "body"  ->  body 45
       "def"  ->  def 45

combine docdef operations

Note that "ts2" has a nil key value and will be deleted from the existing document (and obviously won't be part of the new document either. Note that ( () :all) will not work.

(with-collection "examples" ( (1) (:all) )
    ("title" "title 83")
    ("body"  "new body of text. ") 
    ("def"   "a new definition")
    ("ts2"   nil) )

 CL-USER> (pp (db.find "examples" :all))

 "_id" -> objectid(2DC8664CC9A74AA7A4C98839)
 "def"  ->  a new definition
 "body"  ->  new body of text. 
 "title"  ->  title 83

 "_id" -> objectid(6ADE6C25468F4B9B83D9D252)
 "def"  ->  a new definition
 "body"  ->  new body of text. 
 "title"  ->  title 83

selecting documents with the :key keyword.

This adds the key "ts2" back into all documents whih have the keyword "title".

CL-USER> (with-collection "examples" (:key "title") ("ts2"   4567889) )

CL-USER> (pp (db.find "examples" :all))

 "_id" -> objectid(2DC8664CC9A74AA7A4C98839)
 "ts2"  ->  4567889
 "title"  ->  title 83
 "body"  ->  new body of text. 
"def"  ->  a new definition

 "_id" -> objectid(6ADE6C25468F4B9B83D9D252)
 "ts2"  ->  4567889
 "title"  ->  title 83
 "body"  ->  new body of text. 
 "def"  ->  a new definition


document management build on top of cl-mongo







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