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Software development toolkit for forbitswap on the Aptos network

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forbitswap v1 Protocol SDK


yarn add "@forbitswapamm/sdk"

Usage Example

Init SDK

import { SDK } from "@forbitswapamm/sdk"

const sdk = new SDK("", NetworkType.Devnet)

Is pair exist

;(async () => {
	const APTOS = "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"
	const BTC = "0x3da41ea4c78d23d16966064bbe5dba40263a65200dc96973a673c66c4f999999::SpaceCoin::BTC"

	const output = await sdk.swap.isPairExist(APTOS, BTC)

Add liquidity rate calculation and tx payload.

If pair not exists, tx will create pair first

;(async () => {
	const APTOS = "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"
	const BTC = "0x3da41ea4c78d23d16966064bbe5dba40263a65200dc96973a673c66c4f999999::SpaceCoin::BTC"

	const isPairExist = await sdk.swap.isPairExist(APTOS, BTC)

	if (isPairExist) {
		// Add liqudity with a given rate
		const amountIn = 1e8
		const output = await sdk.swap.addLiquidityRates({
			coinX: APTOS,
			coinY: BTC,
			fixedCoin: "X", // 'X' | 'Y'
			amount: amountIn, // fixedCoin amount

      output type:
        amount: Decimal
        coinXDivCoinY: Decimal
        coinYDivCoinX: Decimal
        shareOfPool: Decimal

		const txPayload = sdk.swap.addLiquidityPayload({
			coinX: APTOS,
			coinY: BTC,
			amountX: amountIn,
			amountY: output.amount,
			slippage: 0.05, // 5%

      output type: tx payload
	} else {
		// Create pair and add initial liquidity
		const txPayload = sdk.swap.addLiquidityPayload({
			coinX: APTOS,
			coinY: BTC,
			amountX: 1e8, // any amount you want
			amountY: 1e7, // any amount you want
			slippage: 0.05, // 5%

      output type: tx payload

Remove liquidity rate calculation and tx payload for existed pairs

;(async () => {
	const APTOS = "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"
	const BTC = "0x3da41ea4c78d23d16966064bbe5dba40263a65200dc96973a673c66c4f999999::SpaceCoin::BTC"
	const lpAmount = 1e6

	const output = await sdk.swap.removeLiquidityRates({
		coinX: APTOS,
		coinY: BTC,
		amount: lpAmount, // lp amount

    output type:
      amountX: Decimal
      amountY: Decimal

	const txPayload = sdk.swap.removeLiquidityPayload({
		coinX: APTOS,
		coinY: BTC,
		amount: lpAmount,
		amountXDesired: output.amountX,
		amountYDesired: output.amountY,
		slippage: 0.05, // 5%
		deadline: 30, // 30 seconds

    output type: tx payload

Swap (exact in) rate calculation and tx payload.

Swap exact coin to coin mode

;(async () => {
	const APTOS = "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"
	const BTC = "0x3da41ea4c78d23d16966064bbe5dba40263a65200dc96973a673c66c4f999999::SpaceCoin::BTC"
	const aptosAmount = 1e6

	const trades = await sdk.route.getRouteSwapExactCoinForCoin({
		fromCoin: APTOS,
		toCoin: BTC,
		amount: aptosAmount,
	if (trades.length == 0) throw "No route error"
	const bestTrade = trades[0]
    bestTrade type:
      coinPairList: LiquidityPoolResource[]
      amountList: string[]
      coinTypeList: string[]
      priceImpact: Decimal

	const output = sdk.route.swapExactCoinForCoinPayload({
		trade: bestTrade,
		slippage: 0.05, // 5%

    output type: tx payload

Swap (exact out) rate calculation and tx payload.

Swap coin to exact coin mode

;(async () => {
	const APTOS = "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"
	const BTC = "0x3da41ea4c78d23d16966064bbe5dba40263a65200dc96973a673c66c4f999999::SpaceCoin::BTC"
	const btcAmount = 1e6

	const trades = await sdk.route.getRouteSwapCoinForExactCoin({
		fromCoin: APTOS,
		toCoin: BTC,
		amount: btcAmount,
	if (trades.length == 0) throw "No route error"
	const bestTrade = trades[0]
    bestTrade type:
      coinPairList: LiquidityPoolResource[]
      amountList: string[]
      coinTypeList: string[]
      priceImpact: Decimal

	const output = sdk.route.swapCoinForExactCoinPayload({
		trade: bestTrade,
		slippage: 0.05, // 5%

    output type: tx payload

Get all LPCoin by address

;(async () => {
	const queryAddress = "0xfo11b11"
	const output = await sdk.swap.getAllLPCoinResourcesByAddress(queryAddress)

    output type:
      coinX: AptosResourceType
      coinY: AptosResourceType
      lpCoin: AptosResourceType
      value: string

Get LPCoin amount

;(async () => {
	const APTOS = "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"
	const BTC = "0x3da41ea4c78d23d16966064bbe5dba40263a65200dc96973a673c66c4f999999::SpaceCoin::BTC"
	const queryAddress = "0xfo11b11"

	const output = await sdk.swap.getLPCoinAmount({
		address: queryAddress,
		coinX: APTOS,
		coinY: BTC,

    output type:
      coinX: AptosResourceType
      coinY: AptosResourceType
      lpCoin: AptosResourceType
      value: string

Get LPCoin apr

;(async () => {
	const APTOS = "0x1::aptos_coin::AptosCoin"
	const BTC = "0x3da41ea4c78d23d16966064bbe5dba40263a65200dc96973a673c66c4f999999::SpaceCoin::BTC"

	const output = await sdk.swap.getLPCoinAPY({
		coinX: APTOS,
		coinY: BTC,

    output type:
      apr: Decimal
      windowSeconds: Decimal


Software development toolkit for forbitswap on the Aptos network






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