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Releases: forcedotcom/Analytics-Cloud-Dataset-Utils


11 May 19:41
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Upgraded SFDC SOAP/REST API 56.0.0.
For windows Download the .zip and use the .bat file to start the app
Use the jar file for the command line.
The readme file has install and operation instructions


11 May 16:52
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Upgraded SFDC SOAP/REST API 56.0.0.
For windows Download the .zip and use the .bat file to start the app
Use the jar file for the command line.
The readme file has install and operation instructions


25 May 04:40
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Supporting library versions have been updated incl Maven . Other changes:

  1. SFDC SOAP/REST API 48.1.0.
  2. CLI: fixes Upload User XMD and download System XMD. Removed non working and out of date features such as define augment dataflow and define extract flow.
  3. Robustness improvements on large scale data uploads.
  4. Loosened strict field name length and naming error checks.

For Mac download the .dmg file
For windows Download the .zip and use the .bat file to start the app
Use the jar file for the command line.
The readme file has install and operation instructions


16 Jan 22:00
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Re-activated DatasetUtils upgraded to API 47. Significant change is that this release has been compiled on Zulu Open JDK ver 11. Supporting library versions have been updated. Other changes:

  1. Dataflow start is fixed and uses public API.
  2. Update XMD has been removed from Web App given significant changes in the EA User interface XMD management.

For Mac download the .dmg file
For windows Download the .zip and use the .bat file to start the app
Use the jar file for the command line.
The readme file has install and operation instructions


14 Feb 21:49
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Maintenance release to prevent dataset utils from failing when the dataset XMD private API is deprecated. It does not address any other reported issues or feature requests. Changes:
-Updated XMD references to point to public API


05 Oct 18:42
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  • Enhancements
  1. User can now search for a dataset in the dataset list page.
  2. Dataset list page only returns first 500 datasets in an Org.
  3. Dataset list page includes current and non-current datasets. non-current datasets cannot be queried.

For command line download the jar file and refer to the readme
For Mac download the .dmg file
For windows Download the .zip and use the .bat file to start the app


28 Sep 05:55
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  • Bug Fixes
  1. To prevent any user script from running in the browser, encoded user specified values before using in append().html() in JavaScript code. If you use the UI then its recommended you upgrade to this version. Command line users don't have to worry about JavaScript issues.

For command line download the jar file and refer to the readme
For Mac download the .dmg file
For windows Download the .zip and use the .bat file to start the app


21 Sep 06:43
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  • Bug Fixes
  1. Data preview: Private Dataset API was not returning all files, causing dataset not found error. Switched API use to fix this bug.
  2. Data preview: SAQL queries were not showing actual error, just http 500 response. Fixed code to correctly show SAQL errors.
  3. Data preview: was generating SAQL with column projections with duplicate labels (XMD had duplicate labels) Now the generated SAQL uses unique column names and applies labels in UI.
  4. Removed use of eval and append().html() from javascript code
  • Enhancements
  1. Added Last Accessed column to the dataset list page.
  2. Added dataset count to the header of dataset list page.

For command line download the jar file and refer to the readme
For Mac download the .dmg file
For windows Download the .zip and use the .bat file to start the app


26 Jul 01:24
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This is major release and has a lot of new features, with lots of changes comes the risk of regressions. It is recommended that you use caution before downloading and using it in your production loads. If your earlier version is running fine with no issues, then wait for a few patch releases (37.0.3 or higher) before upgrading to version 37.X

Note: This release requires JVM version 8 or higher.

Please read the pdf for all new features and bug fixes in this release

For command line download the jar file and refer to the readme
For Mac download the .dmg file
For windows Download the .zip and use the .bat file to start the app


21 Jul 22:09
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  • Now create a file listener to automatically upload files after they are saved in a directory
  • Now you can specify order for executing multiple data flows in a schedule
  • "Run now" for data flows
  • Mac app for running datasetutils


  • Bug fixes for scheduler job match
  • Bug fix for connection retry
  • Numerous fit and finish bugs for UI