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Einstein Bot OpenAPI Codegen Maven Plugin


This is an extension to the openapi-generator-maven-plugin that customizes it for Einstein bot schema specific features like polymorphic types:

  • Supports model class generation and serialization for polymorphic types like anyOf
  • Uses Jackson for JSON serialization and Spring Webclient for HTTP Client library.


This generator is used by the Einstein Bot API SDK and you should use the SDK.

However, if you want to use your own custom configuration or want to use different HTTP Client library, you can add plugin to your pom.xml to generate code at build time.

Here is example usage in your pom.xml


Developer Guide

Code Style

The project uses the Google Java Style Guide. Format settings definition files for importing into IDEs are available for Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA.

Updating the library


The first two fields in the version number match the major / minor version of the base OpenAPI generator. The last field is incremented for our own versioning.


pojo.mustache file in the src/main/resources/einsteinbot/Java directory override the default OpenAPI templates. The remaining templates are copied into the same path at compile time (see pom.xml) .

When updating the OpenAPI generator version, you need to update the template pojo.mustache as well. The directory contains the original pre-modified version of the templates to make it easier to re-apply the changes necessary in the template.

You can get the pojo.mustache template for the version you are upgrading by downloading source code from releases page

As of version 5.4.0, you will need to replace:



{{^vendorExtensions.x-implements}}{{#polymorphicInterface}} implements {{polymorphicInterface}} {{/polymorphicInterface}}{{/vendorExtensions.x-implements}} {{#vendorExtensions.x-implements}}

on the line that starts with public class {{classname}}