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Creating Eclipse plugins release zip file

Anton Kolesov edited this page Dec 4, 2015 · 7 revisions

Following is an guide how to create distributable release file for Eclipse for GNU Toolchain for ARC.

  1. Create tag for release: $ git tag arc-2014.12

  2. Clean all past artifacts: $ git clean -dfx

  3. Ensure that no files are modified: $ git reset --hard HEAD

  4. Start Eclipse

  5. Build plugins. That is important, because even when it is not done, "publishing step" will somehow succeed, but will produce plugins that are only partially functional.

    1. Make sure that "Project / Build Automatically" is checked
    2. Go to "Project / Clean"
    3. Check "Clean all projects"
    4. Press OK button
  6. Open site.xml file of "ARC GNU Eclipse Update Site"

  7. Press "Build All"

  8. Zip contents of "updatesite" folder. Note that contents of this folder should be zipped, not the folder itself. Files .gitignore and .project should be excluded from zip:

     zip -r artifacts.jar content.jar features/ plugins/ site.xml