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GSOC 2016 Milestone 2

Closed May 31, 2016 100% complete

GSOC 2016 Milestone 2 - All issues to be completed by 29th May 2016.


  1. Create issues to work on.
  2. Assign the issue to the milestone.
  3. Assign the issue to a user (yourself)

Completed Milestone:

  1. Create a blog post describing what has been done
  2. Tag a release
  3. Deployment

GSOC 2016 Milestone 2 - All issues to be completed by 29th May 2016.


  1. Create issues to work on.
  2. Assign the issue to the milestone.
  3. Assign the issue to a user (yourself)

Completed Milestone:

  1. Create a blog post describing what has been done
  2. Tag a release
  3. Deployment

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.