The repository includes the development version of R package LFApp
The LFA shiny apps include in package LFApp consist of four modular Shiny applications:
(1) LFA App core for image acquisition, editing, region of interest definition via gridding, background correction with multiple available methods, as well as intensity data extraction of the pre-defined bands of the analysed LFAs. More precisely, it consists of Tab 1, Tab 2 and parts of Tab 3 described in detail below.
(2) LFA App calibration extends the LFA App core by methods for merging the intensity data with information from experiments, computation of calibration models and the generation of a report about the calibration analysis. The functionality corresponds to the Tabs 1-6 described below.
(3) LFA App quantification enables quantification of the extracted intensity values via loading existing calibration models. It extends the LFA App core by Tab 7 described below.
(4) LFA App analysis includes the full functionality mentioned above and enables full analysis in one application. That is, it consists of Tab 1-7.
The graphical user interface of the apps is built in a modular way divided into several tabs, where each tab represents a specific step of the workflow. While the applications can be used in a sequential fashion, the specific steps can also be carried out individually.
Our apps can also be tested on The desktop version of our full purpose analysis app is at
The mobile version is at
The package requires Bioconductor package EBImage, which should be installed first via
## Install package BiocManager
if(!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
## Use BiocManager to install EBImage
BiocManager::install("EBImage", update = FALSE)
For generating our vignette and automatic reports, we need packages knitr and rmarkdown, which will be installed next.
## Install package knitr
if(!requireNamespace("knitr", quietly = TRUE))
## Install package rmarkdown
if(!requireNamespace("rmarkdown", quietly = TRUE))
Finally, one can install package LFApp, where all remaining dependencies will be installed automatically.
## Install package LFApp
remotes::install_github("fpaskali/LFApp", build_vignette=TRUE)
LFApp consist of four different shiny apps where there is a desktop and a mobile version for each app. They can be started with one of the following commands:
## desktop versions
## LFA App core
## LFA App quantification
## LFA App calibration
## LFA App full analysis
## mobile versions
## LFA App core
## LFA App quantification
## LFA App calibration
## LFA App full analysis
A comprehensive user's guide is included in our package in form of a so-called vignette and can be opened via
You can also find it at
There is a playlist at