Color library for Haxe. Supports the following color spaces:
- Lab (AKA Lab)
- Luv (or LUV)
- Cmy
- Cmyk
- CubeHelix
- Grey
- Hsl(a)
- Hsv(a) (AKA HSB)
- HunterLab
- Rgb(a)
- Rgbx(a) (an high resolution version of RGB)
- Temperature
- Xyz
- Yuv
- Yxy
With conversion from/to any color space (notice that you can lose some information in the conversion).
API uses abstracts to make it easy to create colors from strings and numbers.
var rgb : Rgb = "#cf8700";
Some examples from Demo.
var left : Hsl = 'hsl(0,100%,0%)',
right : Hsl = 'hsl(359.99,100%,0%)';
return function(x : Float, y : Float) : Rgb {
return left.interpolate(right, x).lighter(y);
var left : Hsv = 'hsv(160deg,100%,63%)',
right : Hsv = 'hsv(345deg,88%,77%)';
return function(t : Float) : Rgb
return (left : Hsv).interpolate(right, t);
var left : Rgb = '#0000ff';
return left.lighter;
var columns = 5,
colors = Color.names.keys().toArray().filter(function(n) return n.indexOf(' ') < 0),
cellw = w / columns,
cellh = h / Math.ceil(colors.length / columns);
ctx.textAlign = "center";
ctx.textBaseline = "middle";
ctx.font = '${Math.round(cellh*0.4)}px Verdana, sans-serif';
colors.mapi(function(name, i) {
var col = i % columns,
row = Math.floor(i / columns),
color = Color.names.get(name);
ctx.fillStyle = color.toString();
ctx.fillRect(col * cellw, row * cellh, cellw, cellh);
ctx.fillStyle = color.toRgbx()
Math.round(col * cellw + cellw / 2) + 0.5,
Math.round(row * cellh + cellh / 2) + 0.5,
To run Demo, you need nodejs
and the Canvas library (npm install canvas
Note: API might still change before version 1.
From the command line just type:
haxelib install thx.color
To use the dev
version do:
haxelib git thx.color