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Strip down fuzz test code and simplify.
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Genetic algorithm stuff is unnecessary now that the bit stream reader
bug has been fixed. Just generate a block of random data and feed it
into the decompressor.
  • Loading branch information
fragglet committed Apr 9, 2012
1 parent 2d6573a commit ab82546
Showing 1 changed file with 29 additions and 175 deletions.
204 changes: 29 additions & 175 deletions test/fuzzer.c

// Fuzz testing system for stress-testing the decompressors.
// This works by repeatedly generating new random streams of
// data and feeding them to the decompressor. This on its own
// works for the majority of decompressors (-lh1-, -lh5-, etc.)
// Some decompressors (eg -pm2-) are more particular about
// input checking, and will fail if given random data. To
// cope with these, a genetic algorithm is used to generate
// progressively longer valid input streams.
// data and feeding them to the decompressor.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include "lha_decoder.h"

// Maximum signature length before stopping.
// Maximum amount of data to read before stopping.

#define MAX_FUZZ_LEN 2000000
#define MAX_FUZZ_LEN (2 * 1024 * 1024)

typedef struct {
uint8_t *data;
unsigned int data_len;
} FuzzSignature;

typedef struct {
FuzzSignature *signature;
size_t data_len;
unsigned int read;
unsigned int max_len;
} ReadCallbackData;

// Contents of "canary buffer" that is put around allocated blocks to
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -113,117 +102,23 @@ static void fuzz_block(uint8_t *data, unsigned int data_len)

// Create an empty signature.

static FuzzSignature *empty_signature(void)
FuzzSignature *result;

result = malloc(sizeof(FuzzSignature));
assert(result != NULL);
result->data = NULL;
result->data_len = 0;

return result;

// Copy a signature to create a new one.

static FuzzSignature *dup_signature(FuzzSignature *signature)
FuzzSignature *result;

result = malloc(sizeof(FuzzSignature));
assert(result != NULL);
result->data = malloc(signature->data_len);
assert(result->data != NULL);
memcpy(result->data, signature->data, signature->data_len);
result->data_len = signature->data_len;

return result;

// Create a new "child" signature, derived from an existing
// signature with the last few bytes changed.

static FuzzSignature *child_signature(FuzzSignature *signature,
unsigned int nbytes)
FuzzSignature *child;

child = dup_signature(signature);

if (nbytes > child->data_len) {
nbytes = child->data_len;

fuzz_block(child->data + child->data_len - nbytes, nbytes);

return child;

// Free a signature.

static void free_signature(FuzzSignature *signature)
if (signature != NULL) {

// "Extend" a signature, adding some more random data to the end.

static void extend_signature(FuzzSignature *signature)
unsigned int new_len;

new_len = signature->data_len + 16;
signature->data = realloc(signature->data, new_len);
assert(signature->data != NULL);

fuzz_block(signature->data + signature->data_len, 16);
signature->data_len = new_len;

static void *init_decoder(LHADecoderType *dtype,
LHADecoderCallback read_callback,
void *callback_data)
void *result;

result = canary_malloc(dtype->extra_size);

assert(dtype->init(result, read_callback, callback_data));

return result;

// Callback function used to read more data from the signature being
// processed. If the end of the signature is reached, new data is
// randomly generated and the length of the signature extended.
// processed.

static size_t read_more_data(void *buf, size_t buf_len, void *user_data)
ReadCallbackData *cb_data = user_data;

// Limit how much input data is read, and return end of file
// when we hit the limit.
// Return end of file when we reach the end of the data.

if (cb_data->read >= cb_data->max_len) {
if (cb_data->read >= cb_data->data_len) {
return 0;

// If we reach the end of the signature, extend it.

if (cb_data->read >= cb_data->signature->data_len) {

// Only copy a single byte at a time. This allows us to
// accurately track how much of the signature is valid.

memcpy(buf, cb_data->signature->data + cb_data->read, 1);
memcpy(buf, cb_data->data + cb_data->read, 1);

return 1;
Expand All @@ -233,8 +128,8 @@ static size_t read_more_data(void *buf, size_t buf_len, void *user_data)
// of the specified type.

static unsigned int run_fuzz_test(LHADecoderType *dtype,
FuzzSignature *signature,
unsigned int max_len)
uint8_t *data,
size_t data_len)
ReadCallbackData cb_data;
uint8_t *read_buf;
Expand All @@ -243,11 +138,12 @@ static unsigned int run_fuzz_test(LHADecoderType *dtype,

// Init decoder.

cb_data.signature = signature; = data;
cb_data.data_len = data_len; = 0;
cb_data.max_len = max_len;

handle = init_decoder(dtype, read_more_data, &cb_data);
handle = canary_malloc(dtype->extra_size);
assert(dtype->init(handle, read_more_data, &cb_data));

// Create a buffer into which to decompress data.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -280,70 +176,28 @@ static unsigned int run_fuzz_test(LHADecoderType *dtype,

static void fuzz_test(LHADecoderType *dtype, unsigned int iterations,
unsigned int max_len)
static void fuzz_test(LHADecoderType *dtype, size_t data_len)
FuzzSignature *signature;
FuzzSignature *new_signature;
FuzzSignature *best;
unsigned int len;
unsigned int i;

signature = empty_signature();

for (; iterations > 0; --iterations) {
// Generate several new signatures, based on the current
// signature, but with the last few bytes changed.
// Then run each and see how far they get, cropping
// them at the number of bytes that are read. The best
// signature wins and becomes the new signature.

best = NULL;

for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
new_signature = child_signature(signature, 4);
len = run_fuzz_test(dtype, new_signature, max_len);
new_signature->data_len = len;

if (len > signature->data_len
&& (best == NULL || len > best->data_len)) {
best = new_signature;
} else {

if (len >= max_len) {
printf("\tReached limit.\n");
goto finished;
unsigned int count;
void *data;

// If one of the current signatures did better than
// the current signature, replace it.
// Generate a block of random data.

if (best != NULL) {
printf("\tNew signature: %i bytes\n", best->data_len);
data = malloc(data_len);
assert(data != NULL);
fuzz_block(data, data_len);

signature = best;
// Run the decoder with the data as input.

// If none of the new signatures succeeded, there may
// be something in the existing signature preventing
// us getting any further. Back up a bit and try again.
count = run_fuzz_test(dtype, data, data_len);

else {
printf("\tFailed to generate new signature.\n");
if (signature->data_len >= 16) {
signature->data_len -= 16;
if (count >= data_len) {
printf("\tTest complete (end of file)\n");
} else {
printf("\tTest complete (read %i bytes)\n", count);


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Expand All @@ -367,7 +221,7 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[])

for (i = 0; ; ++i) {
printf("Iteration %i:\n", i);
fuzz_test(dtype, 100, MAX_FUZZ_LEN);
fuzz_test(dtype, MAX_FUZZ_LEN);

return 0;
Expand Down

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