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My resume created in R with Pagedown

This repo has all the code and data to render my resume in R with pagedown package

The main files are:

  • update_resume.R : R script that renders the Rmarkdown document twice, once for HTML version and once for PDF version. This ensures both versions are always the same. (The current difference is HTML version has the download PDF button)
  • resume.Rmd: Source template for both the PDF and HTML versions, based on the YAML Paramater doctype
  • index.html: The final output of the template when the parameter doctype is set to HTML.
  • output/Frank-Zhang-CV.pdf: Result for PDF version.
  • resume_data.xlsx: An excel file with my work and skills data.
  • css/: Directory containing the custom CSS files used to tweak the default resume format from pagedown.

Shout out to Nick Strayer and Matt Leary. I heavily borrowed from their code and approach. See the original here and

Approach of setting under yourdomain/vitae

  1. The index.html should be your vitae html. It can be either self-contained or not.

  2. Add _redirects in your static folder if you are using Hugo

The _redirects should be a raw text file containing the following

/vitae              your-single-netlify-hosting-url              200

If your index.html is not self contained, you also need to set up redirect for static assets like CSS and images.

/index_files/*          your-single-netlify-hosting-url/index_files/:splat              200!
/styles_pdf.css          your-single-netlify-hosting-url/styles_pdf.css              200!
/custom_resume.css          your-single-netlify-hosting-url/custom_resume.css             200!
/styles_html.css          your-single-netlify-hosting-url/styles_html.css             200!


My resume created in R with Pagedown






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