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Installing and preparing JCS

Frans Jacobs edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 1 revision

Installing JCS

JCS is releases in 4 formats:

  • a Mac OS App
  • a Windows App
  • a Linux App
  • a Runnable jar file which contains all dependencies


An installed Java Run Time executable. JCS is developed using the Temurin Open Jdk Some screenshots of the installation are shown here:.

Preparing JCS for the first Run

Before you can use JCS a few settings have to be configured. One of the first thing JCS does is creating a database for all its internal settings. This database is created on the first run when JCS does not see any database file. The default file location is always $HOME\jcs (or C:\Users<username> in windows) The Java system variable user.home is used to locate this directory.

Download the released binary file for your OS (Available for Windows, Mac and Linux and as universal runnable jar file). Unzip this file in a directory of your choice (I would use the home directory). The structure should look like this:


First run

Start the executable jcs (or jcs.exe in Windows). On startup s splash screen is shown. In the bottom of the splash screen some progress information is displayed


JCS will ,by default, try to connect to a Marklin Central Station. Don't worry if you do not have one, once JCS has started you can change this. In Windows you will get a security warning, like so:

jcs-install-Windows-beveiligingsmelding Allow the use of the network.

Prepare for use with DCC-EX

When JCS is Started for the first time some file for the internal database are created in the $HOME\jcs directory like so:

JCS should now be showing the Main screen


To configure DCC-EX click on the cog wheel in the tool bar

In the top a Combo box with Command Stations is shown. Currently supported are:

  • Marklin CS 2/3
  • DCC-EX
  • HSI S88

Choose the DCC-EX thick the Enable and Default check boxes


Select the connection type, Serial or Network. When you choose Network fill in the IP Address. When you choose Serial, connect the DCC-EX with the USB port and click on the refresh button.


The List of serial ports is refreshed, choose the port which is connected with your DCC-EX Command Station.

Feedback Interface

JCS currently does not yet support native DCC-EX feedback. Hence you need an extra feedback interface. For this the HSI-S88 is supported. In the Command Station Combo box select the HSI-S88. Thick the Enable Checkbox. Notice: NOT the Default!


Connect you HSI interface and refresh the serial ports. Choose the serial port the HSI is connected to.